
Hello again!

As most of you probably know, most of the hours I spend at QVC are in the morning – I regularly present The Morning Show, which means an early start to make sure everything is in place to go on-air just before 9am.

I’ve had a lifetime of alarm calls ever since I was just eleven years old and used to cycle to the swimming pool next to my school for two hours training before lessons.

I also spent four years waking early to present Good Morning Britain and AfterNine on TVam and, of course, having three children (two of whom were DREADFUL sleepers!) meant many a wakeful moment in the early hours.

Although I often feel tired, I enjoy the consistent pattern to my days and having a routine certainly helps everything go smoothly, most of the time!

I arrive at the Undercroft, the underground rear entrance of QVC close to our car park, at around 6.30am and head straight to the top floor, where the early shift production team will already be at their desks, planning the first shows of the day. I check in with them to find out exactly what I’ll be doing and whether anything has changed overnight.

It’s also a chance to have a chat with them about life in general, as things get really busy later in the day. Simon Biagi, who I often co-present the show with, doesn’t spend quite so long doing his hair and make-up as I do! He often gets to the canteen for a sociable breakfast but I tend to eat mine on the run, either in front of the mirror or the computer, while I research information on what we’re featuring during the day. I do this one floor below the production office, where we have the studios and our dressing rooms. Ali Keenan and I have shared a room since we joined QVC together in August 2000, although we hardly ever see each other at work as Ali usually presents hours much later in the day.

I take a look backstage to check the trolleys of products laid out for each hour of the day. I need to make sure I’m happy with everything and know what I need to know, to help you make a knowledgeable decision about whether you’d like to buy something. We have a fabulous backstage team who prepare everything to go on air, and of course we have some wonderful guests to tell us all about whatever they’ve brought to QVC. Spending some time with them before the show helps to ensure things goes smoothly on air.

I took these photos on the day that Brett and Christine were with us for the Real Pie Company TSV – a magnificent collection of handmade mouth-watering pies – so I found them in the backstage kitchen for a quick chat about the new favours they’d brought us. I love them all but the steak with mature cheddar is SO good!

My fashion for the day was from Nina Leonard – you can see the rail of our colourful samples for me to choose my outfit from – which is a range I’ve presented for many years. New to me and QVC for February, though, is the brand our beauty Pick of the Month is from: Dr Dennis Gross.

Dr Gross is a dermatologist and anti-ageing expert who has developed an innovative and award-winning skincare range. We are featuring his neck emulsion as our Beauty Pick for February to introduce his results-driven products, and his wife, Carrie, is our guest.

She told me all about the incredible consumer study results, which had all 100% of participants agreeing that they saw an improvement in the appearance of the fine lines and wrinkles and the texture of the skin on their neck and also that their neck looked younger and felt firmer! 95% of women said that the emulsion helped reduce the appearance of crepe-iness on their neck. With results like that, no charge for delivery and a 30 day money back guarantee, I’d say it’s worth a try if you are seeing signs of sun damage, ageing or the dreaded turkey skin on your neck.

Although I have a regular pattern to most of my days, it would also be true to say that no two days are ever the same. With different presenters and guests to work alongside, and an ever changing range of products to talk about on air – not forgetting the unpredictability of live television – I have to keep my wits about me. And that’s what makes being a QVC presenter such a brilliant job.

Have a good week, and take care,

Kathy x

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