
These Tarot Energy Scopes are not predictive - they will not be
able to tell you what your future is, because you are in control of
what you bring into your life in every moment. Instead, they serve
as a forecast - think of it as a weather forecast - where we can
make sense of the universal energies we are working with, in order
to make the best use of our time and efforts. It is designed to
help you maximize the good stuff coming your way, and to help you
meet your

challenges with confidence and grace.


“I let my inner child out to play, to bring joy, luck, creativity
and abundance my way.”


Dear Aries, take a moment to congratulate yourself - after all the
tests, twists and turns of 2015, 2016 sees you wiser, more mature,
more able to take on the world with all that you’ve
learnt; 2015 may have delivered some truly stunning moments
that really tested your self-belief, but in the process,
you’ve gained much valuable insight into people while letting go of
unhelpful beliefs that have been holding you back. The way you
perceive the world is so much sharper and more insightful than
before - you are able to take it in with a new level of discernment
now. You’re no longer simply taking things at their face value,
you’re now able to call in your judgement, decisiveness and
intellect to meet the events of your life head on, with your
newfound level of wisdom. More importantly, you’ve reached a new
level of honesty with yourself.

You’re not taking anyone’s nonsense this year! This will be a year
where you will be called upon to use your wisdom, and to check in
with your intuition. Each time you’re faced with
new situations and people, it’s important to be able to sort
through them to see if they are really who they are presenting
themselves to be. You will be called upon to use your instincts in
making judgment calls; having the ability to discern fact from
fiction will be a key skill for you this year.

Speaking your truth firmly yet kindly will be another. Be sure to
temper your words with some honey though. You can get your
point across without cutting anyone needlessly. Be forceful, but be
tactful.Lastly, allow yourself to tune into the joy that your year
will be bringing you, because a lot of it will be coming your
way! Don’t let the fear of losing control or the thought of how you
appear to others get in the way of really experiencing the happy
moments in your life. When it’s time to cut loose and just relax,
let your mind take a backseat, and be fully present to the ones you


Wonder, play and imagination are the keywords for you this year.
Have you ever pulled those all-nighters, only to produce work
that isn’t exactly up to your liking or standards? This year, the
approach isn’t about putting in the hours, but will come from
cutting loose and allowing your creativity to flow from within. A
relaxed mind is a creative mind. When you find yourself stuck or
needing inspiration this year, shut down your laptop and go for a
walk. Go to an amusement park. Visit the museum. Anything that
allows you to clear the space to hear your intuition speaking to
you. And you’d be wise to listen, because your intuition is able to
pull together disparate elements from everywhere, and give these
ideas to you in the form of hunches, ‘strong feelings’, even though
your dreams at night. Listen to them - there are important nuggets
of truth they want to tell you. And when the creativity comes,
it’ll flow. Allow your playful side to lead your way in your work
this year, and it will lead you straight to your pot of gold.


It’s a time of taking stock - if you’re in a relationship, you’ll
be looking at how far you’ve come, how you’ve grown together,
the ways that you’re adding to each other’s lives. It’s really a
kind of contemplative year where you aren’t necessarily rushing to
the altar, but also not about to just call it quits and blaze your
own solo trail too. Truth is, you’ve grown a lot. Your needs
are different now. Discovering how to express these needs and
to find ways to meet them is already a project in itself - you’re
taking the time to get to know this new version of you, and your
partner will need time adjusting to it too! Your partner will also
be a mirror for your growth; this year, choose to see every
conflict, every disagreement as a chance for reflection and

Not in a relationship? Whether you’re looking or not, this is a
great year to take time off to spend quality time with yourself.
Take the time to really assess your own growth. How are you
different now? Do you like what you see? If you’re looking for
love, are those ideas of the ‘ideal one’ still accurate? It may be
a time to revise what it is you’re looking for, so you don’t go
chasing down 2012’s idea of what you want, vs what the 2016
smarter, sassier you wants. To attract someone who’s the perfect
fit for you, you have to also be aware of your own worth. I’m not
just talking about the numbers in your bank account, but also your
self-esteem - your real appraisal of yourself, the sense of self
you bring out with you into the world every single day. This all
matters, because that is what the world sees, and responds to.
Feeling comfortable in this version of you will go along way in
broadcasting your confidence out into the world.


“I am ready to let my fire burn bright, I am ready to


It’s a transitional year for you; from a bumpier time of change to
that of gentleness, play and imagination. Oh, but it will
still be a busy year for you, trust me. But you’ll be learning to
handle more of the stresses that come your way with
lightheartedness and a sense of playful joy. Any opportunity
you have to get in touch with your emotions, jump at it. 2015 may
have really seen you questioning the structures of your life,
all that you’ve built for yourself based on your ideas of
comfort and stability. There’s comforting, then there’s
constricting - where has it become too comfortable? Where do
you see yourself stagnating in some way? 2015 would have
brought opportunities that really tested the foundations that
you’ve built your life on thus far. Some pieces may have
fallen away, perhaps with some reluctance on your part, and with
some shock and difficult emotions to boot. But you may have already
realized it was all for the better.

You may be feeling even a little lighter somehow - albeit a little
raw and wary. But take heart, in 2016, you’re finding your way
forward a little more tentatively, but with hope and willingness to
explore, to wonder, and to be open again. What is it that you’ll
find? Who are you, really? Which part of yourself have you lost
touch with, that you’d like to reclaim again? Your emotions will
hold the key to these questions.

You don’t even have to dive too deep to find valuable insights -
it’s just about noticing the moments when you’re really, truly
happy, and making room for more of that in your life. There’s times
when you notice you’re just tired and sick of certain things, and
you can arrange your time to make sure there’s less of that. Don’t
be in too much of a rush to feel like you need things to look or
feel a certain way immediately - let there be a vacuum for a little
bit to see what comes in. Feel your way forward. Let your
imagination lead the way when it comes to anything you need to face
in 2016. Having a lighter, more playful mindset will help you see
solutions to problems and blocks, and you will discover that you
are way more resourceful than you ever believed yourself to be!


You are going in the right direction, dear Taurus. There’s
literally no brighter card than the Sun - and I am so excited for
you! You will see a spotlight on your work, and it’s well-deserved.
Fame and acclaim may be heading for you, which is a more
traditional way of looking at it. But I see it as a lot brighter
and shinier in all ways. Yes, there will be attention, glory,
accolades, and all the good stuff. May it be so! But another way to
look at it is, that you’re finally infusing your true self, your
essence and what makes you YOU into your work now. You have a
deeper level of self-knowledge, self-awareness and self-esteem than
ever before. And it’s paying off, big time. This is a great year
for finally letting that pet project you’ve been nursing and
working on a while to show. This is also a great time for launches,
promoting yourself, polishing your professional image, and showing
your best self to the world. Make hay while the sun shines, baby.
There’s no better time.


If you’re in a relationship now, you’re focused on building a
strong foundation for it in 2016. You don’t want to waste any more
time, you’re serious about making it a partnership to go
the distance. You want it to be a place you can seek solace
from in tides of change or trying times. How are you going to
make it a strong one? Trust, communication and being upfront about
your needs - I see those as being some of the things you’ll be
discussing. Communication especially - it’s about voicing out
exactly what you need from the other, figuring out
acceptable compromises, and building trust step by step.
However, be sure to come from a place of fairness and
empowerment - and not make it about power and control. To be able
to cultivate a strong relationship, there has to be trust and a
kind of vulnerability, where giving and taking are balanced and in
no need of score-keeping.

If you’re not in a relationship right now, there is a chance that
someone substantially older than you may take your fancy. What
is it about him that attracts you? His stability, his confidence,
his assuredness? Perhaps you feel that being with a strong, stable
man will add more stability to your life. If you’re not actively
looking or in a place to want a relationship right now, or in
any other kind of ‘It’s Complicated’ relationship, I have an
inkling that your focus will be on building yourself up to be
strong and confident in yourself, your ability to structure your
life to get things done, to handle your business - than to
seek out anyone else right now. You may have a desire to channel
more of the Emperor’s drive, structure, willpower in your life, if
that is so, then follow your gut. It will not lead you astray.


“I can make magic happen, my heart will lead the way”


You have the means to reach your goals, lovely Gemini. You’re
feeling affirmed, supported, confident in your ideas and plans
that you are now raring to turn into reality. I feel this sense
of excitement bubbling up in you - accompanied by a sense of
assuredness, like, YES, I can bring my dreams into practical
reality. Yes, I have what it takes to reach my goals. 2015 might
have been a year where you really let yourself explore, trying out
new experiences and maybe even new personas on for size. You were
figuring out where you’re heading and whether you’re comfortable
with what you’ve done with your life so far. Things may have
changed really quickly for you, as you morphed into the more
empowered and self-aware version of you, the one who’s greeting
2016 right now.

And all your seeking has really paid off! You are more secure in
your skin now, you’re way more attuned to your true worth and what
you can uniquely bring to the world. And with that, comes a sense
of grounding. What resources can you marshal, both from within and
without? You will be calling on a lot of your personal resources
that you’ve built up over the past year. It could be new skills,
new relationships, new inspirations to build the world of your
dreams. The time for adventuring is temporarily over - you’re now
in your building phase, to build a secure foundation for yourself
you can lean on for the years to come.


Nowhere will this newfound sense of confidence be able to come
through more than in your realm of Work & Wealth, dear
Gemini. You have so much raw material to work with now!
You are able to turn your dreams into reality - when it comes
to work, the question is, which of these dreams do you see the most
long term potential? Where do you see yourself focusing all your
energy and attention? You can bring anything into reality as long
as you know what you want, why you want it, and if all of you
really wants it - including your heart, not just your mind. This is
an amazing energy for you to work with. Use it wisely and to your
advantage, by focusing all your energies on the areas you’ve
identified. You may have to put on the blinders a little bit. Start
saying ‘no’ more so that you can say ‘yes’ to your own


There are positive signs that your relationship will be steadily
growing stronger this year, if you are in a committed
relationship right now. I’ve a feeling that it might be because of
all the work that you’ve put towards showing the more Feminine
side of strength. It’s a kind of soft strength that isn’t
about brawn, muscle or brute force. These manifest as tolerance,
gentleness, allowing the space to be, as well as having patience.
Though quieter and less dramatic, these are very valuable tools for
you to navigate the waters of love. You’re finding that certain
things really aren’t worth the fight or getting upset about anymore
- you’ve risen above it. The love you have for your partner allows
you to value peaceful communication over petty fights. And it’s all
paying off in a mutually respectful relationship. Conversely, it
might also be about your partner demonstrating that side of
strength too - he/she might have taken the lead in being tolerant
and patient, showing you in the process how it’s totally possible
to be strong yet gentle at the same time.

If you’re not in a committed relationship right now, whether you’re
looking to be in one or not, there is a calmness about you.
You’re truly realizing that it doesn’t take another person for
you to feel a certain way about yourself. You’re discovering
that your heart can bloom, just for yourself - you can be in
love, without needing a lover. You’re realizing that the texture of
love is so different when it’s directed at yourself, at your
own heart. You’re discovering how you can be alone but not lonely.
And that is so wonderful! If you’re dating, or actively seeking out
a relationship, it will be perfect to project that sense of
confidence and strength as you go on your dates. When you are able
to interact with the other without any sense of expectation,
just enjoying their company without being too attached to the
outcome, you will be surprised at where it will lead you.


“I am unstoppable when I trust myself.”


Hello, sharp mind. What do you most use your mind for? Is it to
make smart choices in your life, or to cast judgement - upon
yourself or others? 2016 will see events coming up in your life
that will require you to make the best use of your discerning mind.
In any challenge, you will be calling upon your powers of
judgement, your ability to see through BS, and your insights
to pierce through smoke and mirrors to take actions in your
best interest. 2015 was really a year where you had to do a
lot of feeling - you probably won’t admit this to

anyone, but you know you feel so much; sometimes you may have
feared being pulled down by the undertow. You may have felt a
little frightened by the intensity of it, the directions it pulled
you in, the uncertainty of shifting sands and trying to make your
way across ground that was far from solid. It may have felt like
traipsing around in mud one second, and skating across ice the
next, unable to stop yourself.

Do you want to know a secret, dear Cancer? All those emotions were
really just a test for you to see if you could ride them well, to
understand what triggers the ups and downs, and the true meaning
behind them - so that you could really understand yourself on a
deeper, more intimate level than before. If you paid attention, and
did the necessary work to observe your emotions - they really help
you experience all facets of yourself, not just the shiny pretty
front that you show to the world. You will come to realize that
having this wealth of experience in riding your emotions will serve
you well when you are making decisions in 2016 - you now know when
you’re making a purely emotional decision, vs an intellectual one,
and how to balance the two. The keyword here is finding a
balance. When using your intellect to make a decision, take
time to figure out the most compassionate, gentle way to
implement it. When letting your heart guide your actions, figure
out a way that will still take care of your material and long term
professional interests.


Have you been honing a particular skill set? Have you already taken
every class, read a ton of books, been working on it for a
long while now? Preparing? I’m here to tell you that you
ARE ready, dear Cancer. It’s your year to really turn your
ideas into gold. This year has the energy of action - doing,
manifesting, bringing into practical reality. You are at a phase
where you are ready to show your work, you are ready to make
it happen. Not only that, you ARE ready to succeed and profit
from it. All it takes is your commitment and faith in your mastery
of your particular craft, and to stick with it long enough to
reap the rewards. Remember how we talked about mastering your
emotions and allowing them to inform your decisions, instead of
letting them lead you? This comes into play in your work as
well - don’t let those feelings sway you off your path. You
are super prepared. You do know your stuff. You DO know your
market, your audience. It’s all within you. Don’t let those
doubts be bigger than your dreams, dear Cancer. The only
caveat: work steadily at it. Come up with a plan that you can stick
to. Persevere, dear Cancer. I’m seeing that the pot of gold is
waiting for you, there for your taking.


If you are in a partnership right now, I see this year as a shift
towards including others in your activities and plans than
staying in your exclusive twosome. Sometimes, growing as a
couple requires reflection and feedback from others. You get
to observe how you both interact in a group; you may see a
side of each other that surprises the both of you and allows you
to experience another facet of them. It may also point to a
desire to collaborate and to join forces in a business or a
project - what skills does your lover possess that complement yours
too? Could you guys possibly put them together to make
something profitable out of it? Whatever you ultimately decide
to do, the theme of learning underlies all of it - to make your
relationship grow stronger, adopting an attitude of humility
will allow you to learn from each other’s strengths, while
supporting and shoring up areas of weaknesses. There is much wisdom
in the other that will be able to benefit you.

If you aren’t in a committed relationship at the moment, I see that
you’re putting your focus into your heart’s projects and
turning your dreams into reality. You’re learning and growing, and
you aren’t too concerned about being single right now. But you do
know that you’re extraordinarily attractive when you’re in your
element right? Your potential amour may be secretly admiring you as
you put out your work with confidence and grace. So the one may
land in your lap while you aren’t even looking! Isn’t that usually
the case?


“I have the courage to look within. I have the courage to share my


Dear Leo, 2016 will be a year where you’re starting a new cycle.
You’ve probably already been spending the last few months of 2015
shaking off the dust of a completed cycle, during which time may
have felt kind of low key and slower-paced for you. It’s important
to always remember that life isn’t a straight line trajectory -
there are cycles, waxing and waning, ebbing and flowing. I
know you take pride in knowing how things will go and feeling in
control, and feeling like you’ve got it all handled (in fact, who
doesn’t?) but I have a feeling that 2015 might have shaken some of
that certainty up. There may have been quite a few surprises for
you, where you were compelled to question many things in your life.
It’s like suddenly discovering that, hey, life is not as cut and
dried as I thought it was; I DON’T have it all figured out, I don’t
know everything yet… But instead of letting that thought scare
you, this year, you’ll be allowing a sense of excitement to
come in. The start of this new phase will be all about further
self-discovery, and going after long-held dreams that you may
have shelved indefinitely. 2016 will bring you many opportunities
where you will get a chance to approach life with curiosity,
creativity and confidence. You’re cutting loose a little. And all
for good reason! Because there are wonderful surprises waiting for
you, and they will all be better than anything you could ever

This will be a year where you will surprise yourself, with your
level of creativity, passion and boldness that you are able to
harness. You may be hesitant to label yourself or to put yourself
in a box just yet - you’re having too much fun exploring! You’ll be
allowing yourself to shine in ways that you never thought you
could. You’ll be discovering new areas of self-expression: perhaps
you never fancied yourself much of a dancer, but you go take up
dance classes anyway, and find yourself enjoying it so much! Ever
wanted to paint, sculpt, write, bellydance, sing…? It doesn’t
matter what it is, as long as you open yourself up to trying it out
and going in with the intention of simply having fun and being able
to direct your fiery life force at something creative. Your
untapped creative potential is just waiting to burst out this year;
you will feel your life force surging through you, and you will
feel so good. Allow yourself to revel in that.


Isn’t it so satisfying to know that something you’ve built with
your own time, effort, sweat and tears can stand the test of
time, and be the bedrock you can build your whole life upon? This
is the year you’ll begin building towards that sense of
satisfaction in your work. It’s time to get structured,
organized and systematic. All that creativity needs to be
channelled constructively so that it can be most effective, and get
the best results. On a higher level, this could be assuming a
position of authority, where you’ll be learning how to lead others,
and be an example to them. You will be filling those shoes and
taking up those reins - and honestly, you were born to do it.
If there was any fear or doubt, banish those

thoughts right away! With your big heart and ability to take charge
courageously, there is no better candidate for a leadership
position. It’s an area of your life that you want to count on
to bring yourself that sense of security. I would say take it
slow, but at a steady clip. It’s important to not let emotions
lead you astray - if you’re able to come up with a plan that you’re
confident about, stick with it and see it through. You’ll be
amazed at the results.


Dear Leo in a relationship, you know that you love being showered
with attention and affection. Nothing makes you feel more treasured
than being adored. However, if you’re facing any kind of problem in
your relationship, it is time to really dig deep and ask yourself
some important questions, such as: does your need for attention and
affection sometimes override your partner’s ability to give it at
the moment? Perhaps he or she is really stressed, tired, or even
ill, and thus not able to give as much as they would like to,
temporarily. How do you respond to that? Is your give and take
equal? I’m sorry Leo, to cut so close to the bone this quickly, but
these questions seem to be pertinent to your love life at the
moment. There may be situations that arise in your partnership that
may have you questioning yourself and your dynamic in this way,
especially if there have been recurring arguments, or a pattern of
spats that seem to go nowhere… It’s time to really dig deep and
look at your motivations.

On the other hand, if you’re staying in a relationship because of
other reasons - and let’s face it, people get into relationships
for all kinds of reasons - it might be time to do a review if
that’s actually serving you and your greater good. Here are
some questions you can ask yourself: Is this relationship
holding you back in some way? Are you actually using your
relationship as an escape or to hide from something (yourself
and your gifts, maybe?). Are your standards so high you find
yourself constantly disappointed by your partner? I don’t want to
speculate, because there could be so many underlying reasons, but I
would encourage you to probe gently… once you have the answers to
these questions, you will know the next step to take.

If you’re not in a committed relationship at the moment, you may be
finding yourself drawn to someone you could reasonably deem as
being Bad For You. Meaning, that mysterious, dark, tall and
handsome guy, who’s also a womanizer. The artsy, romantic wanderer
who has a hard time staying committed. If that’s the case, if
you’re looking at them for something serious, you will really have
to ask yourself what you’re getting into before you dip your toe
in. There are times when you will need to ask yourself if it’s
really worth it! Also, someone may be appealing to your ego - they
may shower you with compliments and buy you expensive gifts, but be
sure to check what their motivations really are.


“I trust myself unconditionally. My creativity will shine for all
to see.”


Dear Virgo, I see you shining with creativity and enthusiasm. I see
that you’ve reached a new level of confidence in yourself and
your ability to be original, that you’re now owning what
is unique and powerful within you. You are ready to show the
world what you’ve got. More importantly, you’re now taking
bold, concrete steps to reach your goals in 2016! Honestly,
the energy I feel for you this year is just pure excitement,
with a sense of determination and optimism. 2015 was a year
that really pushed you to question what’s important - what you
hold dear to your heart, your true life purpose, where you’re
directing your efforts, what really lights you up, and what
you’re willing to work towards and fight for in the long term. All
the challenges of the year only served to bring you closer to what
matters to you. This year, the more risks you take, the more you’re
willing to put yourself out there, to step up into the spotlight,
the more the world will be able to reward you for your efforts and
your talents.

This is not the year to stay low-key, or be in the background. This
is the year to front your efforts with your signature grace and
quiet confidence. Every time your nerves get to you, think to
yourself, who are you serving? Who are the people that NEED what
you’ve been cooking up? Who are the people that will be able to
benefit so much from what you’ve been working so hard on? Every
time you get self-conscious, just remember you’re not putting
yourself out there just for any old fame, or recognition - it’s
about really giving the world something useful, that has the
potential to help people be happy or lead better lives. Yes, I have
no doubt that your goals are that ambitious, dear Virgo, because
you of all signs are able to make it happen.


Do you think of creativity, and of productivity as a factory line,
just chugging along, that you can flip on and off like a
switch? Or do you think of it in terms of cycles, as an organic
process that waxes and wanes, ebbs and flows? How you see the
flows of your work and wealth this year will greatly determine
how you feel about what’s happening in these areas of your life.
The truth is, we can’t always be 100% productive all the time, even
though we may prefer for that to be so. Our productivity isn’t
governed by neat, 5 day blocks of 8 hours each. It just doesn’t
work that way for everyone, even if practical reality dictates it.
So when you hit a block or get frustrated with your level of
productivity, step back for a moment and really allow yourself to
feel what you really need at the moment - should you be stepping
away from your desk, and taking a break instead? Will pushing
yourself for a few more hours really produce the kind of work that
you’re happy with?

Also, because of how closely tied your sense of self-worth is to
your work, this will always be an area of your life that will stir
up emotions for you. 2016 will offer you many opportunities
to question: How much is my work really worth? Am I confident
about what I’m offering to the world? Am I undervaluing
myself? These are questions that only you can answer, dear
Virgo, and they may not be answers that you can necessarily
get out of a book. They may not even have clear-cut answers,
and will require you to do some trial-and-error testing, some
deep probing within yourself, some experimental steps to get
feedback from others. It will also require research and putting
your work out there in the world to get it grounded in reality, so
that you can get real-world evidence of what it’s worth.


If you are in a relationship right now, this is the year to take a
novel approach to love matters. In your secret heart of hearts, you
know that you want passion, excitement and adventure in
a relationship, alongside all the good stuff like stability
and loyalty. How do you bring more of that into your love
life? You have to do your part, to really make time for it - to
plan surprises, to go on date nights, to not default to the
usual hangout and try something new instead. Channel some of
your creativity into your romantic partnership, and you’ll really
see it grow and nurture you in a way that you’ve forgotten you
could feel. If you’re willing to put in the work -
with enthusiasm and joy - the warm fuzzies will return to you
in no time. Though it must be said that it does take two hands
to clap - be sure to let your partner in on what you’re hoping to
create more of in your relationship, and see that they are
onboard to do their part in making it a fun and exciting
partnership again too!

If you aren’t coupled right now, whether you’re looking or not,
‘serious’ won’t be a word that you’ll be associating with a
romantic relationship. Why should you settle for boring? This is
the year you’ll want to dress up and shine, just for yourself,
because you want to look good and feel good. You’ll want to bring
your vibrant self to the fore because you’re enjoying how you feel
when you are uniquely yourself, compromising yourself for no one.
And this will be exactly the quality that will be drawing you more
suitors than you can imagine! When you shine, dear Virgo, you light
up the sky. Your boldness, assertiveness and confidence will be
turning heads and drawing admiring glances. This is the year when
someone who puts in effort for a fun and creative date will
impress you more than the good old movie and dinner. Be your best,
vibrant self, and love will be flowing your way.


“Steadily and surely, I am building my security.”


You’re in the midst of a cycle that is currently all about
building. You’re looking to surround yourself with tangible
results of your efforts. You want to feel like the Queen of your
empire, you’re willing to put in the work to get there, and we
are all cheering you on! What are you working towards, dear
Libra? What is it that has gotten you all fired up, looking so
determined? A business is definitely on your mind: are you starting
your own lifestyle blog? Designing your own line of
accessories? Or are you building up your online presence?

maybe even a multimillion dollar empire! This year brings an energy
of seriousness and drive - you’ve set your sights on a
particular goal, and you're not going to let anything or anyone
stop you.

The year’s energy supports you in committing to your efforts and
helping you to drive your plans forward. In 2015, you may
already have laid the groundwork for this project or plan
that you’re now so eager to bring into fruition, and if you're
still waiting for any sign to move forward boldly - this is
it! This year supports steady efforts, tried and tested methods,
and sheer willpower and patience to see things through. It’s
not a year for trying out shortcuts, or testing out the latest
fads. If in doubt, consider investing in expert opinion, seeking
out the advice of people who have gone before you on your
path, doing research, and basically making sure that your bases are
covered. Above all, your persistence is required.


In balancing out the fiery energy of the year that will be driving
all your efforts, an element of patience and restraint is
needed. With all that go-go-go and sheer horsepower energy, there
is a danger of missing the mark or making overly hasty decisions.
Take breaks to check in periodically that you are still
aligned with your big picture. You will need to call in your higher
self often, so that you’re mindful of what you’re doing and it’s
not something you decided to impulsively take on just because
it looked good in the moment. You can sometimes get so caught
up in the excitement of things, that you get momentarily swept
away! And that is not a bad thing - but this year, it is
important to be able to focus your energies on the things that
are truly worthwhile.

Which areas of your work do you place your focus on to an excess?
For example, there are certain things you pay attention to
more because you enjoy them, while neglecting some
other equally vital, yet not so fun bits. Only you will know
where you will need to find more balance. Achieving a sense of
harmony is key - where all parts are working together in tandem.
You may also be called upon to play the mediating role in your work
- where your diplomatic abilities will come in very handy when it
comes to navigating conflicts, seeing that different parties get
their needs met. I also see teaching and learning for you to be the
big themes of the year - we learn best when we teach, so go out
there and spread what you know, and you will end up learning even
more in the process! Or you may discover that there are certain
ideas that are intriguing to you, or that you have certain gaps in
your knowledge, and you would love to explore them further through
higher learning.


If you’re in a relationship right now, you and your amour will be
reaching a new level of commitment, love and stability. I have
a feeling that 2015 really involved the both of you getting to
know each other on a deeper level. That was a year where you grew
closer, discovered a lot about each other, which perhaps involved
working out the kinks of your relationship,
while understanding where certain compromises may have to be
made. Many often neglect that effort is needed to make a love
relationship work, but this time around, you’ve put in the effort
to make it something to go the distance. This year, this solid base
will be a springboard for a collaboration between the two of
you - you may also be excited about what the both of you
can bring into practical reality - you’ve found the one that
your ideas just flow with, who you can bounce ideas off, and
who inspires you to get things moving and that you want to make
things happen with. Whether it’s going to be a baby or a
creative project, know that this sense of excitement can be
trusted. This is an area of your life where you will be feeling
really excited about, and where it will be wise to channel all
of that restless energy into a project outside of yourselves.
For example, a home improvement project, a shared savings goal or
even an investment portfolio. Putting your heads together to
dream up of a shared objective, and working towards it as a
team will cement your bond and bring it to the next level.

If you are single, this year will be about making sure that feeling
safe and secure within your own skin is a priority for you.
Your own sense of security is important because we first need
to offer ourselves the love that we look for, so that we are
not looking for someone to complete us, but instead, complement us.
How does the prospect of this sound to you? I know, it may seem
like a real task if you’ve never really considered this before. But
it really starts with the little things. It’s about having faith in
your own talents, your own voice, and your own abilities. All of
which you have in bucketloads. You have no reason to really doubt
yourself, or your true worth. It’s also about knowing that can be
comfortable and happy in your own skin, without being coupled up.
When your self-belief is deeply rooted within you, your glow will
draw in admirers from everywhere.


“I am so strong I can be gentle.”


Dear Scorpio, did 2015 bring you many new self-realizations? 2015
was probably a culmination of a few years when you were navigating
your inner world, fighting demons, wrestling with uncomfortable
thoughts, and really facing down some of your worst fears. Every
time you tried to ignore it or to stuff your emotions down, they
just came up, rearing their heads, forcing you to confront them.
Take a moment to breathe deeply, my love. Take a moment to
congratulate yourself, and to look back over the terrain you’ve
traversed. Though it’s all par for the course for you - being a
Scorpio, you should already be very familiar with exploring your
inner world - you should still feel proud of yourself for all that
you’ve managed to work through. 2016 will be the physical
manifestation of the changes that you having been going
through internally. These changes will start to show - from
the way you lead your day to day life, the thoughts you allow
to take up space in your mind, to the way you interact with others,
and the attitude you approach life with in general. I see a
kind of softening in you, a knowledge that it isn’t necessary
to always be the strong one, that having your vulnerabilities show
doesn’t make you weak - in fact, it allows others to draw
closer to you, because under all your impressive abilities,
you are so very human, so very sensitive, and so deserving of the
love that others can’t wait to give you.

This complete change will manifest in unique ways depending on your
individual life path. It could be practical things, like
leaving a job or moving to another country. But more likely, it
could be about far reaching psychological changes. It’s like a
switch flipped in you. You may suddenly decide that you don’t want
to do things a certain way any more, you may discover that there
truly isn’t a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ for certain things - that not all
things are black and white, and don’t need to be judged as so.
Sometimes what feels right may look wrong on the surface, and
you’re now able to tolerate that tension, and to accept that
certain things just can’t be parsed or worked through with your
intellectual mind. Basically, an utter and total transformation
that has been years in the making. You’re also finding new ways of
expression of the darkness within you.

Although culturally, ‘darkness’ has taken on some kind of ominous,
negative quality to it - most of the fear and mystery around
it is totally unfounded. Darkness simply means qualities that are
underground, that operate within our subconscious, that don’t
necessarily get to be expressed in our day to day life. You will be
finding more ways to work with the darker feelings within you, and
to let it out in safe, creative ways, through art or other forms of


You’re already an expert at assessing, making judgement calls,
collecting facts and information, and preparing an excellent
summary of what’s going on. Your sharp mind is prized and rewarded
at work, and rightly so! I see you reaching a new level of mastery
in your work this year. 2015 was really a period that broadened
your mind, with a lot of new information flooding in and
challenging you and your psyche in ways that you’ve never
experienced before. There was a lot to take in. You learnt a lot,
and had to learn to become more flexible, to evolve the ways you
think, and to consider alternate viewpoints. All of that had a
purpose, dear Scorpio. They were challenges to help you
develop your mental faculties further, and to help
you eventually fulfill the potential of all that you are here
to offer the world. And that potential is great!

This year, it’s about putting together all that you’ve learnt in a
way that can further benefit others. You’re skilled at putting
disparate elements together. You are blessed with superb

organizational skills and managing many different moving parts. You
are excellent at synthesizing information. Many of your
rewards will come from helping others to see issues at

work the way you do - while offering up all your brilliant
solutions. You will be a way-shower. Refining your ways of
articulating your truth to those you work with will be the ultimate
key to your success this year. Temper your tone with some
honey, dear Scorpio. Learn to see when to hold back and when to
speak up. You will see that even when you don’t explicitly state
things in the plainest terms ever, your point still gets across.
You will be respected, not feared, and things will still get done -


If you are in a relationship, it’s time to let your intellectual
side take a backseat. Yes, that means giving your mind - that gets
to be so brilliantly used in your work - a little rest. Allow your
heart, your soul and your spirit to take over. I see a deep
femininity in you that wants to be expressed, dear Scorpio. “Wait,
I’m a woman - I’m already feminine by default,” you say, “what do
you mean?” To be clear, both men and women have the feminine AND
the masculine in them. Each is associated with different qualities,
and the feminine is defined by intuition, patience, allowing,
creativity, whereas the masculine is about action, bringing ideas
into practical reality, and drive. Both have their place in
the world, both are equally important. In matters of love, what
this means is to remove the usual mind-oriented, problem
solving approach that you would usually apply to work and
other areas of your life, and allowing your heart to come forward
instead. Whenever things get foggy or unclear, probe gently to
find the heart of the matter. I have a feeling that many
issues that will arise this year will be matters that aren’t
necessarily neat, rational problems that can be solved by
putting a band-aid on it - or even necessarily needs to be
solved. Rather, they may simply need to be heard, need some
breathing room, space for expression, as well as your support
and attention.

If you’re not in a committed relationship at the moment, or looking
for someone - there is a reason for it. You are deeply
exploring what it even means to be a woman. What is there

being a woman? The answer is as simple or as complicated as you
want it to be. You want to be really strong and confident in
yourself being the woman in a relationship. You want to know what
you are fully capable of bringing to a partnership - and what you
want out of it. You are exploring it deeply, and enjoying the
process a fair bit. There’s no rush or hurry to be in a
relationship, because this process of getting to know yourself is
already a pretty consuming process! I see you happy to stand alone
for a bit and feeling at peace about it. We attract the things that
we need for us in our lives, my love, and when you are standing so
deeply and beautifully in your peace, so comfortable in your skin,
if it is right for you, the perfect one you for you will walk right
into your life.


“My love is bigger than my fear. My courage will lead me to what I
hold dear.”


Your world is steadily expanding, dear Sagittarius. I can feel you
reaching out far beyond the borders of what you once thought
possible. You’re no longer content with the confines
you thought you’d be happy living within. This year, the world
will offer up a plethora of choices and opportunities for you
- it’s a beginning of a new cycle of sorts, where you’re now more
ready to follow your heart and to discover where your
creativity and passion can lead you. There are by no means any
clear answers, or even a clear end-goal. But what has become
increasingly clear to you is this: that there will no longer be any
kind of satisfying life where you’re only living a half-truth, or a
boiled down version of what’s in your heart. This is what will
really serve you well in 2016: to go after what’s in your heart.
You will know what it is when it fills you up with passion, that
clearly isn’t just mere intellectual stimulation, but is something
that truly excites you to your core. Because once the initial heady
excitement fades, it’s still something that sticks with you.

Taking a beginner’s mindset to everything that you do in this year
will be rewarding - without expectations, but with all your
enthusiasm and curiosity. Because the rewards will be great -
I actually see an exciting new vista for you where once you
allow the floodgates to open, you will find yourself buoyed by all
the amazing opportunities that you’d never imagined. Don’t
let yourself be weighed down by thinking too far ahead about
the what-ifs or wanting to achieve mastery immediately. Be in
the moment and enjoy how it feels like to do whatever it is
that you’ve set your heart on doing - whether it’s starting a
new business, learning a new skill, picking up a new hobby,
joining a social group, teachin

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