
British Dressage (BD) is excited to present its new Regional Development Officer for Wales, Vanessa Archer, who replaces Sue Harrison, recently promoted to the new role of Regional and Volunteer Manager. Based in Undy, near Newport, Vanessa starts in her new role today (Monday 15 February) looking after the 23 counties of Wales and the progression of dressage in the region.

Coming from an events management background, Vanessa fully understands running dressage competitions but isn’t from a horsey background herself. She commented; “Surprisingly, I'm not horsey but I love the equestrian industry, no two days are the same and there is always something to make you smile. I have loved watching riders progress at shows and sharing their achievement. Whether it be the qualifying score they have been striving for or a rosette memento to mark their success, it’s always rewarding to see a goal accomplished.”

Vanessa has been at Cricklands at The David Broome Event Centre, Wales’ busiest show centre, for the last ten years as Events Manager and Show Secretary. She was responsible for some 32 events over 56 show days each year, including Summer Regionals and the Welsh Dressage Championships and around 50 event staff.

However, the opportunity of joining the British Dressage team was one too good to pass up so Vanessa applied and is now looking forward to her new role; “I have loved organising and running shows at The David Broome Event Centre and I have been fortunate enough to work with some fantastic people. I am excited to start my new adventure with British Dressage and continue the hard work of Sue Harrison and the Regional Committee. The growth of dressage in Wales has been tremendous over the past ten years so my aim will be to continue spreading awareness of the sport and proving the benefits of being a British Dressage member.”

Sue Harrison welcomed Vanessa to BD; “It’s great to have Vanessa on board. After working closely with her for a few years, I know she’ll be an asset to the team and it’s fantastic that she’s a familiar face to so many of the riders in Wales. During her decade with The David Broome Event Centre, she really helped dressage in the region to flourish and I know she’s looking forward to continuing that throughout Wales and as part of the eight strong Regional Development team. I know I’m leaving Wales in a safe pair of hands and looking forward to working with Vanessa as we both develop into our new roles.”

Chief Executive Jason Brautigam added; "We’re delighted to have Vanessa on board as part of the British Dressage team. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from her decade of working at The David Broome Event Centre, which I'm sure will prove to be an asset to the whole of the Wales Region. Vanessa will work closely with former Wales RDO Sue Harrison to ensure that we build on her success and that dressage in Wales continues to go from strength to strength."

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