Well, how is that for a dramatic title?
The iPhone is never far away nowadays.
Let me explain how technology saved me.
In the summer of 2009, Spencer and I moved to Pullman, WA because he accepted an assistant baseball coach position at Washington State University. For those of you unfamiliar with Pullman, it is a VERY small college town ( only 9,000 permanent residents) and home to WSU. It was a bit of a shock to my system. I’m sure it’s fun if you are a student there, but I was far from that. Plus, we didn’t have kids, so it was hard to find a group that I belonged to.
I felt isolated and out of my element. I was thousands of miles from my family and friends.
Then, I met Harmony who invited me to run a relay and my first marathon.
I met several Washington bloggers and was encouraged to start my own. So, in October 2010, I did. It was a blessing!
I felt connected to something again.
As a result of building relationships with an online community, my blog has evolved from primarily running to all things fitness and health & wellness. I established virtual friends and am always learning something about race preparation, nutrition, dynamic workouts, social media, etc.
Having a blog offered me the opportunity to run the Hood to Coast Relay with Nuun…twice!
Becoming a FitFluential ambassador was another “techie” blessing. I had the chance to meet virtual friends in person and be a part of amazing campaigns.
Like the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games.
This event left me inspired and led to another partnership.
The GNC Summer Workout Series is when I began creating workouts for readers/viewers and sharing my favorite GNC products.
This helped launch my YouTube channel where I continue to add new routines if you can handle my amateur videography!
A trip to Reebok HQ and Reebok CrossFit One came to fruition as a result of technology.
This was such a fun experience…a team WOD with CrossFit Games athletes!
As a result of engaging with Runner’s World on twitter and again my role as a FitFluential ambassador, I ran the inaugural Runner’s World Half Marathon meeting more virtual friends!
Social media is expanding exponentially, and I’m constantly sharing pictures, checking email, viewing instagram or pinterest, tweeting, checking in on four square…yeah, you get the idea.
While some may frown upon too much time with our gadgets, I try to find a balance. It’s because of technology, I feel connected and inspired on a daily basis.
Your turn:
Is there a gadget you can’t do without?
The post How Technology Saved Me appeared first on Blonde Ponytail.