June 5, 2013 Annual Basic Fee: We are happy to inform you again this year the annual Basic Fee on your property(s) at Blue Mountain Village has not been increased. An invoice for July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 is included with this letter. Payments are due quarterly, in advance, with the first installment due July 1, 2013. Please retain this invoice for taxation records as a fee is charged for issuing statements. A new payment option has been added to the numerous ways you can ensure your remittance reaches us on time. Details on this new method and all payment options are included on the reverse side of this letter. (See below for details) Rental Royalty Fee Reminder: As you are aware, effective September 4th, 2012, the rate for the Rental Revenue and Rental Royalty Fees was re-instated and the full 2% is being collected from hotel guests. Please be reminded, if you are not enrolled in the Blue Mountain Resorts, Visit Blue Mountain or Lodges At Blue Mountain rental programs, and you are renting your unit either privately or through another rental company, you are responsible for remitting this payment of 2% of the rental revenue earned plus HST. Member Privilege Program: In November, we launched the new photo-id member privilege identification cards. If you don’t have your new cards yet, please forward a recent photo for each eligible participant (registered member and their immediate family members over 10 years of age who reside with them) to pictures@bluemountainvillage.ca. Please ensure the picture file includes your unit number as well as the name of the person in the photo – i.e. SAB200JohnDoe. The new cards will be mailed to your address on file or you can arrange to pick them up next time you’re coming to the Village. If you don’t have a recent photo, or would just like a new one taken, please drop by the office next time you’re visiting. The process for issuing the new cards will take approximately 15 minutes. Please contact Tina Ward at tward@bluemountainvillage.ca or at (705) 444-7398 ext. 221 to make arrangements. Please find enclosed a brochure containing the offerings for this summer/fall from the BMVA Commercial Members and Partners. Member Webpage: Last summer we launched a Member’s section on our website. Information on the organizational structure, funding, fees, activities and responsibilities, as well as your rights and obligations as a member is available in this section. You will be required to set up a member profile to access some of the material. Please go to www.bluemountainvillage.ca/registration to register. The process is simple and once your membership is verified, access will be confirmed. Events: Have you seen our line up for this summer’s events? We are thrilled to be offering 3 signature events this year – Salsa at Blue and Centurion are returning again and new for this year – Jazz on the Mountain! Featuring Holly Cole as the headliner, there will also be over 30 free and ticketed concerts and master class workshops. The full schedule of events – all designed to fill hotel rooms – can be viewed by downloading the Blue Mountain Village Events app from iTunes or visiting our website. As always, don’t hesitate to contact me at mfairley@bluemountainvillage.ca or 705-444-7398 ext. 222 with any questions, comments or concerns. Your feedback is appreciated. Best regards, Margaret Fairley, CAEDirector, Administration & Member Services June 5, 2013Reverse of Letter Several members have requested that an automatic bank withdrawal system be investigated as an additional method of payment for basic fees. Currently there are several ways that Basic Fees can be paid: 1. Cheque(s): Forward a cheque made out to Blue Mountain Village Association for the entire annual amount or a series of postdated cheques for the quarterly amount. Postdated cheques will be held for deposit until the due date. 2. Online: Payments for many Canadian bank and credit union accounts, except the Royal Bank, National Bank and CIBC, can be set up online using the pay bills function on your bank website. You will need to set up Blue Mountain Village Assoc as a payee to make the payment. Quarterly payments can be set up to occur automatically using this function. 3. Email Transfer: This is also on your bank webpage and works for all banks and credit unions. Set up accounting@bluemountainvillage.ca as the transferor email and then send this email the funds. Send a separate email with the password to the security question so funds can be accessed. The same email and security question can be used each time a payment is made. NEW OPTION: 4. Pre-authorized Debit: Fill out the attached authorization form and return it with a void cheque for your bank account. The basic fee including HST, plus a charge of $2.50 (to cover the bank fees) will be automatically deducted from your account on the 1st business day after July 1st, October 1st,January 1st and April 1st, if these dates are not already business days. Your information will be set up on TD/Canada Trust’s Web Business Banking System which is secured by 2 separate login passwords. As an additional security safeguard, your banking information will not be recorded in our computerized accounting system. All authorization forms including void cheques will be kept in a locked filing cabinet in the BMVA office. Click HERE for Pre-authorized Debit Form. Each time the automatic bank withdrawal facility is used, you will be charged a processing fee of $2.50 (including HST). This user fee is charged directly as none of the other payment options incur a cost to the BMVA. As in all options, a NSF fee of $30.00 will be charged to your account if funds are not available. We are pleased to offer this additional payment flexibility to our members. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of these payment options, contact me at mmcintyre@bluemountainvillage.ca 705 444 7398 x225 or Marianne Jansen mjansen@bluemountainvillage.ca 705 444 7398 x226. Yours truly, Moira McIntyre, Chief Financial Officer