
Transformations begin with a moment. A clue uncovered; a task charged; a revelation. Unexpected elements prompt moves into the as-yet unknown, from where one never returns exactly as they left.

These books are replete with tales of such epic quests, and include both fiction and non-fiction offerings. Some are family searches, plumbing genealogies, faded pictures, and myths for a fuller sense of self through the past; some are searches for artifacts so coveted they’d make Indiana Jones faint.

From Mordor to Mumbai, from unmapped space and unknown planets to once-fled from hometowns; between dimensions and into the grey areas of our memories; out of the South toward hoped-for opportunities, and back to a South where equality is still denied; down staircases that unwind into seeming infinity, and on the slow climb toward the American presidency; into future landscapes we’d be wise to avoid, and toward a clearer vision of a past we can’t undo; out of fairylands, toward the Emerald City, and back to the remnants of myths again, these books set their seekers down uncertain paths and transform everything in the course of the journey.

These are exciting, revelatory, inspiring, and upending stories—and are presented, let it be known, in no particular order, so please don’t treat number assignments as a map. Instead, find what intrigues you, and forge your own path of discovery, one page at a time.


The Underground Railroad, Colson Whitehead

Journey to the Center of the Earth, Jules Verne

Dreams of Maryam Tair, Mhani Alaoui

Neverwhere, Neil Gaiman

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, Rachel Joyce

Becoming Kirrali Lewis, Jane Harrison

Out of the Silent Planet, C. S. Lewis

Possession, A. S. Byatt

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum

Go Set a Watchman, Harper Lee

A Guide for the Perplexed, Dara Horn

The Lost Civilization of Suolucidir, Susan Daitch

Seven Wonders, Ben Mezrich

A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L’Engle

The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K. Le Guin

Oryx and Crake, Margaret Atwood

The Hidden Keys, André Alexis

Home, Toni Morrison

Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien

House of Leaves, Mark Danielewski

Kafka’s Son, Curt Leviant

The Autograph Man, Zadie Smith

A Single Stone, Meg McKinlay

Katherine Carlyle, Rupert Thomson

Minnow, James McTeer

The Girl Who Drank the Moon, Kelly Barnhill

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Haruki Murakami

State of Wonder, Ann Patchett

Pictures at an Exhibition, Sara Houghteling

Paradise Lost, John Milton

The Theory of Clouds, Stephane Audeguy

The Reeducation of Cherry Truong, Aimee Phan

The Last Unicorn, Peter S. Beagle

The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, Tom Rachman

The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

The Sea Beach Line, Ben Nadler

The Arrival, Shaun Tan

Gentleman’s Agreement, Laura Z. Hobson

The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared, Jonas Jonasson

Open City, Teju Cole

Parable of the Sower, Octavia Butler

All We Have Left, Wendy Mills

Everything is Illuminated, Jonathan Safran Foer

The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Real Magic, Emily Croy Barker

Searching for Caleb, Anne Tyler

The Divine Comedy, Dante

The DaVinci Code, Dan Brown

Life After Life, Kate Atkinson

Daughter of Fortune, Isabel Allende

The Neverending Story, Michael Ende

By Blood, Ellen Ullman

The Distant Hours, Kate Morton

Do Not Say We Have Nothing, Madeleine Thien

Little, Big, John Crowley

Contact, Carl Sagan

Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel

Foucault’s Pendulum, Umberto Eco

The Drowned World, J. G. Ballard

Solaris, Stanislaw Lem

Alphabet of Thorn, Patricia McKillip

Jitterbug Perfume, Tom Robbins

The Buried Giant, Kazuo Ishiguro

Mr. Fox, Helen Oyeyemi

The Lost Book of the Grail, Charlie Lovett

Home, Marilynne Robinson

Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut

Forgotten Country, Catherine Chung

Valis, Philip K. Dick

The Invisible Bridge, Julie Orringer

Labyrinth, Kate Mosse

The Calcutta Chromosome, Amitav Ghosh

The Princess and the Goblin, George MacDonald

Gold Fame Citrus, Claire Vaye Watkins

Sarah’s Key, Tatiana de Rosnay

The Odyssey, Homer

The Gloaming, Melanie Finn


77. A Long Way Home, Saroo Brierley

78. In the Darkroom, Susan Faludi

79. The River of Doubt, Candice Millard

80. The Orpheus Clock, Simon Goodman

81. Walking the Llano, Shelley Armitage

82. In Search of King Solomon’s Mines, Tahir Shah

83. Full Moon Over Noah’s Ark, Rick Antonson

84. The Beautiful Struggle, Ta-Nehisi Coates

85. Wild, Cheryl Strayed

86. Catfish and Mandala, Andrew X. Pham

87. The Unconquered, Scott Wallace

88. The Lost Ark of the Covenant, Tudor Parfitt

89. One Drop, Bliss Broyard

90. Sacred Trash, Adina Hoffman and Peter Cole

91. The Fire Next Time, James Baldwin

92. A Princess’s Pilgrimage, Nawab Sikandar Begum

93. The Lost City of Z, David Grann

94. The Return, Hisham Matar

95. Dreams from My Father, Barack Obama

96. Ordinary Light, Tracy K. Smith

97. The Lost, Daniel Mendelsohn

98. The Warmth of Other Suns, Isabel Wilkerson

99. The Book of Wanderings, Kimberly Meyer

100. Valverde’s Gold, Mark Honigsbaum

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