In the latest of our relocation adventures, the Armstrongs got a couch yesterday! It is lovely to have a place for everyone to sit. Today is another big milestone: Lord willing, by the end of the day, we will have the internet.
While you’re here, check out a few Kindle deals, including:
An All-Round Ministry by Charles Spurgeon—99¢
Exalting Jesus in Song of Songs by Danny Akin—$2.99
Introducing Covenant Theology by Michael Horton—$1.99
NIV Lifehacks Bible edited by Joe Carter—$3.99
Preaching to a Post-Everything World by Zack Eswine—$1.99
5 Reasons to Host a Q&A After Your Worship Service
Tim Keller:
For many years I did a question-and-answer session after each worship service. At the end of the service, just before the benediction, I would say, “Anyone who would like to ask a question about something in the sermon, or in the service, or about our church or Christianity in general—you are invited to stay and ask me those questions. Immediately after the postlude, we will conduct a 40-minute Q&A session right here down in front of the podium.”
We had anywhere from 30 to 150 people stay afterward every week.
Read Scripture: Daniel
I consistently enjoy these videos from The Bible Project:
LifeWay Leadership’s put together a pretty great looking conference for church leaders, whether senior pastors to volunteers. The early bird deadline is this Sunday so register for this event while you can.
Questions to Ask Before We Gossip
Stephen Witmer:
When we learn new information about another person, we have several options. We can speak to that person about what we’ve learned, speak to other people about it, or keep it to ourselves and speak to God. Gossip is saying behind someone’s back what we should say to their face, or not at all. But life is complex. Sometimes we must seek prayer and wisdom from godly friends when struggling with difficult relationships with a child, spouse, neighbor, co-worker, or fellow church-member. It’s in these situations that we should be particularly careful that our counsel-seeking doesn’t simply become an excuse for gossip.
99 Things More Helpful Than Ranting On Facebook
Ricky Alcantar:
What is a “rant” though? At the risk of being cute, while a rant is hard to define, we can all recognize it when we see it. The intent matters–it’s not meant really to inform or engage (especially those who think differently) but to mock, destroy, and tear down. And the form of it matters–there’s no nuance, no qualification, no care about being misunderstood.
5 Reasons I Can’t Stay Away from Student Ministry
Eric Geiger:
This summer has shown me that I can’t stay away from student ministry. I was honored to be the camp pastor at one of our FUGE camps and enjoyed spending time with students from my church family. Tonight Kaye and I are hosting a group of 12th graders from our church because, well, because we just love them and want to spend some time with them before they start their senior year. I first “cut my ministry teeth” in student ministry, and when I served as an executive pastor, I worked directly with our student pastors so I could stay close to the action. And in my role at LifeWay, I work closely with our director of student ministry. I hope always to be connected in some way to student ministry. Here are five reasons I can’t stay away.
What King David Can Teach Us About Overcoming Political Anxiety
Joe Carter:
For as long as there have been democratic elections, there have been politicians seeking to use the fears and anxieties of the people to win votes. But what has increased—and increased exponentially in the past few decades—is the rate at which we are being bombarded by such anxiety-producing political rhetoric.
Bringing back the backlist: How to listen to bad preaching without (hopefully) becoming self-righteous
But when you find yourself under a different sort of word ministry—one that uses the Bible to prove a point or as an illustration, rather than as the point—what do you do? Is there a way to listen to this sort of preaching and not become totally self-righteous?
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The post Links I Like (7/28) appeared first on Blogging Theologically.