
John Kremer’s Book Marketing Tip of the Week

October 22, 2013

In this issue . . .

- Get Connected with Top Bloggers

- Blog Posts and Articles on Marketing Books

- When and How to Use a Pen Name

- Alexa 400,000 or Bust . . .

- Indie Bookstore Campaigns

Get Connected with Top Bloggers


If you have a book that fits any of the following bloggers, get in touch with them. They were all featured in the November issue of Better Homes & Gardens magazine. That means they are going to get more attention, more traffic, and more influence in the next month or two.

Kelly Senyei, blogger, Just a Taste, http://www.justataste.com. Email: kelly@justataste.com. A food blog that focuses on all sorts of recipes where you eat in moderation (just a taste). She is the author of Food Blogging for Dummies. Alexa rank: 72,873.

Facebook: http://facebook.com/justatasteblog

Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/106746562775619649369

Instagram: http://instagram.com/justataste

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/justataste

Twitter: http://twitter.com/justataste

Carissa Fox, blogger, Brown Eyed Fox, http://browneyedfox.squarespace.com. Email: thebrowneyedfox@hotmail.com. Home, garden, crafts, family. Alexa: unranked.

Instagram: http://instagram.com/browneyedfox

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/carissa-fox/18/70a/361

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/browneyedfox

Heather Christo, blogger, Heather Christo, http://www.heatherchristo.com. Email: HeatherChristo@gmail.com. Chef and author of Heather Christo’s Generous Table, she shares the love of food with friends and family. Focused on great food, drinks, and entertaining. Alexa rank: 200,640.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Heather-Christo/138616906149810

Google+: https://plus.google.com/118253062824170590924

Instagram: http://instagram.com/heatherchristo

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/heatherchristo

Twitter: https://twitter.com/heatherchristo

Mindy Lockard, blogger, The Gracious Girl, http://www.mindylockard.com. Email: etiquette@mindylockard.com. Etiquette expert writing about gracious living. Alexa rank: 11,495,423.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Gracious-Girl/157474220943307

Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegraciousgirl

Chadwick Boyd, blogger, Lovely and Delicious, http://www.lovelyanddelicious.com. Email: info@lovelyanddelicious.com. Writes about food, recipes, lifestyle, and memories. No recent posts. Alexa: unranked.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chadwickboyd

Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104556213454378097777

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/lovelydelicious

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChadwickBoyd

Valerie Rice, blogger, Eat Drink Garden, http://www.eat-drink-garden.com. Email: info@valrice.com. Covers food, drink, entertaining, and gardening. Alexa rank: 2,670,423

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EatDrinkGardenwithValerie

Instagram: http://instagram.com/eatdrinkgarden

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/eatdrinkgarden

Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatDrinkGarden

Note: If you want to be featured in Better Homes & Gardens, send them an email with a photo of you with your latest home project. Email to: IDidIt@meredith.com. That’s how Carissa Fox was featured.

The Book Marketing Network for Book Authors and Ebook Publishers


Join with 8,000 other book authors and ebook publishers at the http://www.thebookmarketingnetwork.com social network. Get connected. Share tips and ideas. Get more traffic to your website. #books #ebooks #authors #writers

Blog Posts and Articles on Marketing Books


Here are a few useful blog posts on social media, book marketing, website creation, and indie bookstores.

Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be. http://myincrediblewebsite.com/step-outside-remind

Lemonade Stand Book Selling – http://bookmarketingbestsellers.com/lemonade-stand-selling-books

The first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest.

What Will You Do with Your 940 Days? – http://myincrediblewebsite.com/will-940-days

120 Promotional Tips for Your Blog – http://infographicaday.com/120-promotional-tips-for-your-blog-new-or-old

The Writer’s Dilemma: 1,000 Words for Love – http://bookmarketingbestsellers.com/the-writers-dilemma-1000-words-for-love – You may not always be able to find the perfect word, but if you can tell a good story, perfect words don’t matter. Like the story here: No perfect word for love, but a story of how one person moves against another while sleeping. Now, that’s love. And there are no words for that. But there are a million such stories. Even 7.2 billion such stories. Tell just one.

I Believe . . . http://infographicaday.com/i-believe

Tony Robbins: On Living Fully – http://infographicaday.com/tony-robbins-on-living-fully

Alexa 400,000 or Bust . . .


During the past week, I’ve visited dozens of author websites and not one of them was rated higher than 1 million on Alexa.com (which is a relative measure of the amount of traffic websites get). That’s sad.

If you are not getting traffic, you’re not going to sell books. You need traffic to your website. Here are two ways that you can get that traffic:

1. Do a virtual book tour. Discover how to get traffic effectively by taking the Relationships Matter Marketing course. Details at: http://bookmarketingbestsellers.com/relationships-matter-marketing-program

2. Work the Alexa 400,000 or Bust program. There are two ways you can work this program:

First, you can do it yourself by acting on the 10-step program outlined in John Kremer’s $22 Alexa 400,000 or Bust ebook. Order by clicking here: https://www.itsolut.com/cart/AddToCartCheckout?shopID=12&prodID=49157&qty=1.

Or you can pay me to do the program for you: $400 for the 40-day program. You can order my 40-day traffic generating service here: https://www.itsolut.com/cart/AddToCartCheckout?shopID=12&prodID=48376&qty=1

Indie Bookstore Campaigns


For this Independent Bookstore Campaign, I’ll write a sales letter for your book and then email it to the top 600 indie booksellers in the United States (and a few in Canada).

Note: You can then use the sales letter to help you write your news releases, catalog copy, web sales copy, etc. Once written by me, it’s yours to use as long as you want. – Fee: only $200. Most people charge that much just for the copywriting.

Note: I’ll also tweet, pin, post, Google+, and share your sales letter page. This will go to over 50,000 followers and will remain on my Ask the Booksellers website for at least a year (to continue driving traffic to your website for months to come).

To order this service and reserve your spot, click on the link below: https://www.itsolut.com/cart/AddToCartCheckout?shopID=12&prodID=48381&qty=1

Inspirational Quote

When it is obvious that your goals cannot be reached, don’t abandon your goals. Change your action steps. — Confucius


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