
I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

The Lovely Reckless by Kami Garcia
Published by Imprint on October 4th 2016
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 384
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
Buy on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, The Book Depository

Also by this author: Beautiful Creatures

I’ve become an expert at avoiding things that could hurt me—which means I will figure out how to stay away from Marco Leone.

Seventeen-year-old Frankie Devereux would do anything to forget the past. Haunted by the memory of her boyfriend’s death, she lives her life by one dangerous rule: Nothing matters. At least, that’s what Frankie tells herself after a reckless mistake forces her to leave her privileged life in the Heights to move in with her dad—an undercover cop. She transfers to a public high school in the Downs, where fistfights don’t faze anyone and illegal street racing is more popular than football.

Marco Leone is the fastest street racer in the Downs. Tough, sexy, and hypnotic, he makes it impossible for Frankie to ignore him—and how he makes her feel. But the risks Marco takes for his family could have devastating consequences for them both. When Frankie discovers his secret, she has to make a choice. Will she let the pain of the past determine her future? Or will she risk what little she has left to follow her heart?


Six Reasons to read The Lovely Reckless

I adored Frankie. You can tell how much her boyfriend’s death effected her. You can’t help but feel everything she feels.

You see how people handle different life changing events. No one reaction is right. You have to deal with it in your own way.

Unlikely friendships. The new friends that Frankie makes are ones that she wouldn’t have made when she lived in the Heights. But the bond they have is pretty amazing.

Street racing! I know, I know, it’s illegal. But these types of books always catch my eye. The adrenaline rush must be phenomenal.

Let’s just take a moment to appreciate Marco. He seems like a “bad boy” but he has so many different sides to him. I loved seeing each one come to light, and fell in love with his character a little more each time a new quality was presented.

Kami Garcia knocked it out of the park with her first contemporary novel. I loved every page, and hope she writes more in this genre.

About Katrina @ Bookish Things

I'm a mom of two and love to read, listen to music, and rock out at concerts. Sometimes you can find me reading, or writing, in between sets at concerts. I read many genres, and have a TBR mountain.

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