
Featured story

The future of Instagram is spam

Nov 10, 2016 by Blaise Lucey

As more users and brands saturate Instagram, columnist and Bitly senior content strategist Blaise Lucey believes it's time to experiment with what works on the platform and figure out how to engage your audience.

From Marketing Land

'Tis the season: 6 ways to prepare for holiday shoppers

Nov 10, 2016 by Christi Olson

Whether you've got your holiday marketing plan all mapped out or are just starting now, columnist Christi Olson has tips to prepare your search campaigns for the season.

What the line for Snap Inc.'s Spectacles was like on release day

Nov 10, 2016 by Tim Peterson

By 8 a.m. more than a dozen people were waiting in line to buy Snap Inc.'s Spectacles. By 8:24 a.m., they had sold out.

Google to EU on Android: your way means less innovation and higher prices

Nov 10, 2016 by Greg Sterling

Google makes several strong arguments but not all are equally persuasive.

Why are retailers spending more money for the same number of eyeballs?

Nov 10, 2016 by Liad Agmon

Columnist Liad Agmon explains how retailers can use data to personalize and optimize their campaigns for better returns.

Instagram Stories get better with new features

Nov 10, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg

Maybe they're not a Snapchat clone after all. These changes are certainly not like Snapchat.

CRM, data science and website design skills are the most important for over half of marketing technologists

Nov 10, 2016 by Barry Levine

A new report spotlights the evolution of the marketing technologist.

Pinterest & Snapchat: 12 tips to dial in your visual ads

Nov 10, 2016 by Brad O'Brien

With the holiday shopping season in full swing, contributor Brad O'Brien offers tips to make the most of your advertising on Pinterest and Snapchat.

Online Marketing News From Around The Web


Ad Measurement Feuds on Facebook, YouTube Hinge on Code, www.wsj.com

Five Ways Marketing Analytics Is Broken (and How to Fix It), www.marketingprofs.com

Blogs & Blogging

8 Keys to Maximizing Your Blog's Potential, www.convinceandconvert.com

How to Guest Blog: The Ultimate Guide, www.searchenginejournal.com

What to Look For When Choosing a Web Host for Your Blog, www.blogherald.com

Business Issues

Yahoo admits some staff knew of hacking in 2014, www.ft.com

Content Marketing

4 Insights for Maximizing Your Brand's Website Content, blog.epicosity.com

5 Overlooked Ways to Leverage Existing Content for Visual Marketing, smallbiztrends.com

7 Steps to Building a Content Marketing Culture That Works, contentmarketinginstitute.com

8 Ways To Consistently Create Remarkable Content, blog.crazyegg.com

Personalize or Perish: The Content Marketing Dilemma, www.martechadvisor.com

The 13-Box System for Insanely Good Content, blogs.constantcontact.com

Copywriting, Design & Usability

3 Tiny Words That Add Mystique to Your Social Posts, Blog Post Titles, Headlines & More, www.marketingwords.com

Top 7 List Building Plugins For Your WordPress Site, www.jeffbullas.com


Amazon looks to clean house — literally, Seattle Times

3 Ways to Handle Ecommerce Peak Season Demand, multichannelmerchant.com

Brands: It's not too late to "elf yourself", www.internetretailer.com

How to prevent a website error from becoming an e-commerce fiasco, www.internetretailer.com

Survey: Retailers progressing on omnichannel, but not fast enough, www.retaildive.com

The cart replaces the shopping list in online food shopping, www.internetretailer.com

Email Marketing

40 Thanksgiving Subject Lines To Gobble Up, www.verticalresponse.com

5 Ways to Develop a Better Email List, www.blogherald.com

Keep Your Marketing Practices Squeaky Clean: Tips for Proper Email List Hygiene, www.martechadvisor.com

The Retail Marketer's Email Playbook, movableink.com

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