Tu Stultus Es Lat. Literally, “You are stupid.”
The Onion is a satirical newspaper specialized in every aspect of American life and culture, frequently parodying tropes mentioned on This Very Wiki. It came from 1988 for a print newspaper by the two of students in the University of Wisconsin, and originally distributed in Madison and Milwaukee. It’s since branched off in the internet, including movies supposedly caused by the Onion News Network. Twice. Other medication is conscious of its parody nature.
The Onion even offers an entertainment/pop culture newspaper and website referred to as the AV Club, showcasing popular culture news, reviews of virtually every method of media (TV, albums, books, etc.) and interviews presented inside of a humorous but factual tone. The AV Club keeps a separate identity and contains very little (if anything) that is similar to The Onion, mostly to protect yourself from people mistakenly thinking that the AV Club presents fake news just like the Onion.
The Onion has in the past extended right movie (critically derided, even by their own AV Club), and many recently two TV series OSN Sportsdome on Comedy Central and Onion News Network on IFC. (It had not been selected.) There’ve also been three original Onion books Our Dumb Century, a record of the twentieth century told through fake Onion front pages, Our Dumb World, a Hollywood Atlas stuffed with stereotypes and Black Comedy, as well as Onion Book of Known Knowledge, a mock encyclopedia off existing knowledge.
In Summer 2012, the Onion’s YouTube arm debuted Onion Digital Studios, producing parodies of non news programming ranging from nature documentaries to reality television.
It’s just like a Transatlantic Equal to Private detective (except decades younger, without the investigative journalism, and also as a web site) and other alike to the later NJUZ and Newsbiscuit (that was created about the model “a British Onion”).
The internet site can be found here.
Area Man Embodies And Parodies Following Tropes:
open/close all folders8.8: In Universe: “Pitchfork Gives Music 6.8″. Around the clock News Networks: “Media Landscape Redefined By 24 Second News Cycle” Aborted Arc: The mysterious congressman’s presidential campaign initially sounded like merely another funny article, but it really was then followed up by him challenging another candidates into a debate at dawn. Consequently, nothing. Absent Minded Professor: “Cure For Cancer ‘Around Here Somewhere’”. Adult Fear: “Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare Is Losing A baby To Gorchul, The Dark Sorcerer Of Time” Adventurer Archaeologist: “Archaeologist Sick and tired of Unearthing Unspeakable Ancient Evils”. Following your End: “Person Who’ll 1 day Become Warlord Ruler Products Had been Nebraska Born In Omaha Hospital” claims how the USA has to be post apocalyptic wasteland by the time a newly born baby reaches adulthood. This place has wild Mood Whiplash. Age Inappropriate Art: “Second Graders Wow Audience With School Creation of Equus”. Is often a Crapshoot: “Voting Machines Elect Considered one of Their own personal As President”. “Sweating Obama Admits Drone Strikes Have already been Happening With their Own”. Simple fact Zone appeared fully automated at some time, which allowed it to formulate sapience and an obsessive crush on Brooke Alvarez. Ain’t No Rule: “Kentucky Violated NCAA Rules While Recruiting Basketball Playing Dog”. “Washed Up Air Bud Signs With Greek Pro Team”. Air Vent Passageway: “Clinton Escapes Through Air Vent”. The Alleged Car: Jim Anchower’s perpetually abused Ford Festiva. All Girls Want Bad Boys: “Irrepressible Bad Boy Slays Seven”. All Males are Perverts: “12 Years old Boy Scouts Offer To Give Breast Exams”. All of your Base Are Fit in with Us: “Congress Adds ‘All Your Base Are Belong To Us’ Amendment To Bankruptcy Bill” Alpha Bitch: Fact Zone host Brooke Alvarez. “Group Of Popular Girls Reduces Nation To Tears” Alternate History: “Alternate Universe Sci Fi Channel Show Asks What might Happen If Germany Lost War” In Our Dumb Century, some articles have traits in this, for instance Archduke Franz Ferdinand appearing alive after The first world war, Richard Nixon being killed after having a manhunt around the time of his resignation, and also the US not just losing The Vietnam War, truly surrendering directly to them. Americans Hate Tingle/Acceptable Hobby Targets: In Universe. “Soccer Officially Announces It Is Gay”. Within the Onion Sports Network’s main page, for those who glance at the list of sports categories, “Soccer” is lumped in the same category as “Women’s Sports”. “Suffering Cleveland Bans All Professional Sports”. Anachronism Stew / Timey Wimey Ball: “Historical Archives: Civil War Pre Enactors Have Stage’d Battle Of Bull Run”. Language” Animal Metaphor: A piece of writing comes with a entire family trying to make use of the pet dog as being a metaphor with regard to their relationship difficulties The daddy by way of example praoclaiming that your dog feels confined and requires to perform free, even though the youngest child says your new puppy just wants some attention. Animal Wrongs Group: “Heroic PETA Commandos Kill 49, Save Rabbit”. “Advocacy Group Decries PETA’s Inhumane Treating Women” Animated Adaptation: “Aaron Sorkin Announces New ‘West Wing’ Animated Series At SorCon”. The Anti Nihilist: “Existentialist Firefighter Delays 3 Deaths” Antiquated Linguistics: It Our Dumb Century loves these. Such as: “Per the Mysterious Congressman’s directive, the controversy will locked in one fortnight’s time about the shores from the Tidal Basin at day’s daybreak. It can be broadcast simultaneously by all network and cable news channels.” Archive Binge: In Universe, “New Netflix Gas Lets Users Inhale Multiple Seasons Of TV Shows” Do you think you’re Pondering What I’m Pondering?: “If Only There was Somehow I Could Watch Premium Movies From the Ease of My very own Home”. Artifact of Attraction: “Wool Blanket Destroys Commune”. Artifact of Doom: “Ashton Progresses From Demi, Dating Evil Black Disc”. Artifact Title: “Steeler Defense Renamed ‘Mid Level White Collar Curtain’ To Better Reflect Contemporary Pittsburgh”. Artistic License Animal Care: “As Almost as much ast I Hated Putting My Dog To bed, I understand He’ll Feel much better When He Wakes Up”. Provided that It Sounds Foreign: “I Bet I will Speak Spanish”. As Long as There may be Evil: “Osama Bin Laden Found Inside All of Us”. As You Know: “FAA Issues Holiday Reminder That Planes Can Crash And Kill You” Attack from the 50 Foot Whatever: “Giant Bin Laden Destroys The big apple, Washington”. Awesomeness by Analysis: Inverted with “It Doesn’t Look That Cold Out, Reports Man Who Won’t have Thermo Sensing Eyes”. Ax Crazy/Cute and Psycho: “A Opt for My hubby Is A Choose Me Not Breaking Your Fucking Neck”. Babies Make Everything Better: Subverted: “Autistic Child Ruins Marriage He Was Born To Save” Bait and Switch Comment: Several horoscopes are just like this. Gemini: You can uncover a historical Aztec curse this Thursday, one frightened locals say equals “motherfucker.”
Bankruptcy Barrel: “Why Are we The only real Homeless Man Still Wearing Pickle Barrels?” Base Breaker: In Universe, “Russell Crowe Praised For Stunning Portrayal Of human Who Cannot Sing Or Act In ‘Les Misrables’” Basement Dweller: “Congress Cuts Funding For 26 Year-old Stepson”. Bears Are harmful News: “Whoooooo! Bears! vs. Aaaaaggh! Bears!” “Syria Conflict Intensifies As Bears Enter War”. Becoming the Mask: “Why Can’t Anyone Tell I’m Wearing Ecommerce Suit Ironically?” Beneath the Mask: Parodied. “Study: Person with average skills Becomes Unhinged Psychotic When Alone In Own House” Best Many years of Your daily life: “Best A lot of Man’s Life Apparently Not going to Happen” brutally mocks this trope. Big Bad: “Department of Evil: Every person Must Die” Big Eater: “USDA Recalls 96,000 Pounds Of Tainted Beef Derived from one of Family” Bigger Than Jesus: Published an apology of their corrections section after purportedly making such a remark, consequently revealing Inverted intentions: “We would like to apologize for stating a week ago that The Onion is ‘bigger than Jesus’. Might know about intended to imply is usually that the Onion is far more important and influential than Jesus, not very our newspaper is within however physically more than He was. We regret any confusion.”
Bilingual Bonus: The what are named as founder’s surname is Zwiebel, German for “Onion”. Black Comedy: “More Americans Falling For ‘Get Rich Slowly Spanning a Use of Hard Work’ Schemes”. “University Implicated In Checks For Degrees Scheme”. “Budget Mix Up Provides Nation’s Schools With plenty of Money To effectively Educate Students”. “‘The Onion’ Offers A Swift, Painless Death To Edward Snowden”. Black Comedy Rape: “Black Bear Attacks, Rapes Zookeeper” is notable internet marketing one of the few articles taken out of the primary site. A subversion, as being the article’s clownish treating the horrific topic was itself the joke. TROOPS Grab OF VIETNAMESE PEASANT GIRL; 27th Infantry Division ordered thoroughly withdraw from Sia Nguyen, 14. ‘That’s enough at the moment, boys’ says captain.” Black Speech: “Royal Baby Speaks First Words” Blatant Lies: “Massive Flow Of Bullshit Continues To Gush From BP Headquarters”. BOOM Headshot: Close Range, “The Game That Is made up of Only Shooting Folks in The Face”. Bothering because of the Book: “Regulation Spitefully Obeyed To The Letter”. Bottled Cool: “Area Man Buying Not So Much A Soft Drink As An Image”. Bread and Circuses: “48 Syrian Civilians Massacred During Claire Danes’ Emmy Award Acceptance Speech” “At press time, government soldiers were throwing the bloodied corpses on the civilians to a large mass grave as Lena Dunham was anxiously waiting to see if Girls would win the Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Series.”
Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: “When You would imagine McDonough’s Auto Repair, You Think Craftsmanship, Murder, And Pride”. An autistic reporter covering a train accident asserted “Before the train found a complete stop, it ran over three trash bags, an item of gum, a Snickers wrapper, a male, as well as a glove.” Bulungi: The Trope Namer on fictitious African countries originated this short article. Buried Alive: “No Parent Should Have To Bury His Child Alive”. President George W. Bush. Madison Daly and Tucker Hope are treated poorly by Brooke Alvarez. Call Back: One article makes reference to an online voting system which allows an incredible number of masturbators to participate in the voting process. 48 hours later, this content “Nonvoter Knew It may well Come out This Way” ends with all the nonvoter admitting he start voting if your online voting for masturbators was up by 2012. The Cameo: Ben Stiller, Rachel Maddow, and Mike Huckabee were all on the Television show. The last two were for a passing fancy episode. Canada, Eh?: “Perky ‘Canada’ Has Own Government, Laws”. Through the cartoons, “The THREAT Throughout the OTHER Border”. Canon Discontinuity: “Man’s Life Riddled With Continuity Errors”. Canon Welding: “Disney Reveals That Every Disney Movie Occurs In Single, Unified Universe”. Captain Obvious Aesop: “Third Amendment Rights Group Celebrates Another Successful Year”. Captain Space, Defender of Earth!: Crash Comet, Space Commander in the Year 2000, the recurring enemy of Evil Overlord columnist Gorzo the Mighty. The Casanova: “7 Million People Direct Descendants Of Single Smooth Talking Ancestor”. Vice chairman Joe Biden. Caught with the Pants Down: “Local Teen Walks In On Family Masturbating” “New Robot Warns When Someone’s On the verge of Walk In Done to you Masturbating” Caustic Critic: “Awful Man Offers Witty, Acerbic Handle Everything He Sees”. Chekhov’s Gun: “Gun Goes Off During Life’s Third Act”. The Chew Toy: “Universe Admits To Wronging Area Man His Entire Life”. Also, the protagonists in their reality TV spoofs “Sex House” and “Porkin’ Across America”. Youngsters are a Waste: “Department Of your practice Study Finds Teaching These Little Shits Not Worth It”. China Takes control the World: “Well, I’ve Sold The Paper Towards Chinese”. As World’s Biggest Asshole By 2020″. In the week which featured the header article, “China Strong”. “The Onion Freely And Happily Gives Its Employees’ Passwords To China” Chinese Launderer / Stop Being Stereotypical: “Chinese Laundry Owner Blasted For Reinforcing Negative Ethnic Stereotypes”. Church of Happyology: “Scientology Losing Ground To New Fictionology”. Circles of Hell: “Tenth Circle Included with Growing rapidly Hell”. Clap Both If you are: “Obama Warns This individual Cease To Exist Unless America Believes In Him”. Cleanup Crew: “High Powered Washington Fixer Tells Blood Soaked Obama To concentrate Carefully”. Clich Storm: In Universe, “Perfectly Marketed Tv series Somehow Fails”. “Report: Massive Wildfires, Nike Air Max Australia Geopolitical Crises, AIDS, Human Rights Violations, Deadly Shootings, Africa, Trapped Travelers, Ethical And Moral Issues, Child Labor, Drug Wars” “Congress To Bet The Farm In one Last Big Bill”. Cloud Cuckoolander: Several of the columnists, but particularly flaky stoner dude Jim Anchower. Jean Teasdale is actually a vicious and tragic deconstruction, as she’s almost (but not entirely) oblivious to your living hell that is definitely her life. This can be Played for Laughs. Cluster F Bomb: Oy. “Holy Shit: Man Walks On Fucking Moon”. “Sony Releases Stupid Piece of Shit That Doesn’t Fucking Work”. “Supreme Court Upholds Freedom Of Speech In Obscenity Filled Ruling”. An entire week of articles directly after 9/11 was called “The Holy Fucking Shit Edition”. “Are Tests Biased Against Students That do not Give you a Shit?” “Where The Fuck Is Diane With My Fair Trade Coffee?” “Department Of Education Study Finds Teaching These Little Shits Not Worth It”. In our Dumb Century: “Last Night’s Fireside Chat Simply a Stream of Cuss Words.” As soon as the Sandy Hook shooting: “Fuck Everything, Nation Reports”. Comically Missing the particular: Uses this humor a good deal, especially their Today Now! plus The Know segments. “CIA Realizes This has been Using Black Highlighter These Years”. Redskins” The pc Is actually a Cheating Bastard: “Hawaii Wins Little League World Series”. Concept Album: “NASA Launches David Bowie Concept Mission”. “Bruce Springsteen Releases New Sci Fi Concept Album About Struggles of Poor Miners Focusing on Mars”. Conspiracy Theorist: “Construction Complete On 9/11 Truther Memorial”. “Conspiracy Theorist Has Elaborate Reason why He’s Single”. Content Warnings: “Teen In contact with Violence, Profanity, Adult Situations By Family”. Continuity Creep: The display on IFC has some recurring stories, such as the one involving time travelers endeavoring to kill Suri Cruise along with the FDA official yelling for you to start out eating healthier. Continuity Nod: Joad Cressbeckler, first introduced as a possible “even more grizzled and ornery” alternative to popular John McCain during the “War With the White House”, presenting their own series (The Cressbeckler Stance) parodying FOX News’ primetime commentary shows. Several stories about an “Area Man” visiting restaurants are about a similar man (Don Turnbee of Erie, PA) concentrating on the same photo model. Conviction by Contradiction: “Idaville Detective ‘Encyclopedia’ Brown Found Dead In Library Dumpster”. What was the perpetrator’s alibi? He was a student in its northern border Pole watching the penguins. The Coroner Doth Protest A lot of: “Nave Detective Suspects Fair Play” Corrupt Corporate Executive: “‘Layoffs Should be made To Keep your Lights On,’ Says CEO Halfway Through Tasting Menu” Corrupt Politician/Sleazy Politician: “City Of Chicago To Modernize Outdated Graft Programs” “Illinois Top court Deems Rahm Emanuel Sleazy Enough To Run For Mayor Of Chicago” Cousin Oliver: “To Join White House For Last Year Of Clinton Presidency”. Covered in Gunge: “Ex Nickelodeon Stars Relate Horrors Of Green Slime Syndrome”. Cowboy Cop: “Lone Wolf Ashcroft Given Rookie Partner”. “Entire LAPD Precinct Made Up Of Loose Cannons” takes this About Eleven. Crapsaccharine World: The world observed in Today Now! Crapsack World: “Liberty City Police Face Allegations Of Incompetence, Brutality”. The whole world all together. Inside Know’s world has ghouls, robot overlords, baby skulls as jewelry. Rule of Funny produces some hilariously horrific things. Alluded to inside the article This What World Like Now, pursuing the Boston Marathon blast in April 2013. The last line says all of it: “I guess our planet’s an attractive fucked up place, huh?”
Crazy Cat Lady: “How To position The Spark Into Your Relationship Along with your Cat.” Crazy Enough to figure: “Area Idea So Crazy It Might Work”. Creator Breakdown: “Study: Children Of Divorce Twice As Planning to Write Bad Poetry”. “Abusive Father Can’t Wait To discover The Art He’s Inspiring His Kids To develop “. “Study: Genealogy and family history of Alcoholism Raises Probability of One Man Show”. Crisis Crossover: “Clinton Starts back With time, Teams Plan Golden Age Clinton”. Crosses the queue Twice: In Universe. “No Parent Should Have To Bury His Child Alive”, an ideal illustration of crossing the cloths line way more than twice. “Look, Are We About to Spend The Rest Of This Board Meeting Referring to Why I’m Covered In Blood And Feces Or Truly Planning to Talk Business?” Cult: “You Refer to this A Doomsday Cult?” The Moral Substitute: “Former Cult Members Find New Life In Christ”. “Cult Divided On Whether or not to Let Women Become Telepathic Vision Clerics”. Dagwood Sandwich: “Report: United states citizens Lead World In Compressing Big Sandwiches So They’re Bitable”. The Danza: Tracy Toth, aka Today Now’s Tracy Gill. To start dating with Rosie Palms: “Ho Ho Ho, I Saw you Masturbating!” Also an illustration of Squick and Take That, Audience! “13 Calendar year Nearing Record For many Masturbations In a single Day”. “Americans Observing 9/11 By Trying To not ever Masturbate” Every day from the Limelight: “Is Pundit Duncan Birch A Worthless Idiot?” Dead All Along Alarming MRI Shows Peyton Manning Have been Dead For Past Half a year Deader Than Disco: In Universe: “‘The Internship’ Poised Being Biggest Comedy of 2005″. Deconstruction: “Ultra Realistic Modern Warfare Game Features Awaiting Orders, Repairing Trucks”. Several submissions are deconstructions, often insurance agencies something frequently portrayed on tv get lucky and real people and showing what it really really would become, for instance “Romantic Comedy Behavior Gets Real Life Man Arrested”. The Deep South: Repeatedly. “Supreme Court Rules Tennesseans are Sentient Beings”. “South Postpones Rising Again For Yet one more Year”. “Obama Visits South Carolina Ravaged Structured.” Defictionalization: Take part in the demo of “Close Range”, the overall game that contains just shooting folks in the eye. Delicious Fruit Pies: “Spider Man Distracts Dr. Octopus With Delicious Hostess Fruit Pies” The Determinator: “‘The Onion’ Vows To remain Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Prior to the Job Is Done” Development Hell: “Script May be Boating Hollywood For 75 Years”. Have you Die?: “Candidate Often have Lied About Heroic Death In Vietnam”. Dinner Order Flub: In Our Dumb World’s entry on Burkina Faso, you will find there’s joke with regards to the really low literacy rate of their country when considered one of their diplomats endeavors to order a discover that an added gratuity could possibly be charged for big groups. Direct to Video: “Land Before Time VI Released Straight To Landfill” Dirty Old Man/Lovable Sex Maniac: Virtually every article about Joe Biden portrays him in this way. Discriminate and Switch: “I Do not need My Daughter Bringing A Black Man Into This House Until I’ve Tidied Up And Crafted a Welcoming Environment” Disproportionate Retribution: “”. Does the catering company Know It’s The holiday season?: “Important Christmas Lessons Already Forgotten”. Downer Ending: See Mood Whiplash examples below, and also “World Now To 5 Stories That happen to be Inspirational”, which followed on on the Actual arrest of double amputee Olympic runner Oscar Pistorius for murder. Including the article includes a downer ending if the number is reduced to four (a father heroically battling cancer turned out to be disloyal with an underage girl). Drives Continually: “General Motors Introduces New Instant Win Airbags” Dude, Not Funny!: In Universe, “Circus Train Wreck Not Funny, Investigators Emphasize””According to officials, no less than 13 circus performers have ended, with dozens more suffering severe burns as a fire spread with the mile long train,