Three keys to podcast growth: interview top people, get featured on iTunes, encourage sharing.
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Here are three keys to podcast growth: Interview top people in your field (get the right guests). Two, get featured on iTunes (not just listed but featured on their front page). Three, encourage your guests to share their interviews via their blogs and social networks.
Once you create a podcast, you need to get the word out so people can find what you have to offer. Below are some of the major websites that aggregate podcasts and offer accessible directories for people interested in various topics. Be sure to list your podcasts with some of these directories and hosting services:
Authors Radio Network — An Internet radio network founded by a book author with over 250,000 listeners every month. To become a host, go here: — Hosts thousands of Internet talk radio shows, many of which are syndicated on other networks like iTunes. Fees range from $39 to $249 per month. Alexa: 14,897.
Blubrry — Offers podcast hosting and syndication as well as a directory of 35,000 podcasts at Alexa: 52,955.
Google Play Music — Google allows podcasters to submit their podcast to Google Play and allows users to find podcasts to meet their mood or interest. This gives podcasters access to millions of new listeners on Android phones. You can submit your podcast here: — Features hand-picked peer reviewed podcasts for quality information and entertainment. Submit your podcast here: Alexa: 578,188. — Apple’s popular podcasting venue. It has 75% of the podcast syndication market. — A podcast hosting site with plans starting at $5 per month. They host 25,000 shows with 44 million monthly listeners and 2.6 billion downloads. Alexa: 7,495.
Midroll — Midroll is the leading podcast advertising network, connecting companies and brands with respected podcasters. They match advertisers with your podcast. You control how many ads run. For details, see
Play.It — A podcast network owned by CBS. You can submit your podcast to be featured on this network by going here: Alexa: 110,808. — Offers free and paid hosting with 816,772 podcasters and 4 billion downloads. Podbean allows anyone to create professional podcasts in minutes without programming knowledge. Our user-friendly interface allows you to upload, publish, manage and promote your podcasts with just a few clicks of your mouse. Just point, click and execute. How easy is that? Alexa: 15,494. — Podcasting news and featured podcasts. Alexa: 645,089. — Currently hosts more than 200 high profile and celebrity podcasters. To submit your show idea, use their contact form: Alexa: 47,571. — Features 150,000 different podcasts in a wide variety of topics. Alexa: 240,447. — Offers measurement and advertising for audio and video podcasts. Alexa: 264,298. — Offers three hours of time for your free uploads as well as paid hosting of music and audio ($15 pro plan with no limits on uploads). SoundCloud reaches 175 million unique listeners every month. Note: The SoundCloud player can be embedded into tweets. Alexa: 162. — Features and hosts 40,000+ podcasts and radio shows available via iPhone, Android, and PC. Alexa: 14,425.
Podcasting Tip: Be sure to list your podcasts with these directories and hosting services.
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