
Author Mary Jo Nickum Releases Her First Non-Fiction Titled ‘Mom’s Story; A Child Learns About MS’ In 2009. Mary Jo Nickum Is Currently Working On A Young Adult Historical Novel, “A Girl Named Mary.”

Mary Jo Nickum: Mary is a retired librarian and project manager, who is now an editor, freelance writer and publisher.

Her publishing company is Saguaro Books, LLC http://www.saguarabooks.com.

Mary earned a B.A. degree in English education at Northland College, Ashland, WI, and a Masters in Librarianship (M. Lib.) at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, and a Masters in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) from Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

She worked as a science librarian at the US Environmental Protection Agency, National Water Quality Laboratory in Duluth, MN, as Oceanography/Zoology librarian at Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, as Project Manager of the Fish and Wildlife Reference Service in Rockville, MD, and as a Division Manager for the Maxima Corporation, a Washington, DC firm that specialized in information services for Federal and County governments. She is a former editor of The Progressive Fish-Culturist, Editor-in-Chief of the Intermountain Journal of Science, and currently edits the World Aquaculture magazine.

Mary’s articles on aquaculture topics are published in: Hatchery International, Aquaculture Magazine, Northern Aquaculture and Fish Farming News. She is currently working on several books and articles for children. Her website for children is http://www.asktheanimallady.com.



OWAA Excellence in Craft Award 2009 (Technical Contest, Magazine category)

OWAA Outstanding Board Member, 2010




What makes you proud to be a writer from Fountain Hills, USA? I am proud to be a writer from Fountain Hills, AZ, USA because this is a great town that encourages and supports writers and the arts from conception to sales.

What or who inspired you to become a writer? Kathleen Kudlinski, children’s author, inspired me to write for children during her presentation at an annual meeting of outdoor writers in 2006.

When did you begin writing with the intention of becoming published? I began writing for magazine publication in 1995 on fish culture.

Did your environment or upbringing play a major role in your writing and why? Yes, my mother wrote poetry. Though she wanted to published, she didn’t until very late in life. I’m not a poet, but I didn’t want to wait.

Do you come up with your title (s) before or after you write the manuscript (s)? I came up with my title before I wrote the story, but the publisher didn’t like it and insisted that I change it. I didn’t like their title, but they assured me it would help sales. I’m not convinced.

Tell us why you write the genre (s) that you write? So far I’ve written nonfiction magazine articles and a book for children. I find many topics in nonfiction that I feel are educational. I’m a teacher/librarian at heart.

Tell us your most rewarding experience while in the writing process? My most rewarding experience while writing is character development.

Tell us your most negative experience while in the writing process? My most negative experience while writing is, like most writers, rejection.

Tell us your most rewarding experience in your publishing journey? My most rewarding experience in my publishing journey has been receiving positive feedback from editors and readers.

Tell us your most negative experience in your publishing journey? My most negative experience in my publishing journey has been book signings with little or no interest beyond a few loyal friends and family.

What one positive piece of advice would you give to other authors? Keep writing, no matter what! Don’t let rejection get you down.

Who is your favorite author? I have many and I’m finding more every day. Some of them are: Kathleen Kudlinski, Jean Auel, Diana Gabaldon, Karen Armstrong, T.K. Thorne, and Kristin Cashore.

What special projects are you working on now and what books do we have to look forward to in the future? I am starting a new genre for me, historical fiction. I have 4 nonfiction picture books at the publishers, awaiting decision. I have two upper grade nonfiction books for the reluctant reader nearly complete.

Is there anything else that you would like to share with us? I owe special thanks to my three critique groups and my scientist husband who all keep me from making mistakes, at least the most embarrassing ones!




Mom’s Story: A Child Learns About MS by Mary Jo Nickum


Mom’s Story; A Child Learns About MS tells the story of a young girl who sees her mother with some frightening health problems and learns she has MS but she will not die from it. This book is a compassionate, accessible and easy to understand account of symptoms, search for help, diagnosis and adaptation to this heart-wrenching disease. Amy fears the worst, which is common when one is confronted by the unknown. Her best friend, Kayla, doesn’t quite understand why Amy is so worried. Amy’s older sister, Kelly is concerned and does her best to help, while older brother, Tony, tries to deny the whole situation. Information is the key to allaying much of her fear along with understanding from parents, adult friends and her older sister.

Ten percent of the net proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Genre: Non-Fiction/General

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