
FORREST CHANG: All right. You're coming in here.
OK, so I'm Forrest Chang. This is Opal - A New Hope.
This presentation has been rated R for Ruby. I
want to call out that, for optimum viewing experience,
please wait until the text hits the middle of
the screen before you read. This will make sense
when you see it. All right.
All right, so. Thank you.
So, quick show of hands. Who works with web?
About eighty percent there. Who codes in Ruby? Surprisingly
still only eighty percent.
Who has to work with JavaScript? Seventy percent there.
Of you guys, who likes Ruby better?
More than the last slide, amazingly. All right, so
you are my target audience. But everyone else is
So, for the crawling text. It is a time
of JavaScript Revolution, right. JavaScript is everywhere. It's on
desktops, it's on the mobile browsers. We have it
in the backend now. So performance, what used to
be slow is no longer. V8 kind of leads
this charge. It powers Chrome and Node.
But the other engines, some of which you probably
never heard of, they're all getting faster, right. And
you can't ignore the libraries and frameworks that are
there. You know, we started out with Dom libraries,
jQuery, prototype and then GUI stuff, XJS, YUY, et
These days, the rage is all in the MV
star frameworks, and there's just so many more libraries.
D3, Ging frameworks, charts, all kinds of stuff, right.
It's truly an exciting time in web technology.
A lot like it was for Ruby, mid, late
2000s there. I love this Dude! I'm at RailsConf!
picture from O'Reilly.
But there's a problem. The language is JavaScript.
LUKE SKYWALKER: What a piece of junk!
F.C.: I repeat. That language is JavaScript.
with anything?
side! JavaScript leads to anger. Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering.
F.C.: So if you've done any substantial amount of
JavaScript, you may have felt the way Yoda did.
So when I look at the Ruby community, I
think of it as a forward-thinking group of polyglots.
Like, we like Erlang, we like, you know, whatever,
whatever the thing is. We look at what's appropriate
for the job. So you really can't ignore the
possibilities and opportunities that are happening in the JavaScript
All this momentum behind JavaScript, there's clearly a strong
pressure to adopt or switch over, you know. And
it feels something like this to the Ruby programmer.
EMPEROR PALPATINE: If you will not turn then you
will be destroyed.
C.F.: And no one wants to be destroyed. So
let us segue now to Ruby. Matz wrote this
once: "For me the purpose of life is partly
to have joy. Programmers often feel joy when they
can concentrate on the creative side of programming. So
Ruby is designed to make programmers happy."
So, you might infer, then, the purpose of Ruby
is what? Anyone? Bueller?
To make you happy, right. And so then the
Ruby way would be to do more of what
makes you happy. Which in my mind is not
this, so. You can't read that. That's OK. You
can't read it normally, anyways.
So, ultimately, this is a talk about happiness. So
the pitch that I have for you today is
that Opal will make you happy. The premise is
Ruby makes me happy. Probably you too. You're at
RubyConf, right. It would be kind of odd for
you not to like Ruby and be here.
So if Opal is Ruby, then Opal makes me
happy, and thus should make you happy.
Does JavaScript make me happy?
Not as much. I still like to code regardless
of language, but it's just not as fun. So
a quick background: my journey with Opal is what
I call JDD.
Joy-driven development.
So the background on that is that I don't
really need Opal. My day job, vanilla Rails and
some moderate amount of Ajax is perfectly adequate. I
don't need to have these crazy super Ajax-y, you
know, nothing in the backend sort of thing there.
In my life, I have four kids. I have
no time, right. But, I'm having so much fun,
I can't put it down. AJeff Spicoli lot like
a good book. So like, it's just too fun
for me. So purpose of this talk is to
share this joy with the rest of you guys.
So what is Opal? Opal is a Ruby to
JavaScript source-to-source compiler. And in that fashion, it's similar
to CoffeeScript. There is a small runtime, and this
allows us to support method missing, operator overloading, error
dechecking, all these things that you can do Ruby
that you can't do in JavaScript.
In short, it's Ruby in the browser, which is-
JEFF SPICOLI: Awesome! Totally awesome!
C.F.: We can con concisely describe Opal as code.
So you can see here, Opal is a subclass
of Ruby. It includes browser access JavaScript interaction. Runs
in the browser. Runs in Node. Makes you happy.
So, a quick look at the GitHub page, you
can see there's thirteen projects and I'll be talking
about a good many of these, just to give
you a feel that, you know, there's a body
of official repo work.
So now I'm gonna switch gears to my David
Letterman mode. I have the Opal Show Top Ten
minus two reasons Opal will make you happy countdown.
Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one:
Top ten minus two Opal, reasons Opal will make
you happy.
Number one: It's just Ruby, and a viable one.
Number two: Greenspun's 10th Rule, Opal Edition.
Three: solves things the Ruby way, making the programmer
Four: Frameworks, we don't need no stinking frameworks. But
we have some.
Five: Tools you already know and love.
Six: Easy integration with web frameworks. Oh, thank you
for the-
Seven: Awesome in-browser tools.
And number eight: New possibilities.
So let's look at each one of these.
Number one: It's just Ruby, and a viable one.
So the first question you probably have is, is
Opal viable? Or is it another one of these
toy compiles-to-JavaScript languages?
So you should know that there are six, at
least six apps in production now. There's two more
coming, I believe, at the end of this month.
Of these, the biggest apps are the store and
the mobile site for a high-end fashion/luxury brand, because
of the client confidential agreement the developer has with
the company I can't say who it is, oddly
But we can look at some stats for that.
So globally, this company has about two million unique
visitors and twenty million page views a month. The
parts that involve Opal - not the whole thing.
The store and the mobile part both get about
two million views a month. So not unreasonable amount
of load. Certainly, I think, more than our site.
Store is responsive, the mobile works well. So, it
kind of shows that Opal is not too heavy
for mobile devices. And from this site's battle tested
for IE8, plus Chrome, Safari, Firefox.
So Opal is real Ruby. It's 1.9.3 compliant -
mostly. So as of two days ago, it passes
about 3,200 Ruby specs. And the goal is to
pass all, or nearly all of them. Some things
you just can't do cause you're the browser. But
it is the desire to be compatible.
It's capable of running complex Ruby. Asciidoc gem runs
unmodified, and spec runs unmodified. Rspec runs with some
small modifications, and that's primarily due to the fact
that Opal has immutable strings, and rspec does not.
So, but that's, so that's a big testament, cause
those of you guys who've looked at rspec know
there's a lot of crazy Ruby on that. So
for it to pretty much run that with some
small modification is substantial.
It can compile itself. That means something for some
And much of the standard lib is in place.
So let's look at the testimonial to. So this
is a thread on the Google Group, and they're
talking about performance. Wow, I can't read that. And
so Dan Allen says this:
"I can attest to the speed and the feather
weightness of Opal. The performance is astonishing, actually. I
originally expected the conversion of my library, Asciidoctor from
Ruby to be just an experiment. Instead, it created
a viable port and eliminated the need to write
JavaScript manually for the client-side usage. So much so
that NeoforJ is using it for one of their
online tools. See graph gist, blah, blah, blah."
And just last month Sam Ruby was playing around
with Opal and he says it looks very promising.
So those of you guys who come to RubyConf,
you know about that guy. That guy might say,
well, what does DHH think?
So, a year ago, Ashton J asked DHH, he
said, hey, what, what do you think about Opal,
given all the hot stuff that's going on there?
And long story short, DHH says, well, you know,
I'm not into it. It's just vanilla Ruby. It's
not like you have ActiveSupport available, which kind of
defeats the purpose for me.
But wait. Two stars there, but, there is Active,
Opal ActiveSupport there.
So Ruby language features in Opal. So I'm not
gonna read this. A lot of bullets there. But
the point is to give you a feeling of,
look, we support all this stuff, and some of
this stuff is really handy and often not in
JavaScript, right. And the point of all this is
you can't underestimate the power of a better programming
language in the browser.
Those of you guys who have chosen Ruby over
other languages in the backend, you know what I
mean. It's just more fun, right. And so these
two tools which I'll mention many times before I
actually demo them - easy to write, easy to
read, very little code, which takes us to our
next point.
Which is Greenspun's 10th Rule Opal Edition.
So who knows Greenspun's rule?
Oh, good. Then my slide is useful here. So
he wrote this: Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran
program contains an ad hoc, informally specified, bug-ridden, slow
implementation of half of Common Lisp. And so this
is really a testament to the power of Lisp
and as you're programs, and as your programs get
more and more complicated, you start to do stuff
that Lisp had in the first place. You know,
it's a Lisp advocacy thing.
And to complete my StarWars circle, here's a cartoon
that connects Lisp to Star Wars. Is that big
enough to be read? All right. Chuckle. Chuckle means
you read.
So, what then is Greenspun's Rule, Opal Edition?
It is this: Any sufficiently complicated JavaScript program contains
an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden slow implementation of half
of Ruby.
So let's look at Greenspun in action, also known
as, some attempts inspired by trying to imitate Ruby
or emulating Ruby-like features using JavaScript.
So we start off with Prototype. Everyone pretty much
knows Sam Stevenson wrote this to make JavaScript more
like Ruby. And underscore, you know. So I'm gonna
go through this quick. There's a lot of slides
and, and not a lot of time.
So Ruby here, RubyJS. There's no surprise that Ruby
is mentioned, you know, in this one. So -
animation too slow.
OK, Strukt, Ruby-inspired structs for JavaScript. String.JS, doesn't call
it out, but if you look at the API
it's like making Ruby strings. JSClass, you know. Ruby.
Joose - they don't mention Ruby by name but
if you look at the feature set, Ruby. JavaScriptMVC
- Ruby-like classes in JavaScript.
Def.JS, super simple Ruby-style inheritance. Here's a, a good
blog post by Jahuda, where he pretty much says
JavaScript needs Ruby blocks because JavaScript blocks suck.
Raiya in Humax, again, classes like Ruby's mixin. Here's
a first slide of this scatterpoll dot com, making
JavaScript more like Ruby. ActiveJS - actually, ActiveJS is
more like an Active, or, you know, a Rails
clone than a Ruby clone specifically here.
RedScript, Ruby-flavored JavaScript experiment. Forml - so this is
worth reading out loud. A contemporary programming language for
the discriminating programmer, intended to approximate the safety of
Haskel and the expressiveness of Ruby, should such an
approximation turn out to exist.
So here's other attempts to do Ruby in JS.
You can see Opal's at the top, and there's
been, you know, a bunch of these. Some of
which I think there have been talks, relating talks
Long story short, people want Ruby in the browser.
Even if they don't know it, right. Some people
know they don't want JavaScript.
So those of you don't know this meme, this
is a ripoff of the Smug DHH meme, which
there's at least three websites that you can put
words to DHH's mouth.
So, instead of the ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow
implementation, why don't we use the real thing? And
that would be Opal.
All right, slide, or, point number three. Solving things
the Ruby way, making the programmer happy.
So this, in itself, could have been the whole
presentation. I tried to pick some select examples and,
excuse me for any indiscretions that I've done there.
I start off with some comparisons, modular code, namespaces,
external templates, automation tasks, scope, and then I just
do some stuff that's just, you know, this is
what you do in Opal.
All right, let's look at these. So by modular
code, I pretty much mean, you know, not having
one giant file. Which is sort of the way
JavaScript was designed for. And one of the useful
bolt-ons is really requiredJS, so you require JS, you
define a module, and you have to require it.
There's, you know, often a lot more. You have
to make shims for a lot of libraries and
if you look at, like, tutorials, how to use
require JS, it's like, eleven pages to do this
and this and this and this, and then we
can call these two things.
What do you do in Ruby? You create a
Ruby file, or a gem, and you require it.
Right, very Ruby-esque. What do you do in Opal?
You create a Ruby file or gem and you
require it. All right, so here's an example from
some code that I will show later.
This is the actual application dot rb. I require
some gems - Opal, Opal jQuery, Opal parser comes
with Opal. The third one is a gem that
I've written, or actually a file, I can't remember.
And, you know, document ready. Opal IRB console dot
create console, so. Just like you're backend coding.
Namespacing. So you can do this a number of
ways. It's typically about, you know, nesting objects in
objects that way. You can use namespace functions that
you wrote yourself, do it by hand, YUI, Dojo,
they all have methods for this one. If you
do it by hand, you can see the, the
top code there, you know, I make an object
and I make a object owning object and this,
and of course you can do it nested below
if you know what that tree is.
And that gets to be a pain in the
but so you can, you know, you can see
the top line there, where you have this, something
that parse's string, makes namespace, and that function might
look something like this.
So how do you do the same thing in
Ruby? You use module or class, right. So, what
do you do for Opal? You use module or
Template, external file - there's a lot of stuff
here. So I'm gonna try to make this Apple
to Apple, so I picked sort of JST to
compare to ERB. You know, you have to make
a JST template file, a separate file. You can
do this, this is handy.
It's unfortunately JavaScript that you put HTML and strings
or otherwise mark it off there. You include the
HTML and you call it. That's super ugly.
So, for Ruby, I use Rails cause it's the
easiest. You make the template file, and sometimes you
have to write ren, render, so, you don't even
have to do that sometimes, right.
Template files for Opal, make the external file. You
will require it. And then you, you know, do
template filename render.
Automation tasks. So once upon a time, I thought
Cake was pretty popular. These days it seems like
Grunt, Grunt JS is all the rage. They're like
reading some, discussions on how it's going down the
path of Ant, which, of course, is evil.
So maybe as we talk now there's something new
for these guys. What do we do in Ruby?
Rake. If Jim's around, thanks. If Jim's not around,
What do we do in Opal? We use Rake.
So what, one thing that makes JavaScript painful is
that the function is your sole vehicle for scoping.
So you have to wrap everything in a function.
So this very simple example, where I'm trying to
make an array of functions that, you know, first
one returns alert zero, second one alert one, et
cetera there. For me to store that i in
the loop, I have to wrap the function in
a function and call it with itself.
And, while you learn to read this pattern over
time, it kind of sucks, right.
Scope, I just say in a sentence. You know,
Ruby has a lot more flexible scoping, and I,
I daresay, same scoping. And Opal has the same.
All right.
Defer execution. So here's a bit of code that's
not too ugly, right. Window dot setImmediate(function() code that
you want. But if we compare it to what
Opal browser gives you, you can write this kind
of code. So, again, clarity of the code. Ruby
versus JavaScript.
So now we're out of the comparisons, and I'm
gonna talk about just things that Opal does. So
to use JavaScript from Opal, and again, because we
support operator overload, method missing - a lot of
non-JavaScripty things - we can't do what JavaScript does
and just be syntactic sugar.
So we call JavaScript though x-strings the way you
call external things in Ruby. You can use the
percent sign x thing, or you can use the
back tix, and you use this to get values.
Opal used to do what, what's called seamless bridging.
The same way in JRuby, you just call it
and then it's like, it's a, a Ruby class.
Lately, because of optimization issues, they've switched this to
wrapping things in native, so.
You can say like, grab an editor and then
I call native over the back tix, but this
object, at editor, acts like a Ruby class.
All right. So here's something from Opal browser. At
the top here, you can create a DOM. It
looks a lot like markup b or other builders,
and of course there's a power to this one.
I'll grab an, an object by ID, and then
I have, like, two ways to append. And again,
it's very Ruby-esque. You can see append child, or,
you know, less than less than.
And I'll demo this in the next slide, live
in the browser there.
So again, CSS, you can also write CSS in
Ruby, if you want, so you can see CSS
do rule, et cetera. There's cool things like ten
dot pixels and, and whatnot here. And then you
can append this document head, C dot append do
document dot head.
It's all very clear and easy to read. There
you go.
Tests and specs. So rspec has certainly influenced a
lot of things, and these days, Jasmine, I forgot
the name of the other library that looks a
lot like Jasmine. With Jasmine in CoffeeScript, you can
now write tests in the JavaScript world that look
a lot like rspec.
But I'd say this looks more like rspec, right.
And this is, in fact, code I submitted when
I made a PR for Opal JQuery. And I
just love the way it reads. You can see
the before is clear, I'm doing this. And actually
use a here dot there to say here's the
HTML I'm gonna work on.
And those of you who know rspec, you know,
it's, it's very clear. It looks, it looks better
in my mind.
There are some other examples I choose not to
do, partly cause my thing is 46 minutes and
I have forty-five.
Things that are easy in Ruby but difficult. There's
several ways that you can do monkey patching in
JavaScript, all homegrown. Method missing - not really supported.
A couple engines are supported but not really.
All right. Next one.
WAYNE: Wayne got no frameworks. Wayne no framework. I
don't have to show you any stinking framework.
F.C.: All right. So the point of the no
frameworks thing.
Again, I'll call these examples but I promise a
These things were really easy for me to write.
Originally I said, I should go learn Vienna, the
built-in but highly undocumented MVC framework they have to
do this. But I didn't have to. And that's,
that's kind of a strength, right. And again, the
testament of having a better language, right.
So the second demo I will do, I'll talk
a little about the code. It's four-hundred and forty-eight
lines of code, including whitespace and debugging lines. It's
pretty much plain Ruby. A couple Opal JQuery lines.
And that's it.
So I just show some selected code from that
and then when I do the demo you can
look back and say the code is this way,
so. At the beginning, I require gems, Opal, Opal
JQuery, and then the gem that I wrote, Opal
IRB, or actually I should say, a file in
the gem.
Then I have a bunch of erb templates which
I'm gonna replace with something else. Require those. So
there's a bunch of pains in Opal inspector. Each
one is a sub class of Opal id pane.
You can see, you just have to redefine four
things and write down there, I rendered the template
the way I showed before.
And that's how I render it self.
And the way I set up the app, document
ready do, I create an IDE, and you can
see I have a sub, sub class for each
one. So I add all the panes to the
IDE and then I use a little JQuery to,
to grab some things in the markup and, and
hook up a connection like, the second to last
line you can see Opal close dot on click,
and, and a little lambda there. Or, not a
lambda. A block.
Right. So. And, and again, so I was able
to write, and you'll see the demo, a fairly
impressive stuff with no frameworks.
So Ruby itself is powerful, but you still want
libraries. So we have we have a number of
select ones. Opal JQuery. So this is JQuery wrapped
via Opal, and it's not a straight wrapping. It's
very, very Ruby-esque. You see inside of a document
dot ready question mark do stuff like that, or
element dot find. I think Adam did a really
good job of Rubyfying the interface to JQuery.
There's Opal Browser, which gives you all kinds of
Opal. All kinds of browser functionality. And to include
most of the things most people use during query
for. So if you're not using JQuery, you can
just use Opal browser, a good interface to that
one. But a lot of people use JQuery.
So, Vienna is the MVC framework that comes with
it. Looks very backbone-influenced to me. Astonishing to me
how little code is in that framework. And there
is Lissio. This is a framework that one of
the committers is doing on the side that I
really like, and I'll give some code for later.
All right. So point number five. Opal is Ruby,
right. So then, tools you use for Ruby, like
your editor - emacs, textmate, vim, sublime, RubyMine. They
all work, right.
Rake, you use rake, you still use rake. Rspec,
if you love it, great. If you don't, sorry.
You can run mspec.
Guard - I used guard to, you know, when
I'm doing the GUI thing I go change and
popup and stuff for that one.
It's just Ruby. So whatever tools you use for
Ruby, you can still use. But I think even
better is that you can reuse all the OO
and patterns and knowledge and stuff you've learned to
do with Ruby as a programming language on the
frontend, no context change, right. And, and that's really
LEIA: I love you.
F.C.: Easy integration with Ruby web frameworks. So, if
you use Rails, and I think most people do,
you have Opal-Rails. Otherwise, we use Opal-Sprockets directly, which
actually is the magic behind Opal-Rails as well. You
can use that, you know, in rake files to
generate static files. Or, if you want something that
works like Rails, where every time you refresh the
browser you get the latest Opal code, you can
set up Opal server, which is part of Opal
So for Opal Rails, the easy way to, to
make a Rails app with that is Rails new
project dash dash JavaScript equals Opal. Now, if you
don't like easy things, you can do it by
hand. You can add the gem Opal-Rails to gemfile,
you can add the appropriate JavaScript to, and you'll
see down there I call it, like, order matters.
Which actually is generally true.
Then you make star dot JS dot RB files,
put code in there. If you like HAML, Opal-Rails
supports HAML filters so you can say I have
a colon, colon Opal and then just Ruby, right
there, embedded in your template. And specs live under
JavaSrcipt slash specs, so you can put, you know,
specs there and run those in the browser.
There's a dedicated page Opal Rails gives you for
For a static file, use Opal-Sprockets here. And this
is one my Rake tests for the JQ console,
so you can see there's a file dot open.
This is where you want to write it to.
You get an Opal environment and you append paths,
and then Opal-Sprockets magically knows your paths, and so
you can just require, like I showed you in
the code, and it finds where your stuff is
and then automatically concatenates the stuff and all three
And then you put it up. So, and then
you can sort of see my Rake test has,
shows me in Chrome afterwards.
If you want the thing I talked about, the
server, so there's a little rack-based server that you
can come with, or you add Opal, Opal-Sprockets to
your gem file, you create the Opal files, typically
in app is the pattern, but not required there.
You include application.js under assets in your file. Then
you make up a simple config dot ru, and
then you run rack-up and then refresh at will.
So pretty handy for that one.
Number seven. Awesome in-browser tools. Opal-IRB and Inspector. So
I've been talking about this, I finally can show
them. Opal-IRB, not surprisingly is IRB for Opal. So
I have, of course, command history. I have most
readline controls, I'll probably add more. So those of
you guys who know, a new readline, I'd do
that one.
I have a multi-line editor, which actually I think
is actually better than real IRB, where you jump
into your own editor or, if you use emacs
you're using an inferior, when you write to it.
But you can do this all over history, so
you can go back two lines and edit that
one in the multiline editor.
There's a feature I like to call live gist,
and I'll demo that shortly.
Opal-Inspector. This is inspired by Amber.JS's in-browser SmallTalk code
browser. At this point, I could say it's more
than inspired, it's a zerox copy of sorts.
And the idea sort of came to me, it's
like, well I'm gonna have persistent live Opal objects
in the browser. This is a lot like SmallTalk
in its image, right. And the goal of sort
of going this way is to change the paradigm
of web app development. And if you're familiar with
SmallTalk and just changing real things at RunTime, which
we love to talk about in like Pry-based development.
A lot of those lines, life can be different.
You write the code, you push to the browser,
you make it work in the browser, you push
it back. That's sort of the goal I have
with this one.
And down the road I can see that, possibly
you have better tools in the browser than outside
of the browser. All right, demo time.
So I'm gonna lose my timer, because I forgot
to hit that timer, so, hopefully I don't go
All right, so, is that showing? All right.
Here's the idea for IRB. So you got your
app and you're running in - I got to
find my cursor. It is here, OK. And so
you can pop up and so, you're here. This
is RubyRed, by the way. You know, and so
this is just a plane, this is basically IRB,
you know. I can do this, I can puts
f, right. I one dot dot ten dot each,
I puts I, right. Got that one.
So I have command line history, so I can
up, you know, control P or up arrow. I
have readline, so control A, control D a couple
times. Alt F and I'll change this one to
alert I, and then return - oops. I made
an error.
Thank you.
All right. And then, of course, so, we got
stuff, right. And so, you know, when you have
multiline stuff, and I hit control M, and now
I have a multiline editor so now I can
do things much more happily.
Bar, alert bar, end, end, f is foo dot
new. F dot bar. And then control enter will
execute that. So you get that one. And it's
here. So you can see, so now I have
the history, this way I can go through. So
let's say I'm coding some stuff, oh let me
go edit that thing from before. So I hit
up and then control M and then I can
re-edit this, you know. And so that's kind of
So I think a little more than what IRB
does now.
The other thing that you can do, so I
was talking about live gist, so hit control l
and that gives me a link. So if I
open the link in a new window, there you
go. This brings up the code and runs it
for you. So the idea of this is gist.
I can send you this gist and it will
bring it up and actually, this right now is
local because I don't trust the, the internet. But
I have the same thing running off my GitHub
IO thing for the project. So you can sit
there and it will point to that one in
the GitHub. So you'll have the IRB with your
code, and then he can monkey with it and
send you one back, and then you can do
that one. SO I think that's kind of cool.
And again, different than what IRB gives you.
What else? OK, so let's do some, let me
get rid of, let me get rid of that
one. Let's do some of that dom stuff that
I was talking about.
All right. Here you go. So, so I talk
about building a dom. So d equals dom do
div dot blue do h1 I'm blue, end. And
div dot red do h1-
And so, for those of you who do HAML
or Jade or Slim, this should be very ops-
very familiar to you. OK, sorry. OK. End.
So you can see, I actually have a mydiv
equals dollar document, mydiv. And again, this should be
similar to my example before. And then mydiv -
hopefully this works right the first time.
Oh, you can't see it cause it's much smaller.
So, these are added now. They weren't there before,
right. And so you can see dom manipulation, pretty,
pretty straightforward. Let's do some CSS now.
OK. C equals CSS do, whoops. rule dot blue
do color blue and rule dot red do color
red end end. C dot append_to - and hopefully,
you're seeing, you know, when you look at this
- head, right. All very straightfoward for the Rubyist.
OK. And so if I show it now, there
you go. Right. So.
So much better than JavaScript.
All right, so let's go over to the Opal
So same idea. I've got this program, and so
I need to show you the spec here, and
this markup is nearly a hundred percent lifted from
Amber.js, which is actually very odd markup that I'm
very happy to replace.
So I have a number of tabs inspire by
then the transcript is there log, everything that goes
here. I, I've set up Inspector to have two
things where you console dot log will go to,
you know, the, the log inspector in your, in
your web developer tools, and there's a Ruby specific
one. Because there's time when I see everything and
I go to that one.
And there's times when I only want to see
the stuff I'm spitting out. Cause you can imagine
if you look at that one it can be
very verbose. That's transcript.
So the IRB I showed you earlier is this
tab. For SmallTalk, you know, it's their try-it little
browser, which actually works more like TryRuby where you
write the code and you can, you try it
or inspect it or something, run it I think
So this idea of running tests, so this one
I haven't done any work on. but the idea
is I'll build up the specs out of the
browser there. Let's go back so, this is the
same IRB as before. You know.
One dot dot ten so, so true to IRB,
you know, the output that you have here is
here. But you might do a lot of stuff
in IRB. So you can still have this one,
which you can go back to the transcript and
you can clear this. So you can see, you
have the history here and the place that you
work there. That's somewhat useful there.
I have a test class in, in, inspector here,
so - oops, sorry. K, right. And so foo
is a class. it has an a and b
attribute. So I can type, oh let me see
what f dot a is. Oh, that's, OK, that's
OK. We can monkey patch that.
Right. Class Foo attr_accessor :a, :b end. So I
do that one. Now f dot a has a
value. So you know in Ruby we got f
dot inspect, which in this case, not so useful.
Control P - I have something called O inspect,
Opal inspect. And this pops you over, you see
it jumped a tab. So you see now I
have a visual tool here, which, you now, you
can look at this one. And even better, I
can go in here and say, you know, new
string, return. Right. So now you can mess with
the stuff.
And then we go back over to IRB, cause
I'm writing some stuff, and f dot a is,
oh sorry. F dot a is a new string.
And vice versa. I can change it here and
push it there. And so you can see where
this goes.
Let me make a couple other variables. Ent equals
ten. I apologize for the scrolling. I did this
in a much higher resolution when I practiced.
String equals str. So also I keep track of
everything that you define in IRB. So look, these
things that I've written are here. So a lot
of times, you ever do stuff in IRB, and
then four hundred lines up was this variable that
you wanted that you don't know the name of?
Here it is. And the goal here is I
grab this, click this, and it would go over
to the instance browser.
So this is all tabs, but the class browser.
So one of the big things with the class
browser in SmallTalk is you can go and look
at everything and start to see, there's methods and
various, and I have to change this cause this
is stolen straight from Amber.js. So we don't quite
have the same exact structure, but class - so.
You know. Here's the constants. So you can see
Ruby Engine. We call it Opal here.
And, and, and the idea is, inspect anything and
change it, you know. So I can go here
and say, well you know what the RubyEngine is
purple, wouldn't that be a mind-blowing kind of activity.
Save this and run, just like I did in
IRB, you know. So where I'm going with this,
and I, and I suppose most of you guys
aren't that SmallTalky savvy, but the idea is, the
way it used to work is you write your
code, get in the browser. Oh. Do this. Change
the code. Redeploy. And sometimes it's just refresh your
But, no, it's not. Write the code, go in
the browser, make it work in the browser, push
it back to the server. And it'll all work.
And so I'm really looking to paradigm change there.
So back to my slides now. I'm, so, this,
this is what I do with IRB and sort
of what I did with that one.
There's one remaining feature that I'm trying to get
Adam to build for me, and that's the much
better support, I, what. In, in SmallTalk you can
ask everything about everything. So I kind of drive
a lot of these features in Opal now.
So I need this feature now where in the
frontend and the backend, all the code changes I
could change, so those code changes that I make,
I want to report them. So I guess hey,
what's this method that I've written since it was
written on the server. Or even lambdas. What's the
method, what's the code for the lambdas. So let
me pull that lambda back up and edit it.
So once we have this feature done, I'll probably
then release Opal-Inspector and then I'll feel like this.
EMPORER PALPETINE: Now witness the fire power of this
fully-armed and operational battle station.
F.C.: All right, the new possibilities.
So, with the demo in browser development, right. I'm
looking to change this paradigm. I think we get
better and better. The dev tools get better. You're
doing more of this anyways, but we're doing it
for Ruby. You know, the example that I used
I took mostly from SmallTalk, but the way we
do IRB is different than the way SmallTalk does,
but that's the way we do it.
So, from Ruby also. I worked on this machine,
freshman internship in college. Don't remember much, but I'll
have to rediscover it cause there's some really awesome
things I want to pull from that, over that
Standard UI platform. it's my opinion that, I think,
Ruby tools partially stagnated because there's no standard GUIs,
right. There's TTK, WX Windows, 2TTK. I wrote this
tool, you wrote this tool, you know what, that,
and then bring in like JRuby and there's Swing
or, I forget, the one that's in Eclipse. SWT.
It's like you don't even have a thing there,
right. Everyone's got a browser.
We have one platform.
So down the road, you know, these tools, on
the front end, we can use in the backend.
Anyone use better errors? Better errors is awesome. You,
you put in your code, not only does it
give you a better navigatable stack trace, but it
has a little IRB window if you put, I
forget, like, binding Pry or whatever there. And so
you can see the broken error and then you
can type in that IRB window and it will
change it on the server.
So you can sort of do what I'm saying
there. So it's like, well if better error's can
do this then these cool tools I write for
Opal, you could use to run the backend. SO
like this class browser, there's nothing for backend Ruby.
Well, once we get this working for Opal that's
not much that, you know, you set up some
kind of JSON server or something and, and push
these back and forth to the servers. So the
goal is better tools across the board for Ruby,
not just for Opal.
So. What's next?
All right, so I think meteor.js is really cool.
This same code on the frontend, and, and the
really blurring of what, what is what. I think
that's a really exciting direction that Opal makes us
po- or Opal, Ruby on the frontend, Ruby on
the backend. Whether that's MRI backend and on the
frontend or Opal on the frontend and Opal on
Node backend. There's possibilities. I think that's really good.
EventD safe Ruby libs. So this is another thing
that holds Ruby back. We got lots of libs
that are not eventd or thread safe. So as
Opal matures and we write more and more gems
for Opal, which again is Ruby, you'll have gems
and libraries that are run on both sides that
will be event safe because, of course, written on
top of JavaScript.
That's cool too.
So here's something I want to bring up. Component
based coding all in one place, for the web
in Ruby. So as a long time GUI programmer
before I became a web programmer, I hate, oh,
I got this thing. So let me dig down
into JavaScript and change my, and then they come
back up and now I'm gonna go and change
a mark - oh, wait, wait, change gears. Now,
I got to change the way it looks, right.
And that's, for a guy who wrote X Windows
stuff that's like, lame, right.
And how do you do OO with that? Ruby's
so OO. How do you do OO with, oh
well here's a HAML. WEll, you know, partials are
sort of there and, and sass has some things.
But each one is so in separate modality, right.
So lissio is that MVC framework I talked about.
It's Ruby class, all parts in Ruby.
So the HTML, CSS, and the behavior. SO let's
look at a very simple lissio component. Is this
code readable? I unfortunately can't zoom in anymore.
But, so you can see here's some behavior. on
:click, of what I can do this. shekels dot
navigate, right. Here's the element I'm associated with. I
showed you HTML. It's a builder. You know, here's
the markup. Here's the CSS. You can see, you
know, the sixty dot pixels, stuff, right. All one
place, one language. No jumping three files even if
RubyMine makes it real to the easy to do.
It's all here. One place. And then you can
see if you do CSS like this, lot less
cascading. I hate CSS where you never know what
it looks like until you jump into the, the
Chrome and try to navigate, ah, it looks like
this. You can see that you do a lot
less cascading with this and then you can see,
well, I'll have a header and I'll have, like,
class sexy header, which is subclass of header. And
I'm over, you know, I might override just one
line of this and do it again.
So all the OO stuff that you can't do
now, you can do and it's all Ruby.
So I want to show, just to you know,
sass, sass-like nested stuff, and you can see, you
can do more than sass. You can put Ruby
code. Well define this, look like this, else ook
like that. So you can see like, you can,
you know, ouv'e got the full power of Ruby.
All right.
So here's the sad question. Can you imagine a
world without Ruby?
So, I, I heard Charlie Nutter kind of say,
well, it's fudd that Ruby's dying, but in truth
there's a possibility. JavaScript Revolution's gotten here, lots of
people are saying like, Ruby is dead, Ruby is
dead. So maybe with Opal we can stand that
So let's fascilitate the fantasy land of Ruby everywhere.
Backend, we have options, MRI, JRuby, Rubinius. Mira, I
don't know if I have any JRuby guys here.
I love this project. Subset of, well. I don't
know. Look it up.
You know, we have MRuby for embedded, mobile, you
know there's RubyMotion, there's MobyRuby. I don't know if
Ruboto is really as viable as these from last
time I played with it. And, and then Opal.
Which runs everywhere that JavaScript runs, right.
So let's have a dubious history as Star Wars
films. Episode one, the Phantom JS Menace. Mesa use
JavaScript on the backend. Mesa use JavaScript everywhere. Mesa
use JavaScript in ways unintended by founder.
Episode two, Attack of the Clones. Just read.
Episode three, Revenge of the Sith. Evil empire complete.
Brings us to now. Episode four, A New Hope.
Opal Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
Episode five, the Empire Strikes Back.
Episode six, Return of the Jedi. And, like reality,
episode seven is to be determined. Question I have
is, will it involve you?
So, resist the empire. Join the alliance today. This
is my call of arms, call to arms. I
would love to have some momentum like Rubinius. For
those of you who saw at RubyConf 06, Evan
Phoenix gave this talk of just this idea he
had, a little code that he wrote on the
plane on the way over.
Same time next year, it's a freaking movement. Nine
zillion commits, like twenty committers. Anyone can commit, stuff
right. Really cool. Opal is yo- I've already showed
you, there's a lot in Opal already. So hopefully
this brings some attention there. We're alone? Oh no.
We've got thirteen repos officially and some side things,
code, production apps, two million views page a month.
Right. Stuff is good.
So things are pretty good. Can always be better.
You know, pretty much Adam and Matt just they,
they bang on the language stuff. And I'm glad
they do that so then I can work on
tool stuff, which I know more about.
You know, so we need more libs, more complete
libraries there. Documentation, not surprisingly not great. WE need
your help.
Things you can do - one, try it out.
See if you like it. There is an OpalIRB
dot org. There's a TryRuby. Left is the code.
It'll generate the JavaScript. It'll put the results down
here. That's cool. My Opal IRB embed thing there.
This is the GitHub IO page, and, you know,
I'll have, I'll have the slides out. So, you
don't have to needlessly try to scribble that down.
Communicate. IRC seems to be the active place. Everyone
but me is in Europe, so time's a little
odd. There's a Google Group, not super active. Document,
yeah. Try things out in Document. I think that's
what I'll be doing at some point.
Contribute. It's just Ruby. So this is the whole
talk I think Evan Phoenix talked about. Rubinius. You
don't have to know C to contribute to Ruby
like you do for MRI, you can write in
Ruby. And so this is Opal. You know Ruby.
You can contribute to Opal, right.
Convert gems. You want a gem you want? Some
of them will run, some of them won't. Immutable
string, which, they're talking about maybe undoing that, but
you can imagine optimization wise it's much better.
Thread, threadsafe wise it's actually better.
But you can imagine there's a lot of existing
Ruby stuff that doesn't obey that.
Have fun, right. That's, that's the. Be garbage collectors.
Change the world. Have fun. Be happy.
All right. So, my question, will you join the
dark side or code with the force? You choose.
But, for me-
LUKE SKYWALKER: I'll never turn to the dark side.
You failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like
my father before me.
F.C.: So let us change the world. Defeat the
evil. Save Ruby. Be happy.
All right. So some quick resources. OpalIRB.org is good.
You know, GitHub - thirteen projects, read the code.
IRC I think is the best place and they're
pretty responsive. Google Groups, not very active, but if
that's more your speed.
I'll call my blog cause I have a couple
articles when I first got into it and then
I will certainly write more now that I'm not
writing presentations for RubyConf.
It's not a lot. Better than nothing. Some of
it's out of date. But that'll be changed. Otherwise
there's really not a lot in the way, for
that one.
Thanks, Matz, for Ruby. Thank you. DHH for allowing
us to have dayjobs that have Ruby. Adam, Meh,
and Elia. They're the committers to Opal, so, they've
done a good job. I love the community. In
fact, the whole happiness thing, love you guys. George
Lucas, thanks for Star Wars, and I'm not as,
I'm not as picky as the guys that are
all mad at his revisions. And you guys for
listening to this presentation.
So lastly, like everyone else, it's unfortunately the last
day, we're hiring. Standford, Connecticut, New York if you
want to do that. Contact us. Diego's been giving
out all his cards, so. That's it.
So you can find me on Twitter. But I
Tweet more about food than anything else.
And may the force be with you.

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