
This book is free on these days only – 07/16/2014 at midnight PST until 11:59 pm on 07/17/2014. If the dates are the same that means the book is free one day only.

* What does the Indiana Jones Adventure have to do with integrity?

* How does the Mad Tea Party demonstrate the importance of focusing on Jesus?

* What can Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters teach you about success?

* What makes Tom Sawyer Island unique, and how does it set an example for taking risks as a Christian?

* What is the history of the Partners Statue, and what does it teach you about how much God loves you?

Disneyland is all about story, and God is a God of story––and of visual aids. “Faith and the Magic Kingdom” combines your favorite Disney theme park attractions (and more) with God’s story of love, turning the park into a 3-dimensional parable. Learn to see Disneyland in a whole new way while you experience true abundant life in Christ.

“Faith and the Magic Kingdom” will refresh you, challenge you, and encourage you to be the person God made you to be.

About the Author

Randy Crane is a nationally known speaker, author, and life coach. With the heart of a pastor and teacher, the kindness of a friend, and the willingness to challenge you to reach beyond what you think you can do and be, Randy merges his educational background, his work experience, and his unique blend of passions with a dream for helping others to realize their God-given identity and purpose.

Randy married his wonderful wife, Faye, in November of 2000, and they live in the Orange County, California area. They are active in their church and community–including walking every year in the CHOC/Disneyland Resort Walk in the Park to raise money for Children’s Hospital of Orange County. They have two cats, Wall*E and Eve, who keep them almost as busy as kids will someday.

When not doing the work that he loves as a Life and Personal Development Coach, Randy can usually be found helping people with their dream vacations as a travel agent, specializing in Disney destinations & cruises, and in celebration, event, and bucket-list travel.

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