
Boston Logic is excited to announce the launch of Ace, built for boutique brokerages and teams who want to ensure that their digital marketing gets done right.

We noticed a common challenge: lots of clients come to us with the right digital strategy in mind, but no one on their team to do the implementation and ongoing management of their campaign. On the enterprise scale, full time employees are available to turn plans into results. For boutique brokerages and agent teams, there’s no one who owns the digital marketing campaign.

That’s where your Ace comes to the rescue.

Your Ace will make sure your website is updated, your newsletter is sent, your leads are organized and receiving automated communication, all while you’re out showing homes and closing deals. Ace combines next-level technology powered by the Boston Logic platform, with human support to help you strategize and manage your website and digital marketing.

You, you’re a people person. But your Ace, well, they thrive on this tech stuff. They can help you out on that front. Here’s why you need Ace up your sleeve:

You don’t have the time

You run a business. There are only so many hours in the day, and sometimes, things fall through the cracks. Things that are everyone’s job sometimes become no one’s job. But, you know that managing your website and digital assets is an important job that needs to be done.

Free up your time to focus on what you do best. Let us do what we do best. Leave your website and software admin work to your Ace.

Communication is where you shine …

Not behind the computer screen. Sure, you are plenty capable, but you could be wasting your talent if you spend too much time handling the admin work for your website, sales and marketing software. Get out there and build relationships and close deals. Let your Ace give you back your life while generating opportunities to grow your web presence and working on reaching your clients with the right messages.

We know digital

It’s our job. Your Ace knows the software inside and out, and can help you leverage it to its full potential to automate lead capture, manage tasks, streamline follow up and close more deals. Your Ace can help you set up your sales and marketing tasks so that you never miss an opportunity to close. In fact, Marketo found that when sales and marketing teams are in sync, companies become 67% better at closing deals.

What does the press have to say?

You don’t have to take our word for it. Now wouldn’t that be biased of us! Ace is getting noticed though, could it be your brokerage’s new secret weapon?

Inman seems to think so…


Check out our press on these other sites:





Want to learn more about how Ace can take your brokerage to the next level? Get in touch!

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