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ou’ve heard about apps that can transform the way you work, but you never have the time to figure out how to use them. You’re too busy rushing from meeting to meeting and juggling your family and your “life”. This book by Beth Ziesenis of Your Nerdy Best Friend does the work for you. With practical tips and a whole lot of humor, Beth walks you step by step through 27+ essential apps for work and home, plus hundreds of other resources and lists.

Beth Z is a technology expert and proud nerd who shares the best apps, tech tools, widgets and gadgets to thousands of people a year. The author of three books, Beth keeps up with the latest technology so you don’t have to.

Nerd Know-How brings you into the nerdy world of Beth Z while you discover apps to help you organize your work and life, collaborate with others, share your knowledge, design anything creative, create images and videos, travel the world, outsource your busy work and Google smarter.

When you read this book, keep these thoughts in mind:

These Tools Are a Starting Point

For the most part, each tool is just one option in a very crowded and competitive category. I included alternatives to each, but that list is just a starting place for a plethora of competitors.

About the Author

Meet Beth Z, your own personal Nerdy Best Friend. She’s keeps up with all the new online applications and downloads that can help you look like you’re working with a team of marketing, computer and productivity experts, even if you suffer from a shrinking staff and a disappearing budget.

Beth loves to share her tools online via the blog and in person at presentations. And she’s even been known to share a few tips over cupcakes and coffee.

Beth Ziesenis is an author, speaker, marketing analyst and complete tech geek. Since her first Commodore 64 computer, Beth has been fascinated with technology and computer shortcuts that make people’s lives easier.

From her home base in sunny San Diego, California, Beth helps computer users all over the country filter through thousands of apps, gadgets, widgets and doodads to find the perfect free and bargain technology tools for business and personal use.

Link To Download Nerd Know-How: The 27+ Best Apps for Work… & How To Use ‘Em!

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