
We have a complicated but driven female as our main protagonist and we would greatly be honored if you would take our original project into consideration:

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Story Log Line:

In this 80's inspired science fiction action-drama series, ex-convicts are given a last chance at redemption when they are accepted to the exclusive RFS Academy, a secret division of the Allied Forces of Humanity Union: a secret intelligence segment of mankind's armed forces. Once considered the scum of the galaxy, now the survival of the human race may rest solely on their shoulders.

Over the last 20 years, mankind has dedicated itself and succeeded in its excursion to the outer rims of the galactic landscape with one purpose and one purpose alone: Expansion. It is a phenomenal time for the human race. With the celestial awakening, there has been an expansion of knowledge and human technology has reached its pinnacle. The human race has reached beyond home font, Ateth (formally known as Earth), to the farthest reaches of the celestial map. With the exception of one place that has remained devoid of all human contact: This place, this celestial sector is known as PON. When the alien planet of PON makes a public announcement warning all alien territories and colonies to be wary of mankind's presence due to their destructive nature, an uprising begins that will start an age old war that will rattle not only the nation, but the galaxy. As human civilians are killed and threatened by the deadly creation of PON artificial intelligence, an armed military force of renegade misfits are chosen to determine humanity's fate and destiny as they remain mankind's only defenders in a universe where they stand alone.

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-Talented and experienced cast members available
-First scripts completed and co-writer on board. All copyrighted material
-Generated the interest of over 170 people in 4 days
-Possible in your desired budget
-Vast cast diversity to appeal to a wide demographic
- Highly marketable with original logo, fonts, and concept art already created
-Several directors currently considering the project
- Target Audience: 16 to 39 year olds FEMALE/MALE

Details About Our Main Protagonist:
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Was one of the first trainees recognized to wield the body-tall device known the 505 Amalgamate, a specialized A.I. device made to aid in the elimination of PON A.I. Elitea bonded with the device immediately without the need of a break-in period, unlike all the field before or after her. She is known as a prodigy. She holds the number 1 505 for her outstanding service, flawless aim, decisiveness, determination, grit and dedication to her unit. She is the “poster-child” of the RFS Organization and Academy. But it is anything but a perfect relationship, with Elitea many times stubbornly butting heads with the higher ups of the Academy. They usually end up giving in and her getting her way [sign in to see URL], she's Elitea Fritzgerald. In the words of tech, Richmond Deggar: "Just give her what she wants, Chief." The Academy acknowledges without her, a lot wouldn't get done. Her quick thinking often places her ahead of the field but her preference not to think twice has led to a long blood-laden path of regret.
Growing up a 'slum-rat', in the suburbs of Citeile City on the destitute planet of C-12, she grew up at a young age with the skill of having to defend herself. She was born out of an unfortunate rape which caused much tension between her and her mother resulting in Elitea eventually running away from home. Her mother still confused by trauma, saw her unwanted daughter as a constant reminder and tether to an incident long gone that she'd rather forget. The only light in Elitea's family life being her step father who tried all he could to make her feel she was wanted and loved. The night Elitea runs away, her step father goes in search for her but is killed in a car accident which Elitea witnesses. Her soul is crushed and she slips into a life of smuggling. She often smuggled goods from aircraft to aircraft in her adolescence, eventually picking up the piloting routes and flying maneuvers. In two years she taught herself to fly and by age 16 she was winning national and eventually galactic competitions. She eventually makes up her mind to register for the United Armed Forces of Humanity, which has one of the most recognized and privileged flying school for humans. Despite applying multiple times and passing the tests with flying colors, she was denied entry each time without a given reason. Eventually to prove her skills, she enters the Intergalactic Federation of Aviation's bi-annual competition, open to all species, but in their long history no human has placed the podium.

Mission & Heart of the Series:
"My reason for creating this series, isn't just to get a sci-fi action/drama based story out there. I want to break down stereotypes, to humanize people whose humanity has in some way or another been removed from them: the impoverished, the homeless, ex criminals, the loners who just don't seem to fit in most social circles... People with shady pasts, people outside of the 'norm'. My show is full of ex-cons who are considered the scum of the galaxy, who end up becoming the universe's 'saviors', if you will. My show's roster consists of addicts, double agents, frauds, street rats and outcasts. But by the end of the show you're going to see people. Just people... It's less a tale about men vs. aliens and more a story about mankind's ability to alienate each other, ultimately to their own demise."

- Kamille Hackney,
Creator/Writer of "PON: Origin of Mecha" and nominee of selected writers of WPM.

For more information, treatment and scripts, please write us at littleouphe@[sign in to see URL]

Thank you for your time and consideration and Happy Holidays...
Best regards,
Little Ouphe Productions

© 2016 Kamille Hackney of Little Ouphe Productions. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced, altered, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the creator, Kamille Hackney of Little Ouphe Productions.

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