Not only Globe capping their subcribers internet, now MYBRO/PLDT/SMARTBRO start implementing FAIR USAGE POLICY in April 2013.
Normal 180KB/s, they’re now down to just 20+KB/s. Apparently, PLDT has started implementing a Fair Usage Policy (FPU)
This is the example speedtest of one of my friends she's freaking out about here Speed.
Monthly bandwidth allocation for Smart Bro/myBro/PLDT subs is only 15GB. If
you have downloaded that much data before the month ends then you will
experience a slowdown with your connection. Your normal speed will
return the following month.
Subscribers are lock with this contract with 24/Months.
ang wala pang capped na internet service provider is Bayan Tel and SkyBroadband
GOOD NEWS !!! You Can reset you bandwidth or uncapped your modem
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