
There is not so much talk about Social Commerce as one year ago, most likely because Social Commerce has not met expectations as a direct sale channel. But we should continue to examine other possibilities of Social Commerce, mainly because of the possibilities that social channels provide for branding, customer communications, social recommendations, and other techniques that promote sales even if it’s indirectly.

Implementing some Social Commerce techniques can be a difficult task if we don’t have a CMS with great adaptive capabilities and a powerful underlying community. But if you have developed your store using Magento, you can integrate a number of extensions that will hugely facilitate implementation.

Social network sharing extensions

One of the first steps in your Social Commerce strategy is usually allowing users to share store products on social networks.


AddThis is one of the most popular methods for sharing in Social Networks. It’s a very popular system on WordPress, but Magento also provides it, and it’s one of the tools to share products most widely used in Magento.

The main benefit of AddThis is that, by installing a single extension, you can choose in which social networks you want to make it possible to share products.

Social Share

An alternative to AddThis is Social Share, a Magento extension that makes it possible to configure a share button for the main social networks: Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest. Even though its configuration capacity is lower than in the case of AddThis, its simplicity and focus on the main social networks mean that this extension covers most people’s needs.

Social Tab and Toolbar

This extension also makes it possible to facilitate sharing your products on social networks.

Social comments

Facebook and Twitter widget

A very interesting option to give a social approach to your store is to allow Facebook comments about your products. This extension makes it possible to integrate Facebook comments in your store, as well as the Facebook Like button, Google Plus, and Twitter.

Social Login

Another need for your Social Commerce strategy is to allow users to log into your store by logging into social networks such as Facebook. This makes the registration process considerably easier for potential customers, and thus may help to increase your store’s conversion rate.

Even though Gigya is one of the main providers of Social Login technology, we are not including its plugin in this list as it has very low acceptance in Magento Connect.

Social Login

Social Login is one of the applications most highly rated in Magento Connect that allow users to log into your store through their social profiles . It makes it possible to configure login via the main social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, etc.

Facebook Connect and Like Free

This extension just allows you to implement login via Facebook, but also integrates the functionality of Liking the products. If you only want to allow users to log in via Facebook, this may be a good option.

Social Marketing

One step further in a Social Commerce strategy is the performance of marketing actions among your social media followers. These actions may be aimed at attracting more social media followers, more buyers for your online store, or a mix, depending on your goals.

Facebook & Twitter Promo

This extension is aimed at increasing the number of social media followers, but also the number of buyers. It allows you to configure a number of promotional codes that will be offered to visitors to your store if they start following you in the social networks of your choice.

Social Rebate

Social Rebate makes it possible to promote sharing contents on social networks by means of promotions or discounts. It is a good complement to the options given by the previous extension, and allows you to be more creative with your social marketing strategies.

And much more.

In addition to all these extensions, there is a number of extensions that provide a greater range of social actions.


AddShoppers is a full social platform, which facilitates the integration of various social elements in any website. Thanks to its Magento extension, you can integrate this platform in a matter of minutes. The options given by AddShoppers include social analytics, social sharing buttons, social login, social rewards and incentives, etc.


Beetailer is one of the best options to integrate your Magento store with your Facebook fan page, thus starting to sell through that channel.

The post Top 10 Social Commerce Magento extensions appeared first on BrainSINS - Smart ECommerce.

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