
Will the reshuffle impact on the government's green credentials? Leo Hickman, with your help, investigates. Post your views below, email leo.hickman@guardian.co.uk or tweet @LeoHickman

11.20am: Grant Shapps, the new Conservative party chairman, took to the airwaves this morning to insist that, following yesterday's reshuffle, the government could still claim to the "greenest ever".

The reshuffle saw a handful of appointments that are likely to concern environmental groups in three key areas. First, Justine Greening's removal as transport secretary is being widely interpreted as removing a vocal opponent of building a third runway at Heathrow and possibly now clears the way for a controversial U-turn.

Then came Owen Paterson's appointment as the new environment secretary. Paterson, the former Northern Ireland minister, is reportedly pro-hunting, pro-badger cull, anti-wind and pro-fracking.

Lastly, John Hayes, who replaces Charles Hendry as the energy minister at Decc, is also reportedly anti-wind.

How will these new appointments likely affect the government's claimed green credentials? Please leave your thoughts below. I will also be inviting various interested parties to join the debate, too. And later on today, I will return with my own verdict.

11.49am: Here's a direct link to both Grant Shapps and Zac Goldsmith, the Conservative MP who says he will stand down if the party performs a U-turn on Heathrow, talking about the environmental implications of the reshuffle on BBC Radio 4#s Today programme this morning.

11.52am: George Monbiot has just posted his reaction to the reshuffle over at Comment Is Free. He's not impressed...

So that's it then. The final shred of credibility of "the greenest government ever" has been doused in petrol and ignited with a casual flick of a gold-plated lighter. The appointment of Owen Paterson as environment secretary is a declaration of war on the environment, and another sign that the right of the party – fiercely opposed to anything that prevents business from doing as it wishes – has won.

12.03pm: Dr Mike Clarke, the RSPB's chief executive, has sent me this reaction:

With the cabinet reshuffle predicated on the government's desire to boost the economy, we trust the new environment secretary Owen Paterson will be a strong champion of wildlife and the natural environment. Over the past two years the public has, through debates about forestry, planning, badgers and buzzards shown how they much care about the natural world. The challenge for the new secretary of state is to build on this public support to find ways to realise the ambitions in the natural environment white paper.

12.11pm: James Cooper, the Woodland Trust's head of government affairs, has posted this reaction online:

Owen Paterson comes with strong rural credentials which should mean he will become rapidly up to speed with the issues. He has shown a willingness to be outspoken in the past on a range of issues and we hope this translates into a robust championing of the natural environment against often ill-considered calls from elsewhere for relaxation of protections. Paterson lists trees among his interests and, naturally, we welcome that. One of the most important issues in his in-tray is the government response to the Independent Panel on Forestry's report on the future of England's forests. The report, published in July, offered a clear sense of direction widely supported across the sector and included the crucial recommendation to increase woodland cover to 15% by 2060. The ball is now very much in government's court and it needs to match the leadership provided by the panel. This provides an excellent early opportunity for Owen Paterson to be bold. By doing so, he can show he understands the potential of the natural environment to provide value for money by delivering across several agendas simultaneously.

12.41pm: Here are the thoughts of Jennifer Webber, director of external affairs at RenewableUK, the trade body for the wind and marine energy industries, to the news that John Hayes has replaced Charles Hendry at Decc:

Mr Hayes brings a wealth of experience from his previous role as Minister for Further Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning. We know that he already appreciates the importance of providing the right training for the skilled workforce of the future. Tens of thousands of those workers will be in the green energy sector, so Mr Hayes' experience at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills will serve him in good stead as Energy Minister, and we look forward to working with him.
His predecessor Charles Hendry made an outstanding contribution to the Department of Energy and Climate Change. He was instrumental in the setting up of the Offshore Wind Cost Reduction Task Force, which published a key report in June showing how the cost of offshore wind can be driven down by more than 30% in the next seven years.
Mr Hendry also played a key role in the particularly challenging task of drafting the Energy Bill. He worked closely on the intricate details of this key piece of legislation which will determine the financial support framework for the energy industry for years to come. His successor will need to acquaint himself with this brief as swiftly as possible, as Electricity Market Reform must proceed without delay, so that future investment in wind and marine energy is not put at risk. RenewableUK will be engaging with Mr Hayes and his team to ensure that he fully understands the perspective of the wind and marine energy industries on these crucial issues.

For background, it is worth noting that John Hayes has been critical of wind power in his Norfolk constituency. Here's an article from 2004 in which he hits out at "highly questionable guidance" of the wind "trade lobby". And here's a speech he gave in the Commons in 2005:

Can we, for heaven's sake, consider the relative impact that the imposition of turbines has on the surrounding environment?...We must invest in renewables, but not in a way that is damaging to the quality of life and the local environment of the people who have those industrial structures close by.

12.57pm: There appears to be some confusion over whether Owen Paterson is a climate sceptic or not. I can't yet find anything on the record in which he has stated his position on this topic. Both the Telegraph and the Independent are describing him as a climate sceptic, but this appears to stem from remarks made by Lord Lawson, the former Conservative chancellor and prominent climate sceptic, during an interview on Sky News yesterday lunchtime. I asked Lawson this morning to clarify what he said in response to this question from Sky's Adam Boulton: "Do you like Paterson because he's a bit of a climate change sceptic like you?"

Lawson told me:

When Boulton asked the question what I in fact replied was "He is a man of reason and common sense".

There had been reports that he had responded in the affirmative with: "Yes, he is a man of reason and common sense." It would appear, then, that we will need to wait until Paterson is himself asked the direct question.

1.01pm: Here are the thoughts of Joss Garman from Greenpeace:

Support for clean energy and action on climate change sits firmly in the centre ground of our country's politics, and our politicians know it. If these new ministers start sacrificing our much loved countryside and reject opportunities in new green industries in favour of fracking rigs, roads and runways, they surely know they will pay a political price.

1.05pm: Here's the analysis of Geoffrey Lean, the veteran environmental correspondent now with the Telegraph:

All this suggests a lively time ahead. Green groups might even be quietly looking forward to it, since they thrive -and add membership and income – when in conflict with government (and have often languished when, as over the decade or so, governments have largely agreed with them). But it may well lead to increased strains within the coalition, as the Liberal Democrats increasingly, if belatedly, look to green issues as a key way of differentiating themselves from the Tories, – and, in particular with energy secretary Ed Davey, a rising star, who has the greenest background of any member of the Cabinet. And it may make it even more difficult for the Prime Minister to say he has fulfilled his pledge of leading "the greenest government ever".

1.12pm: The Scottish National Party is, predictably, unimpressed. Mike Weir, its energy and climate change spokesperson, said:

This reshuffle removes any last hint of green from the true blue Tory cabinet. The days when David Cameron promised the 'greenest government ever' are now a distant memory. The appointment of an environment secretary who is against wind farms and energy subsidies will be a cause for concern for the vital renewables industry.
Renewables is not just about tackling climate change – it's about attracting investment and creating jobs. The renewables industry now meets 35 per cent of Scotland's annual demand for electricity and directly employs more than 11,000 people across the country. The UK government has already created uncertainty over funding for onshore wind, and remains wedded to the discredited and expensive nuclear power industry. Regressive measures from an increasingly right-wing Tory led government must not be allowed to hinder the continued growth of this vital industry.
This reshuffle shows the UK government has its priorities all wrong. Instead of pandering to the right of their party, they should be supporting the Scottish government's efforts to invest in a clean, green energy future. Instead of debating a third runway at congested Heathrow, they should be encouraging a modal shift from plane to train by committing to high speed rail to Scotland, not Birmingham."
The UK government reshuffle shows Cameron's attempt at a green rinse has worn off and their true Tory colours are coming through.

1.45pm: David Norman, WWF's director of campaigns, has sent me this reaction:

The coalition needs to avoid own-goals that could undermine its claim to be the 'greenest government ever'. WWF enthusiastically applauded early decisions such as ruling out a third runway at Heathrow and establishing a green investment bank, which ministers are rightly proud of. However, the reshuffle has done little to defuse speculation over a possible government U-turn on airport capacity. Ministers should make clear that this was a principled and evidence-based decision that will stand, not one that might be cast aside at the next manifesto-writing opportunity.
There are big challenges ahead, notably around electricity market reform and support for the green economy. The green investment bank needs to be properly capitalised and allowed to borrow to be truly effective. A recent Green Alliance report said that whilst the general economy will only return to 2007 levels by 2014 at the earliest, the green economy will have grown by 40% in that same period. New and existing ministers need to unequivocally back the green economy and challenge the view that there is any dichotomy between green and growth. Electricity market reform is likewise a critical test of whether the government can provide the policy certainly that investors need to deliver a secure, decarbonised energy sector cost-effectively.
The true impact of the reshuffle will be felt when new ministers are in post and engaged with their briefs, and it is perhaps too early to say what effects the changes will have on the government's green credentials. However, when as powerful a voice as the CBI is arguing that the "so-called "choice" between going green or going for growth is a false one", and that policy certainty is urgently needed, the government needs to listen closely."

1.51pm: Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Lord Lawson's climate sceptic thinktank, has a piece in today's City AM welcoming Owen Paterson's appointment as the new environment secretary:

In the past, Paterson has proposed an end to all energy subsidies and a speedy development of domestic shale gas reserves. His endorsement of shale exploration is particularly pertinent, since DEFRA is responsible for the Environment Agency, which is in charge of regulating and policing shale gas ventures.
Most crucially, the government intends to publish a new Economy Bill in the next few days, detailing a major deregulation of the planning system. Paterson will be responsible for the deregulation of environmental assessments, allowing fast-tracked developments.
In light of Britain's struggling economy, it is becoming increasingly evident that the passion for green control and command policies is coming to its predictable end. Saving jobs and the economy is now the uppermost priority for Britain and most other European countries.
Restricting shale gas is not saving the planet and it's impoverishing Britain's families and companies. Paterson must act fast.

2.03pm: Andrew Pendleton, Friends of the Earth's head of campaigns, says elements of the reshuffle are "worrying":

The government's pledge to be the greenest ever has been considerably undermined by many of the actions and policies it has introduced since coming to power. And with a chancellor who appears to see the environment as a barrier to growth and decisions to be made on energy, aviation, housing and planning, the next few months will be significant not just for this government's eco-credentials, but for the long-term well-being of future generations and the environment.
The reshuffle is significant - and the removal of Justine Greening who is opposed to expansion at Heathrow is worrying - and we certainly hope that the new ministerial teams will stand up for the environment. But the most crucial element is whether David Cameron and senior Liberal Democrats are willing and able to reign in the chancellor.
The green economy is one area that is experiencing growth - at around four per cent a year. But George Osborne appears to be extremely reluctant to back this thriving sector. The chancellor has even been criticised by the CBI over his lack of support for green business and his failure to recognise the key role it could play in reviving the economy.
Until the government wakes up to the fact that a strong economy and environmental protection are two sides of the same coin, its pledge to be the greenest ever will fail.

2.12pm: During prime minister's questions earlier in the Commons, David Cameron indicated that a consultation on the expansion of Heathrow will be announced soon. The BBC reported him saying:

"These very large infrastructure projects are extremely difficult for individual governments to take and to deliver. What we need to do is build a process that hopefully has cross-party support so we can look carefully at this issue and deliver changes that will address the problems of capacity we will have in future years and address the issue of the hub status in the UK. I am hoping to make an announcement on this over the coming days...but this won't happen unless parties sign up to a process that can deliver."
Asked by Labour MP John McDonnell whether he would rule out sanctioning a new runway while he was prime minister, Mr Cameron said he would "not be breaking my manifesto pledge".

2.23pm: Dr Jeremy Biggs, director of Pond Conservation: The Water Habitats Trust, has this to say to Owen Paterson, the new environment secretary:

The biggest issue facing our freshwaters is the all pervasive impact of water pollution - and the virtual elimination of unpolluted water from large tracts of the country. This is barely on people's radar as a result of constant PR-led repetition of the mantra 'rivers have never been better' - but these improvements are very modest, and flat-lining. In fact 75% of ponds, rivers and lakes are failing to reach minimum legal standards in England and Wales, and freshwater biodiversity is perilously at risk, mainly because of pollution. The strongest driver for protection comes from European legislation that we are supposed to be implementing - but in an anti-European 'growth-or-bust' agenda there seems only the outside chance that our freshwaters will be in better condition in 10 years time than they are now.

Liberal-Conservative coalition


Wind power

Heathrow third runway

Shale gas and fracking

Climate change

Climate change scepticism

Leo Hickman

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