“Saint Paul’s College [Virginia] may house immigrant children” reports here Karin Kapsidelis in the Richmond Times-Dispatch – “U.S. officials are in discussions to temporarily shelter unaccompanied immigrant children on the campus of shuttered Saint Paul’s College in Lawrenceville. Faced with a surge in the numbers of minors arriving on their own from Central America, representatives of the federal Department of Health and Human Services visited the campus this week and are nearing an agreement to use Saint Paul’s facilities for at least six months, sources in Brunswick County said.”
Via CBS-DC here we learn “Vacant Social Security Building In Baltimore [Maryland] Could Soon House Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrant Children” –ed.
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The Texas Invasion — Coming Here Next?
“Every drug dealer, pedophile, sex ring operator and gang in the Western U.S. must think it is Christmas.”
The Texas border is ground zero in the massive and deliberate invasion of the United States by tens of thousands of young people pouring over the border without parents or adults and “surrendering” immediately to authorities. They have been encouraged by local media outlets in Central America and Mexico, according to interviews with the young illegals, to get into the U.S. because they will not be deported — and amnesty and the welfare state await them.
Border agents say privately (for fear of retribution) that there could be up to 90,000 children and young people between the ages of 12 and 17, entering without an adult this year, and perhaps 120,000 next year.
Rome. Thomas Cole “The Course of Empire:Destruction” (1836) New York Historical Society (Click on image)
Whatever the number, it is already apparent that these young illegal aliens will be heading to communities all across the United States.
If Governor Rick Perry really wants to leave a better Texas when his term ends this year, and if he wants to help bring the national government back to its legitimate role under the Constitution as he claims he does, then he should revisit a plan that was presented to him several years ago which he chose not to implement.
Using his power under the Texas Constitution, the Governor should declare a state of emergency and martial law along the Texas-Mexican border immediately.
First, Gov. Perry would be doing the right thing for Texans. But he also would inherit the national stage to help educate his fellow citizens on the foundational responsibility of the Federal government to provide for the common defense — and that when the national government ignores that responsibility, for whatever reason, every state has the power to act promptly in an emergency. Finally, Gov. Perry would be setting an example for other governors to step up to the plate and begin to re-assert a legitimate constitutional relationship with the Federal government.
The Governor could use the very able Texas Rangers, county sheriffs, and deputized police to seal the border, and threaten to close the state roads that provide access to the international border crossings which are the lifeblood of the Mexican economy, unless the Mexican government actively participated in stopping the stampede of illegal aliens from crossing into Texas.
Beyond the immediate emergency, this crisis was certainly not due to deteriorating political circumstances in Central America, as first suggested by official Washington. It is a crisis masterminded by the criminal enterprise operated out of the Obama White House and Justice Department, who have now let loose the most wicked and horrific public policy imaginable.
This administration and Barack Obama have stooped to endangering the American public and imperiling the lives and safety of thousands of young refugees, all to further their own radical, collectivist political power, and to enrich themselves and their crony friends.
Some of the illegals are being housed in Texas, California, and Arizona on military bases for the time being. Others, in large numbers, are simply being dumped by authorities in Arizona and Texas at various bus stations and airports and told they are on their own. Sites as far away as Baltimore have been considered for possible temporary housing, and presumably locations to release them as well.
Left to their own devices, tens of thousands of unsupervised young people (mostly male) in this age group, many illiterate in their own language, much less English, and poor, will do what at-liberty boys of this age do. It is a recipe for crime, drugs, rampant sexual exploitation, disease, and various forms of subtle employment servitude. Those of us familiar with the Texas border and the culture these children are bringing with them can only shudder. Every drug dealer, pedophile, sex ring operator, and gang in the Western U.S. must think it is Christmas.
What little attention this disaster is getting in the national media and by national politicians seems indifferent — except as it presents the opportunity to preen on TV about how “we” must deal with the humanitarian needs of these children, by providing housing, food, medical care, and core English skills; after all, these are just children and we are a compassionate people.
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is declaring that a minor child crossing the border illegally in search of a parent, or a better life, is not breaking our laws. And to make sure that policy is implemented, this past Friday, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced that he was sending 100 lawyers to help the young illegal aliens remain in the country.
How can this happen in the United States? How can such a fundamentally evil disregard for tens of thousands of young people dumped into a foreign country without the education, language, money, or connection to the culture of the target nation go on?
Perhaps it is no more complicated than this: we citizens have been asleep at the switch for way too long. Our inaction has allowed our politicians, our government, our institutions, our culture, and the language to be hijacked by some fundamentally evil people without much protest. We have allowed the timeless moral code found in our Judeo-Christian ethic to be stripped from the national life without a whimper, much less a fight. This is simply the result of good people doing nothing.
Rick Perry, the buck stops at your desk.
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Mike Giere has written extensively on politics, foreign policy, and issues of faith. He is a former candidate for the U.S. House; worked for Ronald Reagan in 1976 & 1980; and served in both the Reagan and Bush (41) Administrations.