
In this day and age, most companies consider the qualifications of fresh graduate applicants not just in theory but also on the practical side. Students who are exposed to the practical application of what he/she has learned in school will be better equipped to face the next stage in life, the actual job.

It is in this aspect that most business schools must realize that there is a need to integrate practical exposure of students to the business world as part of their course curriculum. These are composed of competence in business practices, gaining skills on teamwork building as well as developing an individual’s character and strength.

Here are certain integrations of the practical side which Business Schools can follow:

Proper Dress Code

For students to get the feel of how to dress up when they will be employed, the school must impose dress codes on a day to day basis. Consider Mondays up to Wednesdays as semi-formal casual attires, semi-formal business attire for Thursdays and professional attire on Fridays.

Proper Behavior at Work

If you don't know how to behave, read this book about proper behaviour

Students must realize earlier on that once they venture into the real world, they are expected to be professionals in their actions. They must avoid constant checking, texting or talking on their cellphones. Avoid chatting on Facebook and other social media while at work. Avoid long conversations with office mates not related to work or going outside to smoke. If you cant stop smoking try a nicorrete or try e-ciga.dk. If it works for my girlfriend who has smoked for 10 years, it will work for you too

Remember, that once employed, focus and attention is always required particularly during meetings which are often long and tiring.

Schools should therefore impose for graduating students to follow certain rules like turning off of cell phones in class. They should be exposed to mock business meeting scenarios where they can act professionally.

Teamwork and Working Relationship

Even though at present we are considered to be in the digital world, in a work place, face-face interface still prevails. The work environment still requires people to communicate in-person. That is why it is imperative that business schools should expose students in a curriculum to develop their communication skills as well as teamwork.

Exercising professional behavior

Students on the job cannot immediately lead unless they are hired as supervisors and the like. They need to prove their capabilities first. It is best for them to allow those that are in the position to train them. Likewise, students should learn to be open to suggestions and feedback. By allowing your self feedback you can improve your professional life. This does not only count for students but also business in general. Lavprisolie.dk are some of the best companies in Denmark who demonstrate how effectiv feedback can be. Just take a look at their Trustpilot score here.

More of my thoughts….

Students are now facing their final exams and those that are graduating are so eager to start their careers. Business schools should at this point reflect on how effective they believe they were in preparing these students to face the realities in the workplace. In theories, yes but what about on the practical side? Note that there is so much in the real world that books fail to capture. Are you completely confident you have done everything to prepare these students or are you going to let them face the real world full of doubts and uncertainties?

By the way. You still feeling tired after New Years? (Yeah I know its late but). Dont miss my article about how you can get a fresh start for 2014.

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