When Grayce the rescue pit bull gave birth to 11 puppies, she put all of them into her foster mom’s lap, one by one. “I think she feels unsure still as a new mom,” Stevoni Wells Doyle tells The Dodo. “And she needed love and reassurance from someone she loves and trusts.”
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The woman says Grayce had been neglected in her previous home, and “needed a safe environment to have her pups.” Doyle, who has fostered hundreds of dogs before, believes that animals need us: “We are their voice and we need to protect them.” However, never before has Doyle experienced being handed in puppies by a dog mum in such a touching way. “I was honored that she choose me to trust with her pups and herself,” Doyle says. “I’m still overwhelmed with her love.”
Grayce and her pups will be ready for adoption in 8 weeks through the group called Rescue Rovers (Utah families only).
More info: Rescue Rovers | Facebook (h/t: thedodo)
When Grayce the rescue pit bull gave birth to 11 puppies, she put all of them into her foster mom’s lap, one by one
“I think she feels unsure still as a new mom”
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“And she needed love and reassurance from someone she loves and trusts”
“I was honored that she choose me to trust with her pups and herself”
“I’m still overwhelmed with her love”