
By: Kenneth Sea

Fact, there is no big secrets tips behind but you’ll need a certain skill-set, along with a clicbank affiliate marketing tools to help you choosing a right clickbank affiliate products before you start any marketing work. What I am about to share is going to open up your eyes so do take some notes before you proceed.

First of all, if you still do not have clickbank affiliate account, sign up now with clickbank, its Free and It’s the largest Digital affiliate marketing Product Centre where thousands of the most popular affiliate products are selling out there. after all, go to clickbank marketplace to start finding a product to promote, To start with the clickbank affiliate marketing it’s very important that you choose the products thoughtfully.

Here is some important clickbank affiliate marketing basic skill.

There will be a brief description, followed by some facts of how to find profitable or easy to sell products from the clickbank marketplace.

$Sales – this is how much your commission amount will be for every affiliate sale.

%Sales – this is the percentage of the product sales price $/Sale represents ($Sale is more important).

%Refd – This is the percentage of sales of the product come from affiliate sales.

Grav – this is the “gravity” of the product, or a measure of how many affiliate are promoting it.

The main criterion in choosing a right clickbank affiliate marketing products is the conversion rate. Conversion rate means how many visitor out of 100 buy the product. For example, if 2 out of every 200 visitors to a sales page buy the product being sold there, then you have a 2% conversion rate.

But how do you find out what the conversion rate is? Let’s look at a products from Clickbank marketplace:

1) Look at the product “Gravity”. – Every clickbank affiliate marketing product listing in the market place is marked by a “gravity” number, which is displayed at the far right, under the product title. This number represents how well the clickbank product is converting for affiliate, as it is a measure of how many sales have been referred by other clickbank affiliates. The higher the gravity number, the better the product is converting.

2) look to the left of the gravity number at the “%referred. – In this case, you can see that 84% of sales for this clickbank affiliate marketing product have been referred by affiliates. Its means that major of sales for this product is referred by affiliate but not the owner themselves, this is good sign.

3) Look for additional factors that favor sales. – how good is the merchants sales copy? this is important for clickbank affiliate marketing the product as the Sales pages are meant to SELL. You need to make sure it will attract your attention from a buyer prospective.

Pick a good clickbank affiliate marketing product from the marketplace which is highly likely to sell well for you, assuming its a great fit for your target market niche:

a. Make sure $/Sale is greater than $20 – It’s tough to make a profit with any paid techniques such as using Google Adwords for a product of clickbank affiliate marketing if the number is lower than that.

b. Shoot for gravity roughly between 50 to 100. this is one of the important clickbank affiliate marketing tips, anything lower than 50 or so probably isn’t popular enough to sell well and anything that higher than 100 is probably so popular that the market is already saturated.

Here’s insider clickbank success top secret tips and many are still not taking advantage of this yet.

The clickbank affiliate marketing information available on their marketplace as shown above is just a static snapshot of what the product current performance looks like. There is no way to tell were the product was a where is it going. Yet, you won’t know if there were increasing gravity indicates for a clickbank affiliate marketing product that more and more affiliates are advertising it and its harder for you to locating of new clickbank affiliate marketing able products that underexposed where they slowly climbing or gaining momentum.

It is possible to succeed as a Clickbank affiliate marketer without using any tools but it is much easier and much less risky to become a successful marketer for Clickbank affiliate marketing if you have a proper tools. There are some great tools out there to help you.

One of the Powerful Clickbank tool I found call “Engines” and I personally use it for quite some time to monitor and track the history performance for every clickbank affiliate marketing products that available in the ClickBank Marketplace and this will make your life easier and less risky.

Keep in mind that your best way to find a good products is to:

1) Find clickbank affiliate marketing products with consistence growing gravity (gaining momentum), means you’ve still got a good target market.

2) Find a product that not many of affiliate has found which are so-called underexposed, Slowly Climbing. these are the clickbank affiliate marketing product or service which just come on the market.

There is one powerful Clickbank tool that I found and I personally use it for quite some time. You can use it to monitor and track the history performance for every clickbank affiliate marketing products that available in the ClickBank Marketplace and this will make your life easier and less risky. – REMEMBER, THE RECORDED OF NUMBERS NEVER LIE.

There is a FREE version of this tools that you can get to find some basic information but there are certain features are not available.

What you seen in the snapshot is only available in the Paid version that allow you to track and monitor all clickbank affiliate marketing products from any niches you are doing is highly profitable. This is pretty useful tools especially for those who are wanting to make serious money with clickbank affiliate marketing.

There are also many features available from this tools, but Im not covering all of them right here but I hope you will be experience it yourself.

Source: Articledashboard.com

Originally posted 2014-04-09 16:53:06. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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