
If you are one of the kind of people who think Twitter is just for kids to tell each other they had macaroni for dinner (that used to be me), I think you should really take the time to listen to how effective Twitter can be as a marketing tool. Sarah’s team at Hubspot is focused on Lead Generation, and with her different tools and social media platforms, Hubspot finds about 50,000 new leads a month. Wow.

In this podcast we go over the ways Twitter can be effectively utilized, how important content is for a Twitter campaign, and other winning lead generation strategies. I learned a lot in this interview and I think you will too.

Listen now and you’ll hear Sarah and I talk about:

(02:00) Introduction

(05:00) Why use Twitter for lead generation

(07:20) How to determine a Twitter-friendly content strategy

(10:20) Has removing the opt-in form ever proved beneficial?

(13:20) How do you get started with paid Ads?

(20:20) How to optimize your campaigns

(22:20) What other tips do you have for Twitter campaigns?

(24:20) Does using images help?

(28:20) What tools are available for keywords?

Resources Mentioned


How to track campaigns with Tracking Tokens

More About This Episode

The Bright Ideas podcast is the podcast for business owners and marketers who want to discover how to use online marketing and sales automation tactics to massively grow their business.

It’s designed to help marketing agencies and small business owners discover which online marketing strategies are working most effectively today – all from the mouths of expert entrepreneurs who are already making it big.

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Trent: Hey there, Bright Idea hunters. Welcome to the “Bright Ideas”

podcast. I am your host,

Trent Dyrsmid. This is the podcast where we feature interviews with

the entrepreneurs behind some of today’s fastest growing companies.If you’re looking for proven tactics and strategies to help you start

a new business or grow an existing one, you are in the right place.The way that we do this is we interview proven experts on the show and

today is no different. My guest today is Sarah Goliger, she is the

head of paid marketing at HubSpot, one of the fastest-growing

marketing software companies on the planet.In this interview, we are going to dive deep into how to use Twitter

and paid traffic on Twitter. Not just paid, but paid and organic, to

generate more leads for your brand.And this was a really enjoyable interview, I learned a whole bunch.

So, in the roughly half hour it takes to listen to it, I guarantee

you, you are going to learn some actionable ideas that you are going

to be able to use in your business.Before we get to that, a quick announcement. If you are looking for

ways to take advantage of digital marketing to attract more interest

to your business, then you’re going to want to check out my recently

published digital marketing handbook. And you get to it and

brightideas.co/book.In the book, I explain everything that I have done to build my

business up in the very first year to a tribe of 10,000-plus

followers. We’ve had a whole lot of success. Also, I have invited a

number of my past guests to contribute to the book. You’ll get their

ideas in there as well.Again, get that at brightideas.co/book. And you can get even get a

free chapter. So, with that said, please join me in welcoming Sarah to

show. Hey, Sarah, welcome to the show.Sarah: Hi, Trent. Thanks so much for having me. I’m excited to be

here.Trent: I am equally excited to have you here. So, thanks for making

the time. There’s obviously

lots of folks in my audience who don’t yet know who you are.Before we get into the meat of our interview on how to leverage

Twitter as a lead generation machine, let’s have you just take a

moment and please introduce yourself on who you are and what you do.Sarah: Sure. I work at HubSpot and we sell marketing software. I

manage our paid

marketing channel, which basically means that I’m responsible for all

of our PPC efforts and also working with some of our partners in the

marketing industry to coordinate opportunities to work together and to

promote our content to their audiences.The focus of all these efforts is lead generation. So, I work closely

with the other folks on our lead gen team who run our organic

channels; social media, e-mail marketing, landing page optimization.

And together, we generate over 50,000 new leads for our sales team

every month.It’s a pretty incredible place to be. We move really fast here and

we’re always trying to stay a step ahead in our marketing, so that we

can not only do marketing well ourselves and keep innovating, but

also, so that we can teach marketing to our readers and ultimately be

able to sell our software.I’ve been with HubSpot for two and a half years now. And I’ve actually

worked on a lot of different parts of our marketing team. So, right

now, I’m focused on PPC and paid marketing. But I’ve also done some

SEO, some blogging. For a while, I was focused on e-mail marketing and

lead nurturing. I did a bit of sales training.It’s been really helpful for sort of getting that full experience

across the board with marketing. But I would say that PPC has

definitely been one of the most interesting channels.It’s so different from the others and I love that there’s so much

flexibility with it. Really, just a ton of opportunity to do it well

and make it work for your marketing, to sort of play around and

experiment and figure out what works.It’s kind of like a big puzzle in a way. So, I’m definitely excited to

get into some detail here and chat about this stuff with you.Trent: I’m equally excited to get into detail. So, before we jump into

this, I’ve always wanted to

ask this one question to a HubSpotter. What do you guys call

yourselves, anyway? A HubSpotter or…Sarah: Yes. A “HubSpotter.” That’s the correct terminology.Trent: Your company is a content-producing machine. How many staff

writers do you guys have?

Sarah: We only have a handful on the content team. I have to say,

they’re all incredibly talented

writers. We have probably four or five on our blogging team and then

another three or four who produce our eBooks. It’s a fairly small

team, but they crank out a ton of content every single month.

Trent: Do they ever, all right. That was a total side-distraction from

the interview, but I

wanted to find out anyways. Now, we’re going to talk about Twitter

marketing. First off, the first question is why? Why use Twitter to

generate leads?

Sarah: I think that a lot of people still think about Twitter in the

way that individuals use it for

social purposes. They think “No one needs to know what I’m doing right

now. And I don’t really care about what other people are doing. I

didn’t really need to know that you ate macaroni for dinner. Thanks a


These are kind of the status update kinds of posts that many people

think of when they think of Twitter. But these people are actually

missing out, because Twitter is hugely valuable for businesses.

And much like the other popular social networks–Facebook, LinkedIn–

you can use Twitter to gain a following, to share messages, to connect

and communicate with your fans and your customers.

The beauty of Twitter compared to the other social networks is that

Tweets are, of course, limited to 140 characters each, meaning that

you have to keep your message concise. But you can also share more

updates, more often because this is the nature of the platform.

So, in a given day, you could easily tweet 20 or 30 times without your

followers so much as batting an eyelash. But if you try that on

Facebook, you’re pretty much bound to watch your fan count tick

downward, right?

Trent: Yeah. That would be an understatement.

Sarah: Yeah. The other thing is that Twitter is such a vibrant space.

It’s a real community.

People go to Twitter to learn more about their fields of interest.

They go to Twitter to learn about brands and find out what their

friends think about those brands and have to say about them.

Really, as a marketer, who wouldn’t want to be on Twitter? Who

wouldn’t want to be active in that space? So, I think it’s really an

absolute must for businesses these days to be there, to be on Twitter.

Trent: I want to echo that statement. I used to really think Twitter

was the dumbest invention

ever before I got it, before the light bulb went on. Because, again, I

didn’t want to know when you were eating your macaroni or what movie

you were watching.

I’m happy to say now that Twitter is my number one social referral

source. So, folks, if you’re listening to this and you haven’t yet

embraced Twitter and you think like I used to think, I encourage you

to keep on listening.

I think, by the end of this, my hope is that the light bulb will come

on for you and you’re going to start to use it.

If you’re going to make Twitter work, you also need to have a strong

content strategy. Because you can’t just be Tweeting nothing, you’ve

got to have something that you’re sharing. Can you talk about how

Twitter and the content strategy go together?

Sarah: Absolutely. Yeah, before you really dive into Twitter

advertising or, for that matter,

any sort of promotional campaign, you really need to figure out what

it is you’re going to promote. You have to have some sort of content

to feed your campaign. Like you said, you can’t just tweet nothing.

And so, as obvious as that may sound, a lot of marketers will really

skip right over this step and just sort of say “Oh, I need to be on

Facebook and I want to set up Twitter campaigns. And I should really

start writing those marketing e-mails.”

But they won’t sit down beforehand and map out the content that

they’re going to use in those campaigns. And that’s when things get

really difficult. Because when you get ahead of yourself like that,

your content really is the backbone of nearly every kind of marketing

campaign that you could possibly run.

And so, it’s so important that you sit down and really make that

effort in advance to figure out what it is you’re going to promote.

And also, the content that you choose to promote on a given platform

is likely going to determine your positioning, your copy, your

targeting, your audience. So, you need to have this part figured out

before you can even begin setting up your campaigns.

I won’t get into too much detail about what types of content you

should be using. Because that’s a whole other topic for another time.

But, basically, you want to figure out what the goal of your campaign

is and then choose content that supports that goal.

If your goal is to generate leads for your business like my goal is,

you’ll want to promote lead generation content. That is, content

that’s behind lead capture form. Whether that’s “Hey, we’ve got this

free eBook for you to download. In order to read it, we just ask that

you give us these few pieces of information about yourself.”

Or it may be “Fill out this form to sign up to join us on this webinar

that we’re hosting. Whatever it may be, you want to be capturing

information. You want to be capturing those leads through that


But, conversely, if your objective is more branding and awareness-

focused, you’ll want to promote content about your business. Content

that conveys your brand message.

Or maybe your goal is actually to turn more of your followers into

customers. In which case, you’ll want to promote more content about

your product or your service. Maybe offer a free trial or demo.

Once you’ve identified your goal, you really want to focus in on

creating high-quality content pieces that you can use to help you

achieve that goal, help you get there.

Trent: Have you guys ever tested, done a split test with a piece of

lead gen content that is

behind an opt-in form? Versus just being freely available? I’ve read

some stuff and I’ve never tested this myself. And so, I’m very curious

if you have.

Some people, they land, they click the tweet, they get through to the

landing page and they’re like “Eh. I don’t want to fill in

information.” So, they don’t interact with that piece of content, they

never see it, they never see how good it is.

Whereas if the content was simply available, granted, you don’t get

their information, per se. But so, potentially, so many more people

could see the content because a person who sees that first tweet gets

the content. They interact with it, they think it’s great, they share

it and so on. Have you guys ever done any testing on that?

Sarah: Yeah, I mean, we definitely find that the longer your forms

are, the more friction there

is, right? People don’t want to spend the time to sit there and fill

out all of their information to give to you and people are also

skeptical of giving companies their information.

As little privacy as we all have these days, it’s still something that

makes people inherently uncomfortable.

We have found that the fewer form fields you use or even just taking

out the form entirely will tend to result in more submissions or more

downloads. But the trade-off is that, what you could do, conversely,

is create content that’s really, truly valuable to your readers.

That’s what we focus on here. Every single piece of content that we

put out, every blog post we write, we audit it for quality before it

goes out.

We make sure that this is something that people would be willing to

sit down and fill out a form in order to read. Our blog posts aren’t

gated but our eBooks, we really make sure that they’re enticing enough

and the content is legitimate and it’s valid, and it’s substantial

enough that people would take that time to go through the form process

in order to get it.

Then, of course, that helps our business because we need to be able to

feed our sales team at the same time.

Trent: You guys don’t happen to have an eBook that explains the

process that you go through

to reveal your eBooks before they get published, do you?

Sarah: You know, we actually have an eBook on how to create eBooks,

believe it or not.

Trent: Could you make sure you send me a link to that so I can include

it in the show notes of

this episode?

Sarah: Sure thing.

Trent: Thank you. All right, so, should you be running paid ads on top

of your organic efforts

on Twitter and if you are going to do that, how do you which one to

focus on?

Sarah: You always want to focus on organic promotion first. For no

other reason than the

obvious that that’s the free one. So, you want to make sure, first,

that you have a solid, organic Twitter strategy in place. That you

have a strong number of followers and that you’re regularly tweeting

valuable content to them.

You should already be working toward your goal, whether it’s lead gen

branding, what have you. You should already be working toward it from

an organic perspective before you consider starting with paid ads.

Then, once you have things running smoothly with your organic

strategy, if you have some budget to work with, paid advertising is

actually a really excellent way to supplement your efforts.

And note, that I chose my words very carefully there. You always want

to use paid advertising to supplement your organic efforts, not

replace them. And this is, of course, true across the board. Not just

with Twitter.

Trent: Okay. How do you go about getting started with paid ads? How do

you set up a


Sarah: There are a couple things you need to figure out before you

dive in. So, like I

mentioned earlier, you want to start by deciding what your goal is.

Whether it’s lead gen, brand awareness, lead to customer conversion.

And then, once you have your goal nailed down, the second step is to

decide what type of campaign you want to run. If you’re looking to

increase brand awareness and gain more followers, you can run what’s

called a “promoted account” campaign. Which displays your account in

the “Who to follow” sidebar.

It also allows you to craft messaging about why people should follow

your brand, which is then displayed next to a “follow” button. You

might say something like “Looking to stay updated on the latest

marketing tips and trends? Follow HubSpot to stay in the loop.”

And then, that will appear right next to a “Follow” button so you can

follow the HubSpot account right from there.

Trent: And what did you call that again?

Sarah: That’s promoted accounts. So, that’s better for branding. But

if your goal is lead

generation or really, anything other than brand awareness, you’ll want

to run promoted tweet campaigns.

These put your tweets right in the feeds of the users that you’re

targeting. And if this is the option that you choose, then the next

thing you’re going to want to do is select the content that you’re

going to promote in those tweets. Make sure that the content aligns

with your goals, like we discussed before.

And then, the next step is to choose your targeting. So, this is where

things start to get a little bit complicated, but bear with me. So,

Twitter is actually really good as far as targeting goes. You have a

few different options.

One, is you can target based on keywords, which lets you target users

who search for or tweet about those keywords or engage with them in

some way.

This type of targeting is really great if you’re running an event, if

you’re doing event promotion or if you are running product-specific

campaigns because then you can really zone in on those keywords that

are relevant to that product that you’re promoting.

It’s also really good for going after folks with purchase intent. So,

if you’re looking to sort of narrow in and focus on those people who

are most likely to purchase from you, this is a great option for that

as well.

This option, going based on keywords, will usually give you a

narrower, but more focused and higher-quality audience.

Then, you can also choose to target by interests and followers. And

this option lets you search for interest categories to target. For

example, I can target anyone who’s interested in marketing or home

repair or French cuisine or whatever it is that is most relevant to

you. That’s the interest side of the equation.

And then, it also lets you input any Twitter usernames. And it’ll then

target users who look like those people’s followers. So, for example,

when I run campaigns with this type of targeting, I’ll put in a bunch

of usernames of people who are really well-known in the marketing

industry and have a lot of followers. It’ll find other Twitter users

like those people’s followers.

This option is much better for a less qualified, but much broader

audience. And then, on top of this, you can also target by location,

you can target by gender, you can target by device.

If you only want to reach people who are on desktop or only on mobile,

you can do that, too. To really have a ton of flexibility here to

build an audience based on the criteria that you care the most about.

Then, they also, just last month, actually, released a brand-new

targeting option called “Tailored Audiences,” which lets you directly

target your site visitors. And this option is really great for re-


We did the beta testing when they first rolled this out to the beta

users. So, we’ve been in this for a few months now and we’ve been

collecting some data.

We found in our own efforts that our re-targeting campaigns have had

45 percent higher engagement than our regular promoted tweet

campaigns. So, if you’re looking to convert more of your existing

database into customers and sort of focus more on them, then Tailored

Audiences is a really great option to use here.

Trent: Let’s dive into that one a little deeper for a minute. So, I’ll

just use myself as the guinea

pig. I’ve got my 4,000 or so Twitter followers. When you talk about

the Tailored Audiences, am I tweeting more to the people that already

follow me? I’m not sure that I fully get it yet.

Sarah: You’re basically tweeting to the people who are in your

database or who have visited

your site. You could set it up to say “Anyone who has come to my

website, I want to capture them in this audience.” And then I want

them to be in this group of people to whom we’re displaying these


Trent: When they come to my site, they’re going to get cookied. And

that cookie is then going

to trigger a re-targeting within their Twitter stream.

Sarah: Yes. So, it’ll build the audience for you. It’ll grab everybody

who has visited your site

and then, that will be the audience that you select for the targeting


Trent: Okay, cool. I like that. All right.

Sarah: Just to wrap up here, to finish the building out your campaign,

really, the last thing

that you need to decide on is your budget. And I think this is where a

lot of marketers get stumped or concerned or nervous.

Everyone sort of asks “What’s the right amount to spend on paid

advertising” and “What’s the right amount to start off my campaign”?

The unfortunate fact of the matter is there really is no right amount.

It’s different for everyone, it’s different for every marketer, for

every budget, for every campaign. And if you’re really planning to

spend a lot, I don’t know exactly what the minimum is, but they’ll set

you up with a dedicated account rep who is going to help you on the

best ways to spend that money.

But otherwise, you’ll pretty much have to figure it out on your own.

But I promise, it’s really not as hard as it sounds. So, you want to

just decide how much you’re willing to spend on Twitter ads in a

month. And then break that down, you can divide it out by business

days if you want.

Try spending that much in a day and if it’s too little, if it’s not

working, you’re not seeing any results, you can condense that spend

into maybe a week or two. It’s much better to spend more at once and

see actual results than to drag out your spend in tiny increments.

So as you go, you’ll sort of start to get a feel for how much you need

to spend in order to make your campaigns effective. And that’ll help

you plan your spending going forward. Then, once you have all of this

mapped out, you just set your bids for the campaign. When you choose

your targeting criteria, it’ll give you a recommended bidding range.

I would say go for at least the average of that, if not higher. If you

have more to spend and you can be a little bit more free with your

money, then go ahead and set it maybe even a little bit above the

bidding range.

Once you choose your bid, I think you’ve pretty much filled out the

whole setup process. You just write those tweets and you can go ahead

and launch your campaigns.

Trent: If you had one landing page that was your number one lead

generator that you were

promoting, you could have any number of different tweets that would

all be linking back to that one landing page?

Sarah: Oh, absolutely, yeah. And I would actually recommend that. When

you’re building a

campaign, you want to have more than one tweet running in that

campaign. Because the interface that you’re looking at within the

Twitter ads platform will show you the number of impressions and the

click-through rates by each tweet individually.

You want to be testing more than one so you can figure out what kind

of language resonates the best with your followers and keep optimizing

from there.

Trent: Okay. All right, so far, it’s making sense. So, now, we’ve got

our ads. They’re up and

running. Obviously, they’re not as good yet as they could be. Do we

have to go through some kind of optimization? So, I’m sure you’ve got

some ideas you can share with us on that.

Sarah: Yeah, absolutely. It’s kind of like what I was just saying. You

want to be trying different

things, have those different tweets, be looking at the metrics and see

what’s working. But sort of from a more macro perspective, you want to

keep an eye on these campaigns.

You don’t want to just set them up and let them run and leave them

unattended. You should really be constantly optimizing for your

overall metrics.

So, when you’re choosing what metrics to sell for, you want to align

those with your goals. So, if your goal is lead generation, you want

to be maximizing the number of leads that you generate and also,

minimizing your CPL or cost per lead. And so, these are the two main

metrics that I look at for our campaigns.

It’s also important to look at these metrics across all of your

campaigns, but also, on the individual campaign level. So that that

way, you can see which campaigns are performing well and which ones

are bringing down your averages.

What I do is I use a different tracking token in the links for each of

the campaigns I run, so I can see on a campaign level, which content

pieces are generating how many leads.

Since I’m also able to see how much I’m spending on each campaign

through Twitter, I’m able to very easily calculate the cost per lead

of each individual campaign. And then, if it’s too high and the

campaign is either not generating enough leads or costing too much,

then I’ll pause it and shift its budget over to a higher-performing


You want to always be doing this and always be sort of optimizing for

the top performers of the bunch.

Trent: You mentioned the term “tracking token.” Is that using the

Google URL builder, or is

that something that is within the Twitter interface that allows you to

create that?

Sarah: It’s not within the Twitter interface. You can build your own

URL tracking token. I type

ours in myself. It’s fairly simple. You can usually just do little

question mark source equals and type it in. It depends on what sort of

analytics software you’re using to track it.

We use HubSpot. So, I know that I’m able to go into our reporting

tools and very easily see how everything breaks down. And we also run

Salesforce reports, so I’m able to sort of do the campaign by campaign

breakdown there, too.

Trent: Okay. Now, do you guys have any blog posts that you could link

me to that would

provide more information on the tracking tokens and campaign


Sarah: Absolutely, sure.

Trent: Make sure that you get me those links, too, please.

Sarah: Okay, will do.

Trent: All right, what’s next on my list? What other tips do you have

for running an effective

Twitter campaign?

Sarah: In terms of the copy, I would say the biggest tip that I have

is don’t be too sales-y.

Your copy should always focused on providing value to your readers. As

is true, of course, in all marketing contacts, not just on Twitter.

But if your tweets come off as pushy and super product-focused, then

chances are, they’re really not going to get much engagement. You want

to really let your brand personality show through. And talk to your

followers as if they’re real human beings and not just leads in your


Trent: So, have you got some phraseology examples that you could give

us? Is it a lot of how-

to-type [inaudible at 00:23:42]?

Sarah: Yeah. People like “How to,” people like “101 examples of

companies that are rocking

social media.” Any way that you can phrase it that very clearly

conveys the value to the readers. Whether it’s because it’s

interesting or because it is a how to or because it’s just very

relevant to them and their industry. You want to make sure that it’s

enticing content.

Trent: Okay. All right, where do I want to go here?

Sarah: So, other tips.

Trent: Yeah, let’s keep going with tips.

Sarah: Another tip would be to spice it up a bit. I think that text

can be great. But it can also get

kind of boring and can blend in with all the other tweets in your

users’ feeds. And we found that images work really well.

We’ve actually found that using images in tweets increases lead gen by

57 percent, which is huge. So, try some images, try some Vine videos.

It never hurts to give your brand some personality. People love that


So, go for it. Try crazy things. Be enticing, be engaging. Be fun.

Trent: A Vine video. Can’t say I’m familiar with a Vine video. I’m

probably embarrassed to

say that, but what’s a Vine video?

Sarah: It’s quite all right. Vine is a six-second video platform. It’s

tied into Twitter, so you

can record a six-second video. And it also lets you break it up. I

think you can only do it on your iPhone. I’m also not 100 percent on

top of Vine, so we’re in the same boat there.

You can sort of hold your finger down and then let it go, so you can

break up the six seconds. It doesn’t have to be continuous. But

anyway, you can do very fun things and short videos and include those

in your tweets very easily. It’s sort of a quick way to entice people

to watch something.

Trent: Is Vine a platform that’s owned by Twitter?

Sarah: Yes, yes.

Trent: It is? Okay. All right, so when you’re up and running,

obviously you don’t want to just

keep doing the same thing over and over, because that always gets old.

What are some things that you guys have done which you didn’t

necessarily think you were surprised by the results? Surprised to the

upside. I’m looking for the examples of the best and most successful.

Sarah: Sure. So, like I said, the images were probably our most

surprising test. I had no idea

that they would increase lead gen by 57 percent. I mean, when that

stat came out, we had team meetings about it because it was just so

incredible. So, that was really exciting.

We also started doing promoted accounts recently. So, my main focus

has always been lead generation. So, we’ve pretty much strayed away

from the promoted accounts because that’s obviously focused on growing

your follower base.

I decided to give it a test recently and it’s actually been working

very well. We’ve been able to cut the amount that we have to spend to

gain a follower basically in half from what it used to be.

That’s been really effective as well and I would say that if you have

the budget for it, it’s definitely worth a test.

Trent: Hang on, I want to make sure I understood what you just said.

You decreased your cost

of adding followers by using promoted tweets instead of promoted


Sarah: The other way around. So, promoted tweets are what we typically

use for our normal

campaigns. Those are sort of our lead gen tweets, if you will. It’s

where we share our content and we say “Oh, if you want to learn more

about how to use Facebook for marketing, you should download this

eBook.” With better copy, of course, but that’s the general idea.

Whereas promoted accounts, the idea there is that you are just trying

to get more people to follow your account. That’s what I was saying

before about “If you want to stay updated with the latest tips in the

industry, follow Hubspot and we’ll keep you posted on that stuff.”

More of that kind of thing.

So, what you’re paying for is essentially more follower acquisition.

Trent: What did you do that drastically cut the cost of follower


Sarah: Just starting to do that. I’m not actually sure what types of

efforts we were running

before. We may have done promoted accounts in the past before I was

managing this channel. But when I came back to my manager and I said

“Hey, this is the amount we’re paying to acquire a new follower,” he

said “Oh, wow. That’s half of what we used to do.”

So, I’m not sure exactly what we’re comparing apples to apples here.

But it’s been very effective. Not even comparing it, but even just

looking at the numbers as they stand by themselves. It’s been very


Trent: Now, earlier in the interview, you talked about targeting with

keywords. Is there a

keyword research tool within the Twitter campaign builder at all so

that you can figure out search volumes for keywords?

Sarah: Yeah. So, if you enter in a keyword or a few keywords, there’s

a button that allows you

to find similar and related keywords. So, that’s really great for just

sort of thinking of those things that you haven’t thought of.

The other thing is, if you used AdWords, they have a really great

keyword recommendation tool. So, you can always look there. I’m sure

there are other sites that also will find similar keywords. But, yes.

They do have it built in right into Twitter.

Trent: Okay. All right, so let’s wrap up with my lightning round.

These are just a couple of

really quick questions. What’s the most recent business book that

you’ve read?

Sarah: Most recent business book that I read? Well, just this morning,

actually, I was

discussing “Blue Ocean Strategy”. And that is definitely a classic, I

would say, business book. I would definitely recommend that one.

Trent: What’s your favorite blog and you can’t say HubSpot.

Sarah: I can’t say HubSpot. What’s my favorite blog? You know, I

really like Seth Godin. He’s

one of our unsung heroes around here. Or maybe for you, I guess he’s a

sung hero. We definitely love Seth Godin around here and he writes

very short snippets, but they’re great. Very entertaining.

Trent: All right. And if people want to interact with you at all, how

do they do that?

Sarah: I’m on Twitter. @SarahBethGo and you can find me there. Or you

can find me on

my website, sarahgoliger.com.

Trent: All right. Sarah, thank you so much for making some time to

come on to the “Bright

Ideas” podcast and share some insight and tips on how we can all use

Twitter to generate more leads for our businesses. Much appreciated.

Sarah: Absolutely. It was my pleasure. Thanks so much for having me.

Trent: To get to the show notes for this episode, go to

brightideas.co/98. If you enjoyed the

episode, please also take a moment and go to brightideas.com/love

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And if you take a moment to do that, you have my eternal thanks

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That’s it for this episode. I am your host Trent Dyrsmid. Thank you so

much for tuning in. And I look forward to producing another episode

for you in the very near future. Take care.

About Sarah Goliger

Sarah Goliger is the Head of Paid Marketing at HubSpot. She is responsible for coordinating marketing campaigns with external vendors and running display and retargeting campaigns through both search and social networks with an ultimate goal of lead generation.

Previously, Sarah managed email marketing and lead nurturing for HubSpot’s mid-sized business segment. Sarah also offers individual email marketing consulting. You can learn more about Sarah on her website and connect with her on Twitter at @sarahbethgo.

Additional Resources

12 ways to get personal with Twitter

Twitter Marketing with Mark Shaefer

How to define a Target Audience for your campaigns

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