

Sister Sany (Rachel), and her youngest child Ruth Ann (6 months) are in hospital after a road accident yesterday in California. The accident happened when a bus hit their car at a traffic Signal. Sister Sany is in a serious condition and the child has multiple injuries.

Sis. Sany is fully sedated and respiratory breathing is given. There is bleeding in the brain, fracture in the skull and hip. The 3 boys are fine and discharged after observation.

Sany is the daughter of Sam Kurikesu and wife of Abey Rajan (s/o. Rajan Thomas & Leelamma) and both these families were in the Deira Brethren Assembly, UAE in 1980s and 1990s. Let us uphold this dear sister and the child to the Throne Grace for heavenly intervention, grace and recovery.

[Arabian Voice]


A Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/rachelrajanupdate has been created for the latest updates.

Update: April 10th, 2014

Today, Rachel was moved to a room closer to the nurses’ station and will try to wean her of her coach (sitter) tomorrow. She was able to participate in the OT/PT and speech therapy.She is improving on her balance and walking, but please continue to pray for her memory. She still gets confused with dates and months. We are patiently waiting for the brain to heal.

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Update: April 8th, 2014

Another day of Praise!!!

The swallow test was successful, the feeding tube was removed and Rachel had her first lunch in a long time! The doctor is planning to wean her off her medications and also allow Rachel to be by herself without a sitter. She will be moved to a room close to the nurse’s station and monitored by video.

Please be in ernest prayer for the ongoing healing of her brain, which will help with the impulsiveness and her emotions. Also pray for the healing of her bones, especially the hip joint.

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Update: April 7th, 2014

Rachel showed further progress today!! She was able to walk about 20 ft with a walker, she was able able to use the bathroom, brush her teeth and wash her face.The speech therapist allowed her to have some tea and light food, and as per her evaluation, Rachel is doing very well. Even the PT stated that Rachel was doing much more than expected!!She may still need the wheel chair for a little longer because of her restriction of weight bearing on her hip joint.

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Update: April 3rd

Rachel was moved to the Sutter Rehab. this morning. The move was smooth and she seems to be doing well. She was able to answer most of the evaluation questions asked by the nurse and the medical director.

We look forward to this new chapter in Rachel’s recovery with hope and trust in a wonder working God.

Thank you for all the constant prayers on behalf Rachel and the family, He is worthy of all praise!!

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Update: April 1st

Rachel had a good night’s sleep and participated in the rehab therapy. As mentioned yesterday we still covet your prayers for an avenue for acute rehab. We are checking out various facilities and seek the Lord’s guidance in choosing the right one. She may be transfered to rehab by Friday.

Asher was able to visit with mom and sing some songs with her. Aaron was down with a little ear infection and couldn’t make it.

According to the ophthalmologist her eyes are ok with regards to her pupil dilation. With the help of her glasses she can read the headlines of the newspaper.

A lot of stimulation does tire her and she has to be encouraged to take naps.

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Update: March 31st

Last night Rachel did not sleep very well and was awake most of the night.Because of that she was tired and slept during the day. She did not communicate as much as yesterday, but in the evening Andrew visited her for the first time and she was able to sing some songs with him! They both counted numbers, with Andrew helping her count backwards.

Rachel still needs rest for her brain to heal . It is evident that she has better cognition when she has well rested.

Thank you once again for all your prayers.

Rachel continues with therapy in small increments. Please pray that she will be ready for acute rehab by the end of this week. The two things that are required for this are, that she is able to tolerate about 4-5 hours of rehab and that the feeding tube is discontinued and she begins oral feeds.

Also please pray for guidance in choosing the best rehab facility for Rachel.

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Update: March 29th

A ray of sunshine peeked through the clouds, and lit our hearts. Rachel was more alert with better cognitive abilities. She was able to recognize Abey’s parents on their first visit after their arrival. She expressed her desire to speak to the boys and did so over the phone. Though a bit slurry it was tangible.

When fresh from a nap she is able to communicate using “yes” and “no”. She also is making better connections between certain concepts like Ruthanne’s meals or daily schedules. Sometimes they are random thoughts , sometimes she has to pause to think of a word, never-the-less she is definitely making attempts. She does make it known that she is not happy with restraints and asks us to remove them.

Since she had pulled out her feeding tube day before yesterday a new one was inserted with radiological guidance.

The best part was to hear her sing “God is so Good”, “Jesus loves me” and “The B-I-B-L-E “!!!

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March 28th, 7:00 pm

Rachel had a busy day today. She has therapy from the speech therapist. During that session she was quite alert and answered all the questions appropriately. She was also able to do simple activities of daily living like wiping her face with a tissue, she attempted to use a comb and brushed her teeth when given a tooth brush. She was able to correctly point to herself and the the children on a family portrait. She also was able to identify and say the word “apple sauce” that was fed to her. It seems when Rachel is alert, she is able to obey most of the commands. She is still fed through the feeding tube.

Watching Rachel’s progress, is like watching a potter at the wheel. The Lord is gently using His Fingers to lovingly put back Rachel’s body together.

He Who has started a good work will complete it! May His name be Glorified!!

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March 27th 4:40 pm

Rachel had a visit from the OT. They are beginning to have her do simple tasks like putting on lotion, cleaning her face or using an iPhone. The speech therapist worked with her on talking and writing, and later along with the PT got her to sit and stand on her right leg. Based on her progress she has been released to be transfered to the Ortho floor.

Please remember Ben (Rachel’s) brother as he flies back to Knoxville tonight. Also journeying mercies for Abey’s parents as they undertake a long flight to the U.S. They are expected to land tomorrow afternoon.

March 26th 11:30 am

Rachel continues to be the same as yesterday. The speech therapist and the rehab doctor visited her today. Abey had her wear her glasses and the speech therapist showed her recent family pictures. She kept looking at the pictures till she was tired.  The speech therapist also suggested to further minimize visitors, to ask a question once, and to wait for the response.She said that this will help her not to get over stimulated and overwhelmed.

By the grace of God, the kids have shown great courage and faith. Asher, Andrew, and Aaron are in good health and pray for their mom regularly. Little Ruthanne has adjusted very well to newer methods of feeding and care. She is in good health too. God is giving grace to Rachel’s parents with the needs of the family. Friends and church members continue their support with meals, school-work baby-sitting.

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Update: March 25th

Today Rachel was able to obey more commands from the doctors. The Trauma and Neuro team are very happy with her progress. This morning she was made to sit in a chair for 45 mins. Please continue to pray that she regains full consciousness. At times she is very restless and tosses a lot in bed. Sometimes it is an indication of pain and she relaxes when the medication is given.  Also pray for her eyesight, that God may grant full recovery. She is still being fed through the feeding tube. We are very grateful for all the prayers offered on her behalf!!

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Update: March 24th, 3:50 pm

Today Rachel crossed another milestone on her road to recovery. At 12:46 pm she was extubated. She was able to maintain her respiration and cough out any secretions. Her restraints were removed and she was able to freely move her hands. The left hand is still weaker than the right. Within the next 10-15 mins. she was able to whisper a few random words. At the command of the doctor she made an effort to smile. She is still a little confused but occasionally does respond to simple commands. She does receive pain medication when needed and is being fed through the feeding tube.

All this in marvellous to our eyes! Our hearts are full of praise to our Great Physician for His wondrous works.

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Update: March 23rd, 8:15 pm

Rachel is still intubated but with minimal support. She is able to maintain her own respiration and if all goes well she will be extubated tomorrow.The nurses are trying to minimize her pain meds and administer it only if she is in pain, which is evident by an increase in heart rate or increased movement of her feet. She does tend to actively move her right leg and hand, but the left side still seems a little weaker.She did obey simple commands from the neuro surgeon once (like “lift two fingers”) and occasionally does squeeze our hand. Her pupils are still sluggish in their reaction to light.

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Update: March 22nd, 9:00pm

Rachel needs continued prayer to be able to respond to commands and strength in left hand.Continue to pray for healing to her eyes.Right now she seems to be in pain. It could be a combination of the pressure in her head, eyes and the surgery. Please pray that the Lord may grant relief and healing to the wound.One week has passed and still we have felt God multiplying grace upon grace.

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Update:March 22nd, 5:30

Today the Lord turned another page in Rachel’s life. It was something we do every day and yet it was a wonderful experience. Rachel was able to open her eyes at the call of her name!!!! We praise God for this miracle!!! She was able to squeeze our hands a little. She is more responsive to pain. There is progress from yesterday.The drain in her head has been removed. So far she has been stable. She is taken off fentanyl and is on pain medication as needed.

These are indeed small victories, but to the family it is of great magnitude. Words cannot express the joy and grattitude to God.

We are humbled that even through this difficult time the Lord stoops to hear the cry of His children and grants comfort.

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Update: March 21st, 7:30 pm

Thank you for your patience and prayers. Rachel was taken into surgery around 2:30pm. Just got a call from Abey after he spoke to the surgeons. They said that they were able to successfully repair the fracture and were pleased with how she tolerated the procedure.Once again we appreciate all your prayers.

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Update: March 21st,12:30

Rachel is scheduled for her surgery this afternoon. This is a risky surgery as she is so fragile with her cranial fractures. Even more Rachel has to be positioned prone ( on her stomach) . This surgery may last about 3 -4 hours.Please commit Rachel, the surgeon ( one of the the best) , anesthesiologist and the whole team to the throne of grace.

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Update:March 20th, 4:45 pm

Late last night an MRI was done to clear any injury to the neck, it was stable and the neck brace was removed. She had to have a higher dose of pain medication to keep her still during the procedure, but it was brought down to where she is comfortable.

Rachel is still on the ventillator, but breathing spontaneously.

*She is scheduled for pelvic surgery tomorrow, to repair the socket in the left hip joint. Prayer requested that she may be stable and ready for surgery.

*Another matter for prayer is the condition of her eyes. Especially the right eye as its reaction to light is not satisfactory. Pray for healing to the corneal abrasions on the left.

* There are signs of weakness in her left arm and leg (lack of movement could very well be due to the fracture), never-the-less pray for improvement of strength and movement.

* By the grace of God, the consulate has provided an expedited interview for Abey’s parents (Rajan Thomas & Leelamma Rajan) on Monday March the 29th @ 9am. Pray that it is favourable and a Visa is granted.

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Update: March 19th 3:00 pm

Rachel appeared better as the swelling on her eyelids had considerably reduced. Naso-gastric feeds are given every four hours.

As a precautionary method they are giving her a low dose of insulin to keep her blood glucose under control. Rachel’s mom and Ben reached safely last night. Children are fine except for a cold for Andrew, Aaron, and Ruthanne. Pray that it does not worsen.

As of now, as hard as it may seem, we have to be patient in letting the swelling in the brain to subside and for Rachel to respond. The nurses still request minimal stimuli except for few familiar voices from the family.

We are so grateful for the mercy drops…”but for the showers we plead”

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Update March 17th, 9:00 pm:

Tonight special prayer for some kind of response to commands. The pain medication (fentanyl) will be discontinued at 4am tomorrow to do a neurological exam. Pray that tonight onwards she shows some purposeful responses.

Continued prayers for:

1) Decrease in the swelling in the brain

2) Prevention of infection. Especially in her lungs.

3) Stability in her vital signs to qualify for an MRI

4) in general continually uphold the whole trauma team. For wisdom, alertness and precise medical/ surgical decisions.We trust their judgement and interventions purely because we believe the Lord is in control.

Thank you for all your prayers and concern, in return I will do my best in being prompt with the updates.

We have experienced that the”dews of sorrow are lustred by His Love”

The Lord has been our EBENEZER

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Update : March 17, 3 am

Surgery went well without complications. She is back in ICU and the fluids are being drained now and her cranial pressure is a lot better. Vitals are all good for now.

(Update from Bro. Anil Rajan, Chennai)

[Adelphoi News]

Update: March 16th, 2014

The neurosurgeon is going to do a surgery for Sis. Sany and place a catheter in her head to drain fluids. Pray that it does not bleed and that this procedure works for her. They completed a minor surgical incision on her skull to insert a monitor for her cranial pressure. Her cranial pressure is looking good and they have kept her in high doses of sedatives. Ruth Ann has been discharged earlier today and she is with Binu and Priscilla Titus. Lots of friends and assembly believers are there to support them now.

Please pray for divine intervention. Please pray for a speedy recovery.

(Update from Bro. Anil, Chennai)


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