
The digital explosion changes how we behave – and act. We’re getting in touch with long-lost friends on Facebook, shifting how we digest news through Twitter, and learning (and seeing) more about our interest areas through YouTube.

Yes, social media is incredibly valuable for personal use. But what many professionals fail to realize is the massive number of benefits it can carry for business usage – whether it’s connecting with new customers, learning best practices, or simply staying informed on what matters most to you and your organization.

Need to see exactly how this plays out? Let’s take a look at the Chamber’s social network, as an example. (After all, it is the largest of its kind for the Greater Boston business community)

1. Facebook

Facebook is simply massive, as the largest social network around. If it were a country, it would be the world’s third largest.  Yes, it’s a lot of sharing photos and status updates, but there’s much to gain professionally, especially as a Chamber member. It’s here you view pictures and videos on our programs, partake in quizzes on all things Boston, and gain useful information on our region’s business community.

 2. Twitter

Twitter isn’t just for Gen Y or the media; it’s for everyone. It’s simple, easy to use, and a great way to build connections. The Boston Chamber’s Twitter page is no different with 9,000 followers. Gain access to Chamber news and top business headlines. Directly interact with us on timely topics and trends. And if your company reached a milestone, or has great news to share, we’re always happy to re-tweet it to our followers.

3. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is great for building online connections and recruiting – but many feel it stops there. Don’t be fooled. LinkedIn groups open up a new layer of functionality. Participate in discussions with a wide scope of professionals, receive relevant update and news, and share your own organization’s accomplishments. Try it out on the Chamber’s LinkedIn page.

4. YouTube

Video is the most powerful way to gain firsthand views into organizations like the Chamber. Browse our library to view highlights from our 100+ events each year, see exclusive clips on top trends from the region’s top business leaders, or simply learn how the Chamber can work for you.

5. Google+

Google+ is new to social networking, but it’s already a resource for Chamber members. While we’re still expanding it, you can find useful information on Chamber membership, candid photos and video from events, and browse news updates from the Boston business community.

The benefits of social networking for business purposes plays out these channels; specifically, maximizing how Chamber membership is impacting your personal – and organization’s bottom-line.

So get online – and get involved. We look forward to engaging with you!

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