
Kindle deals for Christian readers

Christian Focus has three new eBooks on sale until February 3rd:

New Atheism: A Survival Guide by Graham Veale—$2.99

Hope Reborn by Adrian Warnock & Tope Koleoso—$1.99

Though He Slay Me: Seeing God as Good in Suffering by Jamie Freeman—$2.99

Also on sale are:

Men of Science, Men of God by Henry Morris—$2.99

The Formation of Christian Doctrine by Malcolm Yarnell—$2.99

The Upper Room by John MacArthur—$3.99

Do Not Put a Period Where J.I. Packer Puts An Exclamation Point

Jared C. Wilson on what he found when he saw Packer’s edits to at study he wrote:

But Dr. Packer added one thin vertical pen stroke, turning my period into an exclamation point, and underlining it to show the change. It’s not’s God kindness — yawn — that leads us to repentance, but God’s kindness! Exclamation point!

How to Spot a False Teacher

Nathan Finn:

Many dangerous doctrines contradict the gospel in our own day. Some argue the gospel is about trusting God to bring about worldly prosperity. Others suggest it’s possible to accept Jesus as your Savior while ignoring his claim to lordship over your life. Increasingly, some advocate homosexual marriage, ignoring both the Scriptures and 2,000 years of Christian moral and theological reflection. Some believe Christianity boils down to serving others or fighting for social justice—good things to be sure. But they say little about sin or atonement. Dangerous doctrines come in different shapes and sizes, but they have what Danny Akin calls “heretical math”—adding to, subtracting from, multiplying, or dividing the gospel— as their common denominator.

The Woman from Kentucky

Don Carson’s message from the Bethlehem Conference for Pastors on why the new tolerance must crumble is definitely worth an hour of your time today.

Lord of the Rings (Suicide Squad edit)

This is pretty fantastic:

Yes, Your Pastor Needs a Sabbatical

Josh Ross:

My sabbatical came at a time when I needed a break. The grind of life and ministry had slowly taken its toll on me, and I felt some unhealthy emotions spreading, an unhealthy rhythm developing, and I was neglecting the very things (like spiritual disciplines) that keep me connected to the heart of God.

How Do We Lovingly Guide Church Members Away From False Teaching?

Casey Lewis:

From personal experience, I have found that many church members aren’t very discriminating about the preaching they listen to or the books they read. With so many indiscriminate readers and listeners, we are bound to see many of our fellow members following false teachers, usually unwittingly. Not only is this dangerous for their spiritual lives, but for our churches as well. We, however, aren’t to allow those who lack discernment in these areas to continue into these errors. As pastors and church members, we have a responsibility to lovingly guide them away from error.

How do we lovingly guide our members away from false teaching?

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