
 ”Would anyone actually sit for 45 minutes or so to listen to a webinar?”  It’s a question I’ve asked a lot recently in talking with supply chain organizations on strategy and segmentation.  Both topics are essential to long-term profitability and both are most directly encumbered by communication issues.  In fact, I asked 103 companies working on supply chain segmentation initiatives what their biggest roadblocks have been so far and 86% of the responses were directly related to communication.

A common link to communication issues in both broader supply chain strategy and in segmentation initiatives is that people use the same term to mean different things AND they have different ideas on the scope of the work.  It will take time to get everyone rowing the same boat at the same speed, but step one is establishing a base of knowledge across the core team… and often across the entire supply chain organization.  So then comes the question, “Would anyone actually sit for 45 minutes or so to listen to a webinar?”  If the answer is “yes”, then you need to take advantage of the free on-demand supply chain webinars our research team has recorded. 

Below, I have included five of the highest rated webinars we’ve recently recorded.  You can also download all of the slide content from these links as well.  At the bottom of this post you’ll find a link to a full list of available webinar content.  Have fun!

How to Create a Demand-Driven Supply Chain Strategy

An understanding of the journey to demand-driven maturity will aid in communicating a long-term supply chain vision and sequencing improvement activities to achieve the vision faster. In this webinar, we examine how supply chain executives should move their companies through the journey. In this webinar, you’ll learn:

If there is a known path to reaching demand-driven maturity

How to use Gartner’s the five-stage Demand-Driven Value Network maturity model to create short-and long-term strategies

How best-in-class companies create a supply chain strategy that connects to corporate strategy while providing clear guidance to each of the supply chain functions

 Maximize Profitability: How to Integrate Cost-to-Serve and Supply Chain Segmentation

Most companies don’t allocate the cost of supporting customers and products based on the complexity they drive in operations.  As a result, unprofitable business relationships are secretly subsidized by a profitable minority.  Several leading organizations are using a “menu of supply chain services” to set differentiated cost/service goals and maximize profitability across all customers and products.  We will explore:

Best practices in analyzing the trade-off between supply chain costs and service levels

How leaders are integrating cost-to-serve analyses with supply chain segmentation through a “menu of services”

How to start or accelerate progress on cost-to-serve initiatives at your company

 Value Chain: Implementing Supply Chain Segmentation

Becoming demand-driven requires the ability to understand customer value, as well as the capabilities to deliver upon those findings. The next generation of supply chain leaders will manage a portfolio of supply chains that provide differentiated outputs, aligned to unique customer value characteristics. We will explore:

How the supply chain can create differentiated value for customers

How integration of customer segmentation, supply chain segmentation and cost to serve enhance customer value

How to create a customer-driven vision that you can execute

 Supply Chain Strategies for Emerging Markets

We are on the cusp of the most explosive growth opportunity since the industrial revolution, with emerging market consumption expected to grow by $30 trillion by 2025. Businesses are positioning to tap into that opportunity and supply chain organizations are tasked with being the engine to serve that growth. While the opportunity is compelling the challenges are daunting. This webinar presents recent research on how to build a successful supply chain that addresses emerging markets. In this webinar, you’ll learn:

How manufacturing strategies should be localized to support emerging markets

What is most important to ensuring effective demand planning in emerging markets

How to implement a supply network that manages the unique eco-system in these regions

How to define the best talent management program so essential to these markets

 How the Nexus of Forces is Transforming the Service Supply Chain

Building on the research for the Magic Quadrant for Field Service Management, this webcast will highlight how the Nexus of Forces (social, mobile, cloud, and information) is creating competitive differentiation for service businesses in many industries.


Supply chain organizations face unyielding pressure to reduce costs, improve service and support new growth initiatives. The Nexus of Forces creates new opportunities to accomplish these goals. In this webinar, you will learn:

How the Nexus of Forces applies to service businesses and their supply chains.

What new technology companies should consider.

How to use the factors in the Nexus of Forces to create new service opportunities.

 You can access the full list of available content at All On-Demand Supply Chain Webinars

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