
Happy New Year! The first JMP Newswire newsletter goes out today, and in it we urge you to make 2014 the year you extend your JMP skills into new areas and to greater depths. We have many resources to help you do that, and I'm sharing those resources below. If you like this kind of information and would like to learn a technical tip with video each month, subscribe to Newswire to receive the newsletter automatically.

Here are six ways you can improve your JMP skills:

1. Sign Up for New Mastering JMP Webcasts
Starting Jan. 17, you can grow your JMP skills in essential areas most Fridays at 2 p.m. ET via live webcasts. New topics for 2014 include basic analysis and plotting, multivariate analysis, basic design of experiments, mixture designs, reliability analysis and a full hour on working with Excel data. Register for all webcasts that interest you now, and we will remind you later as each webcast nears.

2. Watch Our New How-To Videos
We post several short instructional videos each week. See the latest on importing data from Excel plus recent shorts on splitting, stacking, and joining columns and tables. Our most viewed how-to video to date is " How to Customize and Save Row State Markers" – watch it and see why. And then explore the whole playlist.

3. Meet Up with DrSheldonCooper and agriego
Where? Not on Big Bang Theory.  They are on the JMP Software Discussion Forum, posting technical questions and answers about JMP. Join them, and find out how to " dynamically define a matrix" and put a " table in a sheet panel" – and lots more. Ask your own questions and share what you know about JMP with fellow users

4. Browse the JMP Learning Library
Looking for basic information on how to use JMP for a specific analytic task? The Learning Library is a good place to start. New material is added periodically, so check back frequently. You'll find concise introductions to key entry- and intermediate-level topics, including one-page PDF summaries of each major concept, and online tutorials and videos with a step-by-step approach.

5. Be a Joiner. Find a JMP Users Group
In person and virtually, JMP users gather together to show how they use the software, network with fellow users and hear from technical experts. Whether you're a seasoned JMP user or a newcomer, being a part of a users group gives you an opportunity see how your peers are solving problems; learn about JMP capabilities and new features; talk with JMP staff one-on-one; and offer feedback on the software. Many groups continue their conversations on LinkedIn, long after their meeting has ended.

6. Take New e-Course on ANOVA and Regression
A new e-Learning course, JMP Software: ANOVA and Regression, is available for JMP 10 and JMP 11. Go at your own pace and on your schedule with a one-year license for this course, designed for analysts and researchers who have some statistical knowledge. You will learn to analyze data with a single continuous response variable using analysis of variance and regression methods; perform elementary exploratory data analysis; and discover natural patterns in data. For a full list of training opportunities, explore the JMP training path.

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