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Boatshed Midi Canals is very pleased to offer this President 57 Motor Yacht for sale. Currently on a very realistically priced residential mooring just 3 hours cruise from the Mediteranean she has been used as a stylish and convivial "pied-a-terre" in the south of France for the last few years. She is eminently suited to this role but with a little preparatory work I'm sure a new owner would find it difficult to resist exploiting her immense cruising potential.
Boatshed Midi canals est heureux de proposer ce moteur yacht PRESIDENT 57 à la vente. Actuellement amarré à 3h de croisière de la méditerranée et à un coût très raisonnable il a servi ces dernières années de pieds-à-terre dans le sud de la France et peut aussi rapidement reprendre la navigation. Néanmoins quelques petits travaux et remise à jour lui feraient le plus grand bien pour retrouver toute sa gloire.

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

This President 57 has been personally photographed and viewed by Graham of Boatshed Midi Canals.

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