
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of BRITISH DRESSAGE will be held at the Guest Lounge, Royal Pavilion, Kenilworth, Warwickshire , CV8 2XZ, on 19 September 2013 at 18.45 for the purpose of considering the matters set out here.


Ordinary Business

1. To elect Chairman - download a ballot paper

2. To elect Para Director - download a ballot paper

3. To receive the Financial Statements of British Dressage for the year ended 31 December 2012 and the Directors’ and Auditors’ Reports thereon - download the Chairman's review and Financial statement

4. To appoint KPMG as the auditors of British Dressage and to authorise the Board to fix their remuneration

Special Business

The following will be proposed as Special Resolutions:

5. To adopt new Articles of Association for British Dressage in the form tabled before the meeting - download the proposed Articles of Association

6. (if resolution 5 is passed) to adopt a new Memorandum of Association for British Dressage in the form tabled before the meeting - download the proposed Memorandum of Association

7. (if resolution 5 is not passed) to amend the existing Articles of Association of British Dressge by inserting the following new sentence at the end of Article 8.16:

“The Directors may make arrangements, in circumstances where a postal vote would be effective under these Article or the Act, for any resolution to be voted upon by Members utilising the Company’s website or by other means of electronic communication for those members who are able to vote in such manner, provide that (i) access to the relevant part of the website and/or voting ability has suitable login codes and/or password protection to ensure that only persons with the relevant code or password allocated to a Member can vote as that Member and (ii) that the numbers of votes cast for and/or against such resolution shall not be available to Members prior to the conclusion of the applicable ballot. The provisions of Articles 8.17 to 8.21 inclusive shall apply to a ballot conducted using electronic voting as they apply to an exclusively postal ballot.”

By order of the Board

Amanda Bond

Chief Executive

British Dressage, Meriden Business Park, Copse Drive, Meriden, West Midlands, CV5 9RG

Company number: 3443026

Dated: 24 June 2013

Any member of British Dressage entitled to attend and vote at the meeting convened by this Notice is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his or her place. A proxy need not be a member of British Dressage. The completed proxy form must be received at the registered office not later than 48 hours before the date and time that the meeting is due to commence. Proxy forms can be obtained by writing to the Chief Executive with a stamped addressed envelope.

To download this notice of AGM - click here

To view the Chairman and Para Director candidate profiles - click here


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