The August 2016 issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ emphasizes how we, as God’s ambassadors, sometimes hesitate, procrastinate and flat out wander from the task of delivering the good news of Christ crucified to all humanity.
We are encouraged to look to Christ and His example to stay on track and not get distracted. Learn, lead, love and cross are markers along our journey to share the Gospel.
The newsletter also offers information about events and free monthly webinars.
Download August 2016 RSTM newsletter
Visit to learn more about this ministry and the resources it provides. Also, mark your calendars and pray for the following upcoming events offered through RSTM:
“Are We a Friendly Church?” free webinar presented by Kaye Dumas Wolfe, vice president of Special Focus Ministries, LWML — Thursday, Aug. 11, from 1 to 2 p.m. Central time. Visit if you are interested in participating.
“Ministry to the Armed Forces in Rural and Small Town Settings” free webinar presented by Chaplain Mike Moreno, Operation Barnabas — Thursday, Sept. 15, from 1 to 2 p.m. Central time. Visit if you are interested in participating.
2016 National Rural & Small Town Mission Conference in Wichita, Kan., at the Wichita Hyatt Regency — Thursday, Nov. 3, through Saturday, Nov. 5. Keynote speakers include the Rev. John Mehl, director of Mission Partnerships and Church Relations, Concordia University, Nebraska, Seward, Neb.; Dr. Mike Rodewald, executive director, Lutheran Bible Translators; Benjamin Winchester, senior research fellow, University of Minnesota Extension; and Mrs. Adriane Heins, managing editor, The Lutheran Witness. Registration opens March 15. More information and online registration can be found at
Ministry News
Tags: Publications, Reaching Rural America for Christ, RSTM, Rural and Small Town Mission
Ministry News