
Joseph Hoban writes:

RTÉ is to host an international conference on mobile journalism, in association with event partner Vodafone. The RTÉ International Mobile Journalism Conference will be the first such conference dedicated to mobile journalism, filmmaking, photography and storytelling. The event will take place in the National Convention Centre on March 27 and 28….

RTÉ MojoCon Ireland is aimed at journalists from print, radio, online and tv, as well as PR professionals and media and journalism students. However the conference will also appeal to mobile photography enthusiasts, media executives, and any member of the public with an interest in mobile and social.

Run on a not-for-profit basis, and designed to be self-funding from ticket sales and moderate sponsorship, the event will feature speakers from around the globe, with high-profile names in the mobile content space already slated to appear.

Keynote speakers include Richard Sambrook (Professor of Journalism and Director of the Centre for Journalism at Cardiff School of Journalism), who will outline current trends in media consumption, viewership and creation; and Gerd Leonhard (futurist, author and founder of Green Futurists), who will present his insights into the future of media, including wearables, artificial intelligence, algorithmic narratives and more…


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