
 back to another show you in a show today I want
to talk to you guys and gals about a topic on entry level basics and what is
required from employers
if you're new to the industry and profession you're just starting to get
into a job and started to look for one
what are some of the things that they're looking for and from from a real-life
experience as opposed to what you see in the job requirements when you're looking
at a job opening
ok so from my experience this is what I'm going to break down for you and and
kind of give you a little bit of background on on all of it so here's the
the the job requirements that are usually in a job description
our most of the time ninety-nine percent of the time way over exaggerated
meaning you have a list of this much information on on the job requirements
that you know it's just it's really out of touch is unrealistic and so a lot of
times you know just scan over it and and just forget about it
really because in most cases you're not going to have every single thing on that
list none of us - I mean that's just the fact of the matter so here's here's the
important part
let's start off with some of the things that you'll notice about every single
job posting out there and that is how do youhow world how well do you work with
people and how are you a team put how are you is it as a team player
that right there is one of the key factors
that's going to play into you getting a job
ok they want to make sure that they have somebody that they can trust that they
can you know bring you into their their culture and that you'll make you you'll
be a good fit for them that you will get along with people and that your people
person that you're a nice person
it most most employers want to see those assets those skills and that personality
first before anything
ok so you have to make sure that when you go in for an interview if you get
called in that you're you're on your best
I mean you've got to be you've got to just exudes confidence in yourself and
and that you're the right person for that job based on you know your people
skills that you know how to work with people especially if you're going to be
in a job role such as like customer service or technical support help desk
that type of position there when you're working with external customers
ok so if you're say you're a technical support person for a software vendor
you're going to be working with people that are they have purchased the product
all right so you've got to know how to work with people and that's where people
skills become involved and it's all and it also applies to internally so if
you're if you're the person behind the behind the scenes you know doing the you
know server work whatever it is you have to you have to know how to interact with
with your teammates so number one skill is people and teamwork
ok second thing that you will see that's pretty common is documentation
you have to be able to document what you're doing on a daily basis especially
if you're in the capacity of some type of administrator of the organization
ok change management is a huge thing especially in large organizations and
really at all
you have to really document every single thing you do so that if something blows
up you can go back and say okay this is what we did prior to the disaster
ok you have to know what happened and this applies to any role in IT
ok you've got to understand how to document document properly
I know that there's a lot of people out there that say you know what I'm an IT i
work with computers
writing is not my best skill well you know what
then you need to get better at it ok you need to learn how to write
I mean especially if I if English your first language and mostly speaking to
you folks here in the United States and really I mean wherever you are in the
world if if the language you speak is your first language you should know how
to write
ok so you need to really present something and writing because I'll tell
you something if it's not in writing
it didn't happen ok and i'll show you what i mean by that
if you didn't document what you've done nobody knows what you have done
ok so in someone else's perspective they're just saying what did this guy do
besides push buttons on a computer or whatever they're pushing buttons on
so your documentation is proof that you're actually doing your job role
it's it's a it's a it's another expectation of the employer it's another
metric if you will that there that they are looking at for what you're doing and
measuring you okay
and having proper documentation that's legible that your grammar is is you know
is good we're not asking you to be authors here but one of my biggest pet
peeves is when i'm looking at documentation and I can understand what
was done
ok just it just drives me insane when somebody doesn't know how to write
you know when they do run on sentences there's no paragraphs
yeah you know there's . where there shouldn't be there is commas there's !
mean it's just there
there's there's a reason why they taught us how to write in in school
okay so take this seriously people trust me on this okay
writing skills will go a long way I don't care if you're if you're just a
network administrator or help this person just you need to not all right
all right
next thing let's kind of go on to the basics now of the jabra we got the two
key skills out out out of
here which is people and documentation the next thing they want is the basics
all right there's a lot of job descriptions out there where they just
say windows basics
what really what does that mean right i mean that that doesn't really tell us a
so if you're just getting started
you you've got to have some of the fundamentals of technology
ok a lot of what I'm talking about here today has to do with people that are
going for systems admin network administration help desk
you know the the people that are working with the complete the the software and
hardware themselves okay if we're talking about you know if we're talking
about programming software development that's a little bit different as far as
the basics but I mean a lot of this will apply to that as well I think I can
probably do a video on that later on but let's just say that your your you want
to be a windows administrator you want to be a systems administrator
you know you want to do networking most jobs the entry-level stuff will be
windows administration because Microsoft ones the world right now
unfortunately that's just the way it is so let's start off with the basics of
the windows operating system you need to understand how to navigate through
you know do that through the basic stuff you know how to look at some of the
logging and windows that's built in like the event viewer logs and and and just
some of the basic stuff
how to get around to the control panel how do you look at your networking
how do you look at the firewall just some of the basics about Windows you
know even troubleshooting the boot up process getting into the bios so there's
there's a lot of that that stuff there that that you really need to have a
grasp on
I mean you don't have to know in-depth knowledge but when you go in for an
you probably questioned on some of this this is these basics of of just windows
ok next thing is is networking right networking is the
in the grand scheme of things it's how the entire ecosystem of the environment
talk to each other that's how we network
you know the computers and how they talk to each other using using you know
tcp/ip which is your you know that's how that's the internet protocol that's
transmission protocol that's basically how they communicate that's the language
it talks you know
dns what is dns domain name system so you have to understand with dns is as
well as dhcp basic ping command you know
can I pick this computer is it talking to the network
you know just some of those basic things and and you know just understanding that
stuff I wrote down here
the a plus and and the net plus certifications
I want to skip down here for a second because I i think that these are good
starting points for four people like yourself that are just getting into the
field because it will give you a really good idea though it will give you the
it'll basically teach you all this stuff here so that you that you know some of
those fundamentals going into the job
so it's a really good starting point if you're already not if you're not in a
all right okay so say that you're you you haven't decided on a college or
degree or something like that you just want to go straight for certifications
I would start there to get your fundamentals because it will teach you
the entire realm of all of this stuff
ok so going back to that email we got to know what's going on with email right i
mean that's that's part of what we do have an email is our main method of
communication these days so we need to understand
email flow and configuration so if you're on a help desk position or you
know technical support position
you need to understand okay if this person is not going to email why not you
most companies are using microsoft exchange server and you know that's the
main exchange for that
the main mail application
okay keep it simple then you need to understand how these email client like
Microsoft Outlook again everything is Microsoft these days
their competitor if you want to say would be would be Domino and IBM notes
ok so that would be the other email client but ninety nine percent of the
companies out there going to be using microsoft exchange so that's why the
focus is Microsoft here
so going back to you know how is that the outlook client communicating with
the exchange server
you know is it if its internal you're not going to be using smtp pop or imap
that's going to be for you know for basically home computers that are
connecting into their domain hosting service or whatever but you need to
understand these this terminology smtp pop/imap just so you get a good grasp on
really what that does and how that the outlook client the email client
communicates with the exchange server or the mail server whatever that is to get
to send and receive email
all right the basic understanding of what active directory is for windows
ok Active Directory the main this is the this is the heart of a network
ok this is the heart of a domain ok is what they call it
you need to get a little bit understand really what active directory is because
all of this ties into it
ok this all ties into what active directory is so understand what that is
all right start start studying with active directory is the basics of a
ok firewall could be the windows built-in firewall in to say
windows you know windows seven with it whatever windows operating system it is
and even the microsoft software firewall is called well just to be called ice and
now it's TMG but that's that's microsoft's version and then you have
your third-party hardware vendor
just that you know they're basically there it's an actual piece of hardware
that plugs into your network and those are sold by companies like Cisco the big
sonic Barracuda is there's a couple others out there as well
understand what firewalls do what their functionality is why we use them so we
need to keep an eye on that and and study what a firewall is and then just
some of your computer hardware
ok the guts what's inside what's inside the box what's inside the server what's
inside the pc you know you've got your system border or also known as your
you've got your RAM which is your memory you got the video card
nick is the is your network card network interface card
you know all the different components inside the box you want to understand
what that is and and what they do in case you're in that capacity as a job in
your job role you know what you might be a pc tech you're going to be hands dirty
in there
tell you right now so going back to the a plus and that plus certification will
teach you all this stuff and I said it on previous videos go get a will get an
old computer start ripping it apart and playing with it put it back together and
start learning some of this stuff and and get down some of these core basics
and in this way you've got a better chance at getting in
you know again when you're looking at the job roles and job functions on a on
a you know online or whatever it is you're looking at jobs
don't let that stuff scare you that the list that goes on and on and on just
understand that as long as you've got some of the basics and you can go in
there with a level of confidence that you know what I might not know the
answer to this but google is one click away
okay i can find the answer ok that's really what they want to understand
they want to know do you have these people skills and your document
do you have the ability to go and search are you know are you willing to do
whatever it takes
just go in there knock it out it's not really about everything that you know
what's really up here there's a
that they're they're really looking for someone that they can count
ok someone that they know like and trust that's really what it boils down to
once you get into the job role then you can learn
ok I i'll say it again most of what you learn
will be on the job it's just a matter of getting in and get your foot in the door
and proving yourself and I trust that you can do that because some of what
you're learning for myself and I i really appreciate the questions I want
to keep the questions coming in let me know down below this video has helped
you out if this is your first time here
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we'll catch you on the next video hope this helps you out and hope you have an
awesome freaking day
we'll talk to you lat

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