
While Day One of BlogHer Food kicked off the fun, Day Two brought held its own quite well, thankyouverymuch. Our attendees were out in full force, tweeting and instagramming and sharing all of the most quoteable of quotes. Quick warning: Don't click through if you are hungry. Or... do.

Of course, breakfast kicked off the day—thanks to Jamba Juice.

Exploring tasty smoothies, just in time for summer with @JambaJuice . Thanks for a great breakfast at #BlogHerFood ! pic.twitter.com/WgIhOLZ8zP

— SlowCookerRecipes (@SlowCookRecipes) May 17, 2014


Keynote: Pinterest - What's Now and What's Next?

Moderator Jory Des Jardins, BlogHer Co-Founder, talked with Christy Denney of The Girl Who Ate Everything, Julie Deily of The Little Kitchen, and Amanda Rettke of i am a baker about everyone's favorite distraction and traffic driver: Pinterest. All had important points about both consumer use and blogger use. (So don't miss this particular liveblog.)

Pro tip: a tampon(!!!) in the microwave behind your food shows the perfect amount of steam for your photo, says @iambakertweets #blogherfood

— Alyssa Galella (@woodlandalyssa) May 17, 2014

The life of a pin is ~3 months. Repinning (on different boards) is a good idea to stay current. @GrlWho8Evrythng #BlogHerFood

— Ashley Hughes (@AshleyLHughes) May 17, 2014

Don't underestimate the value of Pinners with a low following. -@TheLittleKitchn #BlogHerFood

— Sift & Whisk (Maria) (@siftandwhisk) May 17, 2014


Breakout Session #3

Turning Food Ethics into Action, a panel lead by Blog Designer, Internet Consultant, and October #Unprocessed founder Andrew Wilder, Food blogger and Sustainable Seafood Blog Project founder Jessie Johnson, Food allergy blogger and Food Allergy Bloggers Conference Founder Jenny Sprague, and Food activist and blogger Vani Hari was well tweeted. People are passionate about food ethics for many different reasons, and attendees were brought together for their own reasons with this diverse panel of speakers.

1 word for each speaker... Ethics food panel wants us to focus on - hunger, cooking, MSG, and truth in labeling. #BlogHerFood @thefoodbabe

— Caitlin Boyle (@CaitlinHTP) May 17, 2014

It's quite scary what's in our food supply, and most of us have no idea. Learning at "Turning Food Ethics into Action!" #blogherfood

— Michael Wangbickler (@mwangbickler) May 17, 2014

Lisa Leake from 100 Days of Real Food and Lisa Wells of Cook Eat Paleo lead an intensive on building community with Facebook and Pinterest.

It's ok to "be yourself and ignore the rules" when you know your audience. Great info from @100daysrealfood at #BlogHerFood in #Miami

— Jennifer Kiko (@TheFarmgirl) May 17, 2014

EITHER use text on image OR use a vertical image. -@CookEatPaleo #BlogHerFood

— Sift & Whisk (Maria) (@siftandwhisk) May 17, 2014

For our Food Demo in this breakout session, Miami native and UK transplant Carla Cancio-Bello from Cuban Cuisine UK and Cooker/eater/blogger Meseidy Rivera from The Noshery brought their own unique flavor.

Smells sooo good at the @BlogHerFood Kitchen Demo with @thenoshery - Flavors of Miami #BlogHerFood pic.twitter.com/G6lD5KJMqH

— Melissa Bailey (@hungryfoodlove) May 17, 2014

Pernil made by @thenoshery Soon to be followed by ropa vieja by @carlascb. I chose my session wisely! #BlogHerFood

— Julie Ross Godar (@Honeybeast) May 17, 2014

Hana Bieliauskas, CMA lead in intensive on social media advertising for bloggers.

Listening to @hanab08 speak on social media advertising! Such great tips! #BlogHerFood pic.twitter.com/oDUlzbDy8A

— Lauren Grier (@GrierMountain) May 17, 2014

"Budgeting Facebook advertising into a brand sponsorship package may boost ROI." -@hanab08 #BlogHerFood

— Liz Della Croce (@TheLemonBowl) May 17, 2014


Our lunch excursion was to Mary Brickell Village. We could fill eleventy pages with pictures people shared of their lunches, their friends, their food, their shopping, their quick escape to the ocean because ocean. I asked a couple of attendees if I could embed their Instagram photos here just to give you a taste (pun!) of our lunch time fun.


Workshops and demos don't come with liveblogs as they're individual and hard to follow along with verbally. But they do occasionally come with pictures from our amazing attendees.

Here's Danielle Tsi teaching a group about Indoor Lighting Tools & Techniques.

And here's Colette Martin, Jane Bonacci, and Pam Jordan giving attendees a demo about clever food substitutions for allergies.


Our closing keynote featured a topic everyone wants to know more about: brands and bloggers. Moderator Elisa Camahort Page talked with, SVP, Weber Shandwick Angelica Colantuoni, Career food blogger Joanne Ozug of Fifteen Spatulas, Baker, photographer, and writer Jocelyn Brubaker of Inside BruCrew Life, and Director of Communications, California Milk Advisory Board Jennifer Giambroni about best practices, bad ideas, and everything in between.

"Be more conversational with brands when negotiating to keep the relationship going." @angelica7641 @BlogHerFood #BlogHerFood

— Shawn (@IWashYouDry) May 17, 2014

Its one thing to complain about product fail with a brand, publicly. Its another to complain about pitch from brands publicly! #BlogHerFood

— Aimee Shugarman (@shugarysweets) May 17, 2014



'Nuff said.

We want to take a moment to thank our sponsors, our attendees, our staff, the people who didn't attend but followed along and retweeted all the things, the staff at the Hilton, the staff at Cafeina Wynwood Lounge, the airlines for rerouting everyone in the midst of a tornado warning in Miami... and anyone who touched this conference in any way. These remain the conferences YOU built and we are always so proud of how they turn out thanks to your participation.

Notes: Our liveblogs are up. Photos from Day One are up, and Day Two will be up tomorrow. We'll be bringing you video of our general sessions and keynotes in the near future.

Thank you again. It has been a joy to tweet-along with you. (Which maybe just gave me a "Happy" earworm. Sorry.) See you in San Jose for BlogHer '14!


BlogHer Editor Jenna Hatfield (@FireMom) blogs at Stop, Drop and Blog.

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