
By: Mr. John Peter


If you receive error ”0x800c133′, restart the computer and try to duplicate the problematic behavior. If the issue persists, you should rename the corrupted Inbox.dbx file and restart Outlook Express. To do so, follow the steps mentioned underneath:

1)Click ‘Tools’ | ‘Options’ and then the ‘Maintenance’ tab

2)Click ‘Store Folder’ and copy or note the location of Outlook Express store folder

3)Close Outlook Express

4)Click ‘Start’ and then ‘Run’ and paste the location that you copied above. Alternatively, you can directly browse to the noted location. This will display the complete store of *.dbx files.

5)Select the file named ‘Inbox.dbx’ and right-click above it

6)Click ‘Rename’ and type OldInbox.dbx.

7)Start Outlook Express to create a new and error-free Inbox

To restore e-mails from corrupted Inbox, use your last backup or try to copy the e-mails from the Old Inbox (if possible). However, in case, none of these operations is feasible, use a third-party Outlook Express Repair Tool. These are easy to use and safe applications that repair and restore corrupted *.dbx files. The Outlook Express Repair software use powerful scanning algorithms to fix OE folder corruption.

Stellar Phoenix Outlook Express Recovery is an advanced utility that repairs corrupted *.dbx files and restores them as *.dbx and *.eml files. The Outlook Express Repair Tool supports Outlook Express 5.x and 6.x. With a user-friendly interface, the software is compatible with Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, and 2000.

Source: Articledashboard.com

Originally posted 2015-04-29 02:01:43. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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