5 Strategies for Ministering in a Cretan Context
Thabiti Anyabwile:
Recently I read through Titus in my morning meetings with the Lord. As we met together, the Lord gave me fresh appreciation for the letter. Perhaps it’s owing to our upcoming move to DC to plant a church in what some think is a tough community. But as I read the letter, I saw more clearly the Cretan context into which the Lord sent Titus. It’s a context in which many Christians around the world labor, and a context many other Christians needlessly avoid.
The True North Luncheon @ T4G
This is something my fellow Canucks will want to attend in Louisville.
Found: God’s Will—Free for the Kindle
John MacArthur’s book is still one of the best on the subject. This deal ends today, so get it now.
And in case you missed them earlier in the week, be sure to check out these Kindle deals:
Putting Jesus in His Place: The Case for the Deity of Christ by Bowman and Komoszewski—$1.99
The Storytelling God by Jared Wilson—$5.99
Exploring Grace Together by Jessica Thompson—$4.99
Filling Up the Afflictions of Christ by John Piper—$4.99
Now That I’m a Christian by C. Michael Patton—$5.99
Joy for the World by Greg Forster—$5.99
The World Is Not Ours to Save by Tyler Wigg-Stevenson—$2.99
Jesus the Evangelist by Richard Phillips—$5.68
Rich by Peter Dickson & David Gibson—$3.99
Totally Sufficient by Ed Hindson &Howard Eyrich—$3.99
Expository Preaching with Word Pictures by Jack Hughes—$3.99
The Shape of Faith to Come by Brad Waggoner—$2.99
A Better Way by Michael Horton—$3.99
The Danger of ‘What This Really Means’
Derek Rishmawy:
When we are constantly straining to “see through” the arguments of our neighbors, we run the risk of never actually seeing them. If we’re constantly tuning our ears to the background hum of power-plays and manipulation, we’ll soon find we’re deaf to anything else. If we’re only ever listening to unmask, we’re never actually listening to understand.
How, then, can we have anything like meaningful dialogue?
Division Begins with Departure
Jared Wilson:
Christians who affirm the normative, traditional, historical, orthodox view of the Bible’s teaching on various sins are always accused of being divisive when in sticking to their affirmations they must disassociate with those who don’t.
It’s a disingenuous claim, however, since unity could have been preserved so long as the agreement did. But when one changes a mind on such matters the division has begun with them (1 Corinthians 1:10), not the one who says, “Ah, you’ve changed the rules; you’ve changed the agreement.” It would be like the adulterer calling after his wife as she’s walking out the door in anger and shame that she’s being divisive.
Get Abortion in today’s $5 Friday at Ligonier.org
Today you can get the hardcover edition of Abortion by R.C. Sproul for $5 in today’s $5 Friday sale at Ligonier.org. Other items on sale:
Acts by R.C. Sproul (ePub)
A Survey of Church History (vol 2) teaching series by W. Robert Godfrey (audio & video download)
Believing God by R.C. Sproul Jr. (ePub)
$5 Friday ends tonight at 11:59:59 PM Eastern.
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