
A weekly listing of intriguing, wacky, useful, provocative and otherwise interesting links that readers and I have come across and think you might want to see.


Prepare to get lost in The Internet Archive, "a digital
library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form.
Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians,
scholars, the print disabled, and the general public." In particular check out the free audio books area and Open Library, which boasts more than a million free ebooks.

Parent myths: How much of what your parents told you was crap? Excerpts from Jeopardy champion Ken Jennings’ book Because I Said So!: The Truth Behind the Myths, Tales, and Warnings Every Generation Passes Down to Its Kids. (Via The Presurfer)

A Stanley Cup made of meat via Neatorama.

10 Hotel Secrets from Behind the Front Desk, by Jacob Tomsky

" In this hilarious, fast-paced, and insightful (21-minute Ted) talk, the magazine's longstanding cartoon editor and self-proclaimed "humor analyst" Bob Mankoff dissects the comedy within just some of the "idea drawings" featured in the magazine, explaining what works, what doesn't, and why."

A look at the original and rather bizarre Ronald McDonald from Vintage TV Commercials:

Look for Land of Linkin' first thing every Monday morning and click here to email me your suggestions. Visit the Land of Linkin' archives.

Where do you find this stuff?

Here's a partial list of sites I visit for material:

Bits and Pieces

Boing Boing


Daily Flicks and Picks

Dave Barry's Blog

For The Win (USA Today) Sort of like a daily "Land of Linkin'" for sports.

Futility Closet -- "an idler's miscellany of contemporary amusements"

Irene's Internet "Funny finds from around the web,delivered."


Wonkbook's Lunchbreak Tag

Mental Floss


Miss Cellania -- "What, you think this is funny?"


The Presurfer --"Your daily dose of diversion"

Upworthy -- "Things that matter. Pass 'em on."

Viral Viral Videos -- "So viral, we named it twice"

John Walkenbach's Google+ feed

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