
Please join me in welcoming this talented author to Books & Benches today!

Q&A with Rachel Demeter

Fall for a romance hot enough to melt the snow. <Tweet This>

What inspired you to write your newest release? Is anything in the story based on personal experiences?

Definitely. Writing A Kindled Winter was an incredibly personal experience that touched home in a profound way. The hero of the story, Dr. David Drake, is a cardiovascular surgeon. I was born with a congenital heart defect (Transposition of the Great Arteries—a condition that is mentioned in the story).  I underwent two major surgeries while writing A Kindled Winter, and completed the majority of the work during my recoveries. In hindsight, I realize that the subject matter was therapeutic and my personal way of working through this time in my life. :)

What are three things people may not know about you?

1. When I was ten years old, my house was sieged by the SWAT Team. Rifles, handcuffs, surveillance of our house for several months prior … the whole nine yards. Long story short: my cousin and I had taken shirtless (and 10000% innocent) pictures of each other holding a Barbie doll … and an employee at Costco misinterpreted the photos, to put it mildly … !

2. I began my college career as a philosophy major (with an emphasis in metaphysics), but changed to film and media arts (specifically, screenwriting) about halfway through. Even though I’m primarily a novelist now, film school deepened my passion for crafting fiction tenfold. It taught me to concentrate on plotting, dynamic characters, and effective pacing, as well as the importance of visual storytelling. I wouldn’t trade my college education for anything in the world!

3. What’s in a name? Everything! A ton of thought goes into the selection of my characters’ names. I always ensure their meanings symbolize the story in some way. For example, in Finding Gabriel, my most recent historical romance, Ariah means “lioness” in Hebrew—and she, indeed, behaves very much like a mother lioness when it comes to protecting her loved ones. Plus, she is blonde and quite fierce at times. “Gabriel” represents one of the archangels in the Old and New Testament. (Though the story itself contains no religious undertones.)

How do you feel about book trailers and do you have any?

Coming from a background in film—I lovethem, especially when they are produced well! In my eyes, they are much more than a promotional outlet; they can be a very unique and powerful expression of the story and characters. For every book I write, I dedicate a lot of time to my trailers: the audio, visuals, written text—everything! Please take a moment and visit them below :)—and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel:

The Frost of Springtime trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqKUTaESvTE

Finding Gabriel trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO2RGf7C4D0

A Kindled Winter trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixzSbtt3BWs

What else have you written?

Currently three of my babies have entered the world:

The Frost of Springtime was released in 2014 under Black Lyon Publishing, LLC. It’s an edgy historical romance of forbidden love during the 1870s uprisings in Paris.

On a cold Parisian night, Vicomte Aleksender de Lefèvre forges an everlasting bond with a broken girl during her darkest hour, saving her from a life of abuse and misery. But while Aleksender is drawn away by war, Sofia matures into a stunning young woman - and upon his tormented return, she alone might bring an end to the winter in his heart.

Finding Gabriel was released in 2015 under Momentum Books (Pan Macmillan).

During the chaotic ending of the Napoleonic Wars, two tortured souls struggle to overcome adversity and find hope in the wreckage of their pasts. Equal parts steamy and heartfelt, FINDING GABRIEL is an evocative journey through darkness and light, loss and hope, searing passion and the redeeming power of love.

A Kindled Winter, my first contemporary romance and beta hero, released on November 1st under Black Lyon Publishing, LLC.

A KINDLED WINTER brings the spirit of the holidays to life with a passionate story of second chances and healing love.

I’ve also written several screenplay adaptations, original scripts, and pilots!

Fun tidbit: During college I wrote an edgy TV pilot entitled the Red Light District, which was chiefly based on a porn studio and actor. As part of my research, I spent a day at an actual porn shoot. And yes . . . I got to see and hear everything. While sitting only feet away. The experience was truly eye-opening and one of a kind—and the actor and actress were some of the nicest, most interesting individuals I’ve ever met!

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer to just see where an idea takesyou?

Oh, I definitely use an outline. In fact, I’m seriously an organizational freak—at least during the brainstorming and plotting phases. I plan my days out months in advance, and draw up detailed plot outlines and character sketches before ever beginning a new story. Though, I can certainly veer away from ritual and become a “pantser” when the manuscript calls for it. Once I’m immersed in the “writing phase,” the outline becomes more of a road map than a strict guideline. I follow the basic course, but will take side trips, travel into unexpected territories, meet new people along the way, etc.

Starting January 1st, I’ll be implementing a Motivational Writing Calendar into my process. All writers should check it out—it’s awesome and really spices up a stale routine.

A Kindled Winter









“Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.” — Dale Evans

A week before Christmas, Jeseca Reed sets off for Blue River, Oregon—her childhood home and a vault of tender memories. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when she’s left stranded in the mountains’ vast, untamed wilderness. Desperate and alone, she seeks shelter at a cottage and finds herself in the arms of a mysterious stranger.

Dr. David Drake was once a renowned cardiovascular surgeon. But a devastating tragedy has left him scarred both inside and out, unable to use his hands to operate again. For the past five years, his Blue River cottage has been his sole escape—a safe haven where he can shut out the world, bury himself in his grief, and reunite with his son’s memory.

Together they are summer and winter. Fire and ice. And yet a poignant connection forms between them. Jeseca awakens David and thaws his heart with a romance hot enough to melt snow. But before David and Jeseca can fully embrace each other, they must wade through darkness and confront the ghosts of their pasts …

Equal parts steamy and heartfelt, A Kindled Winter brings the spirit of the holidays to life with a passionate story of second chances and healing love.









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