
Unofficial Club List__________________________________________


Welcome!_______________________________________________________________________________Created by red_wesley

Welcome to the unofficial club list! Uncategorized and incomplete entries are listed under "Uncategorized".



5/18/12 8:12 AM CST - Edited the GE 501st to include their fundraiser for Make-A-Wish.

4/24/12 7:03 PM CST - Removed [WIP] status. This tome is rather... dynamic and can never be truely "finished."

2/19/12 12:18 PM CST - Edited "Want your club here?" with clearer, less strict rules.

2/1/12 9:32 PM CST - Edited "Want your club here?" and fixed a few things

1/16/12 10:56 PM CST - Redid layout and added categories



Want your club here?


If you manage a club and would like it to be added, feel free to edit this tome. Please include the following if you want your club to be categorized:

club name

link to your thread/website (example link)

when your club meets

a short description

NOTE: If you have both a thread AND a website, you can link to the website in the description


The All Mighty - Every Sat. @ 7pm EST

a UNITY Branch - Friendly environment, respectful, meet new friends, each week we meet and discuss on whats new from PSHome and the UNITY group. help in organizing PSHome events, and have fun while at it.

Keeping the above example in mind, the next step is to pick a catagory and add your entry. Please keep the list in alphabetical order

and try not to break the formatting. If you're unsure about the catagory, you may place your entry under "Uncategorized". If you don't have anything to link to, just make the title black. After you're done, please update the date in the title.




Movies & Television


Community Helpers





* ANGELS and DEMONS * - Every Mon. @ 9pm EST

a UNITY Branch - Choose your Faith between Angel & Demon as we have weekly Civil War Challenges,

based on PSHome games or user created content, Role Playing and have good fun, anyone is welcome.


IWGC Move - Members can meet when they want

Our club plays Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 golf using the Move controller exclusively.  We have an EA Country Club in addition to our own web site where members can interact via a message board and chat room.  We have daily tournaments where you can compete for club awards but having fun is most important.  If you're interested check us out at our web site.


LAIR - Every Sun. @ 9pm EST

We make ARGs on Home.  We have been around for over 2 years now.

The games are interactive stories that play out as you solve clues and riddles.

To sign up at our website to recieve email broacasts and updates click HERE.


The Black Hat Squad - No meetings

We are a group of Novus Prime pilots. No rules or ranks, just plain old fun. Not a skill base club either. A funny bunch who happen to like playing Novus Prime. Adults only, no jerks allowed.


The Club of Champions - Every Fri. @ 10pm EST

We began as a club called "Club XLR" ran by xlr8life which was a branch off of a former club called VLR (Vive La Resistance). On October 9th 2009 club xlr was converted to the Club of Champions, now ran by x-champ-x and SeeImage_Inc. Friday nights is when we meet for game launching, tournaments, general discussion, and more. We are always looking for new people to join in on the excitement. You can check out our website HERE.


HomeStation Magazine - production meetings by invitation only

HSM is PlayStation Home's literary journal nonpareil: a Sony-positive and Home-positive publication devoted to mature and literate coverage of Home as a social network for gamers. Created in October 2010, HomeStation is comprised of daily web articles, quarterly magazine issues, and regular videocast episodes and related machinima. Presently serving an audience of 6,000 to 7,000 unique visitors per month (including multiple developers), HSM's goal is to serve as a platform for Home's finest writers and artists to share their thoughts on Home and Sony gaming in general. Individuals who wish to be published in HSM are encouraged to read this resource, and are welcome to contact norsegamer@hsmagazine.net for further information. HomeStation can also be followed on Facebook and Twitter, as well as the official HSM thread in the Sony forum.


Gamers Echigo - Thursdays at 8:00 P.M. EST

A club for mature (18 and up) gamers (male or female) to interact on PS3 games, anime, music and movies.


The All Mighty - Every Sat. @ 7pm EST

a UNITY Branch - Friendly environment, respectful, meet new friends, each week we meet and discuss on whats new from PSHome and the UNITY group. help in organizing PSHome events, and have fun while at it.


The Home Gnomes 

Home Gnomes was not made to be overly serious, or sap the fun from anything. And it was also not made for drama. We are primarily a group of people who enjoy laughing, Talking, Glitching, and most of all... being unique. And for all intents and purposes... This club is unique. Click Here to view the thread!




Movies & Television



Magical Mystery Club* - Every Tuesday @ 6pm EST (7 CST or 4 PST)

We give you ful information on PSHome update, PSN Store update and Plus, And we do events, we do We give ut shouties/announcements talk bout other club news such as Gamerindepth, Mew Happenings, PSTALENT, loot, and much much more commnuity clubs.. We do have a meet every week Tuesdays at 6:00 pm Eastern.. 7 central 4 Pacific Thank you and please join now! Send request to it..

Community Helpers

Grand Paradiso - At least once a month (towards the end)

Club/Organization dedicated to helping the Home community, and just having fun in general (see thread for details).

We'll meet at least once a month towards the end of the month.


Louisiana Hurricanes

I, Isutigersfan72, am the owner and founder of the Louisiana Hurricanes, We have 2 clubs and 2 partners (me and cajun4life). We love Home and we love helping out the Home community. If you're looking for great and active organization, this is the club to join. We help members and treat each other with respect. We are professional at what we do, so come check us out (youtube - LouisianaHurricanes) and feel free to subscribe. We also host community events as well. Our club has great leaders and great members, so come check us out.



Badd Incorporated

We are the people behind PS Project Runway. We are always looking for hopeful contestants and supporters as well. Check us out and add PRDesigners for info on how to apply! Website - badd-inc.webs.com


Custom Costume Creators

Clubhouse Name: Cult of Personality

Founder: Iced-Tea-Bagger

A club for people who like to create their own custom costumes from movies,games,television,celebrities or just custom in general. The club members also help with ideas, share creations, display our work in public spaces, and take photos with fans of our work. The club is not serious where you have to attend weekly meeting or you are kicked out or anything like that, it's just for fun. I am not the club leader, there is no leader, i am just the founder. We are open to all ideas club members might have for events. The clubhouse is the moon forest and its all decorated with a full arcade with 6 playable games.



The GE 501st - Meetings on Saturdays bi-weekly and Events often

The GE 501st is a Stormtrooper Club on the Playstation Home. We are actively looking for new members. Please leave a message for Lieutenant General Destro on FB or on PSN screen name xxCOBRAxxDESTRO or contact Grand Admiral GuardianAngel on FB or on PSN screen name GuardianAngelz47.  You can learn more at www.EmpireStrikesHome.com, our Facebook page, or the PS Home Gazette article at http://pshomegazette.com/2012/01/29/spotlight-ge-501st/.

*****In the month of June, the GE 501st will be hosting a Make-a-Wish fundraiser in the memory of Katie Johnson, daughter of Albin Johnson founder of the 501st Legion.  Please click on the following link to help http://friends.wish.org/100-000/page/GE-501st/Fund-Raiser-in-Memory-of-Katie-Johnson.htm For info on parties/gatherings, please visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/GE501st.  Thank you.


The Homeling Collective

Public Gatherings - Often

Representative's Council Meetings - Every Wednesday @ 9PM EST

Central Command Meetings - Every Sunday @ 7PM EST

The Homeling Collective has been an active entity in PlayStation Home since the closed beta era. With 34 Motherships, and a score of Social Vessels within Home, the Homelings could be included under any category in this tome.

For more information besides that in our official club thread, see our wiki page @ http://homelings.wikispaces.com/

Our official web portal, Fluidic Space, is exclusively Homeling, but has many links and such for visitors to peruse.

"Like" us on facebook: The Homeling Collective


Scholacticus Literati - Monthly, some months bi-weekly.

It is a club that will act as a place for people who like to discuss international events, history, philosophy, psychology, or anything that can be considered intellectual. The club will host live recorded debates between members either bi-weekly, or monthly. If enough people join debates can be as often as moderators can be enlisted. As a free thinking society, we will not tell you what to believe. Facts will be presented, it is up to you whether or not you believe them.


Guns of the Helghast

Guns of the Helghast has been around since 2009 and is still going strong with their gatherings, gamenights, and overall great community. Hosting events throughout the week (including public gathers and gamenights such as Killzone 3 & ModNation Racers), there's never a dull moment at Guns of the Helghast. If you would like to join Guns of the Helghast or would just like to know a little more about our community, please visit the website here.


The Sanguine Blade
   Are you the type of person that enjoys having fun, But also feels that the club drama generated through most of them is pointless? Do you seek a club with structure and guidelines? Do you enjoy being apart of a group that works torwards the same goal? Or would you simply like to learn more about Home and the things it contains (Glitches, Cool people and other wisdom)? If so then there is a club for you!

     In The Sanguine Blade (TSB) participation leads to power, respect and eventually higher ranks. Plus the things learned while in the club will prove invaluable. For our thread, And links to more information click here.

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