Are traditional blogs dying?
As we prepare to close out 2016 and dive into a new year, let’s tackle a topic that the BlogPaws staff is asked time and again: What is the future of blogging? More specifically, is there a place for the pet blogger/lifestyle blogger in the new year and beyond?
The short answer and in a nutshell: Yes.
The longer and more detailed answer: One-and-done and lack of strategy will hurt your influence or lack thereof.
Micro Influencer Marketing
“Brands are looking for influencers and bloggers who are going to be advocates for their brand because they truly believe in it and align with the brand and their products,” says Felissa Elfenbein, BlogPaws Director of Influencer Marketing. “Micro influencer marketing is an up-and-coming and important piece in a brand’s overall marketing strategy.”
What is micro influencer marketing? Consider that says, “More and more, brands are turning to people with far less numbers of followers—sometimes even as low as 8,000—to help them share their messages. In return, a brand receives intangible benefits like authenticity, a unique point of view, deeper storytelling and the potential of reaching a more tailored audience.”
That does not mean the traditional blog is dead; in fact, this long-time blogger sees strength in a strategy and a plan with a purpose.
When I wrote about which social media networks to use, I stated, “You do not have to be everyone and be everything to everybody.” You don’t have to be on every social media platform. You should be on the social media platforms that make sense for your blog or social media goals.
Read More Here: Why Bloggers Need a Social Media Plan
A micro influencer has a smaller but more dedicated following. BlogPaws has been touting the power of the microblogger for years, and the time has come to embrace the micro influencer.
“Micro influencers need to really put an emphasis on their own brand and become specialists instead of generalists when it comes to the content they share and the brands they work with,” Elfenbein reports.
So Is a Traditional Blog Necessary?
A blog with a strategy and a reason for being, coupled with credibility and purpose, is a fact of Internet life. Mic drop, seriously.
Is there such a thing as being too popular? Yes! What good is a million Instagram followers if your engagement is low? Brands are watching. Publishers are watching. Followers can be purchased. Credible engagement is the new norm.
What if:
Instagram goes away?
Facebook shuts down your account?
Snapchat diminishes in popularity?
What then? You have a solid fan base on your blog, and if you couple that with a dedicated email list, these are the makings of longevity in the digital space. A strong social media following is crucial in this day and age, but so is real engagement on your respective social channels.
In the article for Forbes, Karen Robinovitz of The Digital Brand Architects shares,“Sometimes the shift calls for deep penetration with a small audience and sometimes it calls for high conversion with a large audience.” She continues, “And the micro-influencers aren’t necessarily cheaper just because their audience is smaller, they know they are bringing something else to the table.”
For me, blogging dies when people no longer care to read. Reading is timeless. The breadth of what we publish and where we publish has grown, but the traditional short- and long-form post has a place and a space in online publishing.
Ninja Tip: A solid email list is one key to adding value to your blog, to brands with which you work, and to imparting your social media message to a dedicated audience.
Learn More Here: Expert Tips to Grow an Email List
Need some motivation and inspiration to help grow your (pet) blog? Here is the ultimate list of pet blogging resources.
What are your thoughts on traditional blogging and where you see it going?
Carol Bryant is the Marketing and Social Media Manager for BlogPaws and runs her own blog, Fidose of Reality and its fundraising arm, Wigglebutt Warriors. When not busy playing with her Cocker Spaniel, Dexter, she stays far away from cooking. Her trademark is her mantra and is tattooed on her arm: My Heart Beats Dog.®
Images: : Filipe Frazao/ and Odua Images/
The post Are Traditional Blogs Dying? appeared first on BlogPaws.