Isn't she lovely?
What a nice angle
I love how *selectively* shiny it is
oooh that's nice
The area leading up to the "scale cluster" is one of my favorites
pommel-bashing: good for swords, not for wand-mouths.
Sure, they get damaged easier, but they fix themselves!
One of my absolute favorite views. I just love how the combination of foam deposition, blind sanding, and haphazard drybrushing come together to make it look so alive.
My “pet” project for the last week, and the accessory to my Halloween costume: a living wand!
The handle and armature are a deer metacarpal and a bit of old car antenna, while the rest is just gap fill (thanks, @bogleech for the wonderful tutorial on your site!), fake nails, and acrylic paint! The eye, veins, and glowy shard bits are a generic Lego cannonball, copper wire, and bits of fluorescent acrylic.
I gotta say, this is hands-down my absolute favorite prop I’ve ever made! Also, probably the cheapest.