
I love Instagram. I love how I can use the different filters to make me look like less of a hag in closeups. I love how I can play with the settings and turn a "just so-so" snap into something that looks like something taken by someone who actually understands cameras.

My Instagram feed is linked to my blog's home page. I'm not really sure I've mastered the art of using it as a promotional tool because pictures of my feet, my food and my latest craft fail probably don't give someone too much of an idea what I actually write about.

But Instagram is fun.

If someone stole my phone... well, I think I would probably hyperventilate because that puppy is fused to my hand and I think my head would probably explode if I had to give it up for more than a few minutes. Because Candy Crush. And Trivia Crack. And Facebook. You get the idea.

But anyhoo... if someone got a gander at my pictures, here are 10 things I've learned from my Instagram feed that I'm sharing.

1. I make my kids get their picture taken with people dressed up like giant, fuzzy cartoon characters. Because it's cute. Fortunately, they haven't been too traumatized yet, although one of my kids did run screaming from the big Sylvester the Cat at Six Flags.

2. I am not a creative cook. I slaved away over the Jack O' Lantern sloppy joes last Halloween and no one wanted them. The hot dog meal on Styrofoam plates is more my speed. Want the recipe?

3. My kids are really cute. Duh.

4. I take random pictures of my feet. Plus, I am a real shoe ho.

5. I'm fairly adventurous and will try most things once. If someone ever offers you a cocktail made with jalapeno syrup, I recommend you pass. Just say no, people. Trust me on this one, k?

6. I am an asshole if I don't have coffee immediately upon waking, prior to any form human interaction.

7. There are a lot of pictures on Instagram of me holding various beverages.

8. I once got a Moroccan coin worth about 14 cents back as change in a burger joint in a small town in the armpit of Oklahoma. It is exactly the same size as a quarter.

I did not demand coinage worth 25 cents because... I like to have stuff that's just a little different and I think this might be lucky. I am not exactly sure where it is at this particular moment, but that isn't important.

9. I refuse to buy my kids crap or trinkets but bribe them with ice cream when we're out and about. Every time.

10. My husband drives me crazy most of the time, but he's a really great guy and I love him. It takes a special man to put up with me on a daily basis.

So there you have it: 10 things I've learned from my Instagram feed. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes I think we've gone a little technology cray cray, but I love having something so simple and portable that lets me capture these little snippets of life.

What would we learn about you from your Instagram feed?

Follow me on Instagram for more fun, and if you're not following on Facebook, too, come on over! Check out my blog Ripped Jeans and Bifocals and my Facebook page! Thanks for reading!

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