
So, Drury had Rockhurst twisted all day and @VaughtLexie did a great impression of the Hawks after losing her shoe. pic.twitter.com/ECLh39wX3n

— Ozarks Sports Zone (@OzarksOzone) January 22, 2017

Current estimates indicate that over 4.6 million Americans took to the streets this weekend for the historic demonstration known as the Women’s March. That is a mind-bending 1 in 100 Americans showing solidarity on a number of social and political issues, namely female-centric. Unfortunately, any and all progress made this weekend was wiped away in 20 seconds by this Division II women’s college basketball player who reinforced the tired stereotype about women’s sports. I will not repeat the underlying message of that stereotype in fear of my aunt posting a long-winded Facebook post on my wall about me being a misogynist, but Auntie Denise, don’t point the finger at me. I’m not the one who slid all over the court like fucking infant Bambi trying to cross the frozen pond. And Auntie, to ease your mind, I am in full support of the record-setting demonstration and I thought the organized, non-violent congregation of women and men alike was empowering and morally uplifting. I even liked a few Instagram posts of clever signs and likes are more valuable than money in modern times, no big deal. But Jesus Christ, women’s basketball is as good of a product as a taint-flavored lollipop.i

[h/t Barstool]

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