

i dont know what happened suddenly, but i cant access my hometroller device from my laptop or any phone in the house.

I tried to open a browser and enter the hometroller Ip but i cant access. it says server not responding..

when i try find.homeseer.com i can see the device, but when i click on it, it doesn't work.

i tried also my.homeseer.com and still cant connect.

what i found weird is that i can access the hometroller if i try to connect from outside my network. if i turn my iPhone to 3G instead of wifi, and open HS3TOUCH app it connects normally.

also if i try my.homeseer.com from anywhere other than my network it can still connect.

i tried to connect an HDMI cable to the hometroller and to a monitor, everything is working fine, no error messages.

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