
I received an email two or so days ago about the new store. Jumped over. Not an improvement...

On the device I was using (which does not have my dual 28" 4K displays), what I could see initially was, in order:

The HomeSeer banner, with the search bar and a non-functional "sign-in" option. (Well, I couldn't sign in at any rate.)

In the line below that, rather than integrated, a heavily padded CSS menu of destinations, not of genres, although the "Products" option presents a drop-down of genres. Since most of the options take you away from the store, it probably shouldn't take the 20% or so of real-estate it does.

A LARGE banner ad for the hardware controllers.

Another menu, this one fat with pretty icons, providing genres to shop for, and thus being redundant with the "Products" portion of the top menu. The first item is, ironically, "Home Controllers".

And the "Home Controllers" section, which lists only hardware controllers.

I had to scroll down to get to the next line, Lighting... but the first item was "Out of Stock". (It's either a different item or back in stock now.)

Please note several things:

The only product actually displayed is hardware controllers. In three of the five lines - the banner ad, the shop-for menu and the home controllers list.

Those HomeSeer hardware controllers are fine to spotlight, but seriously, current and repeat customers presumably already have automation set up, and therefore won't be so interested in these.

Over 2/3 of the initial screen is non-product, as in banners and menus.

The first listed item of any possible use to a current customer (someone who owns a controller) was out-of-stock and off-screen.

There is some irony also in "Home Control Software" appearing second in the "Shop For" menu but not at all in the on-screen products. Meanwhile, the genre formerly known as "Plug-Ins" is now apparently the oddly-named "HS3 Software Add-Ons" when reached from "More Categories" on the genres menu, which is...

Not the present-but-empty HomeSeer Add-Ons collection.

Not the same name for reaching it as (I discovered after spelunking around) the "Software Plugins" option off of the "Product" menu. (That one makes sense.)

Not listed on the main screen

Not an intuitive name. (Recapping: It is "Software Plug-ins" off of Product but "HS3 Software Add-Ons" from the shopping menu, and is not the empty but higher-listed "HomeSeer Add-Ons" category.)

Not obvious from browsing, since the listed items on the "Collections" page (boy, isn't that intuitive!) are hardware with photos

Not consistent with every other use of HomeSeer, which is spelled out in menus.

Very odd approach.

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