
Do you know why people join paid forums?

Why some of the best forums are charging huge money to join them?

and Which are the best forums to join?

If you have any of the above question in your mind then be with me for few minutes and the things will start revealing.

I started blogging 2 years back and the journey all over was awesome, but I missed one thing badly that there was no one to teach me. I kept reading many forums/blogs and then connecting with the bloggers.

But the problem was still there.

No one was helping me to choose right path and literally no one was there to teach me money making methods.

It took me more than one year to understand that why people don’t help us at free of cost.

The reason was -

They have invested too much time and efforts to learn the things.

They have given everything to master the things, and they have experimented the things to get the best results.

They have invested too much money on experiments and failed many times.

In short words –  they have sacrified many things to reach at this stage.

Try to read about successful internet marketers, either he is Neil Patel, Zac Johnson, Daniel Scocco, Mohammad Mustafa or anyone, they all are in internet marketing from last 5-10 years.

Then why we want so quick success?

Our very first motto must be to learn the things and then do maximum experiments.

“You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.”
― Joel Osteen

So keep doing experiments and don’t worry about failure.

So the thing is -

They have invested time and efforts then why are they going to teach us everything at free of cost?

This was one of the things which forced me to reflect on it.

There must be any way with the help of which we can learn from these experts.

Then how can we learn from experts?

Obviously, by buying their paid courses or by joining paid forums.

Here I am going to talk about few benefits which you will get when you will join private forums.

1. World-class case studies.

Almost all paid forums are running on one big thing.

And these are case studies.

People love to share their case studies in paid forums because they have invested money as well as they can connect with more like-minded people here. There are a lot of master-mind groups which will help you get such case studies, but the quality which you are going to get in paid forums in not possible in free forums.

What is the reason?

Reason is very much obvious.

If we will release our case study (which actually take too much time to get results) in free forums then very soon it will obsolete and everyone will start using that technique to make money. There are tons of black hat forums now which provide unethical stuff and you can download almost everything at free of cost.

My question is – Can we make money by just reading books and downloading free stuff?

and answer is – NO !!

Because we download such books, softwares, plugins, use them for few days and then never check them.

But what if we have invested money in any product?

For sure we are going to use it and going to learn the methods to use it effectively.

So here come the importance of private forums.

In such forums you can ask anyone if you have any query and people will be always there to assist you.

2. Interaction with other bloggers.

Relationship in blogging is the biggest thing to get fast success.

Suppose you are going to build a blog on android niche so what will be steps which you will make to get success?

They might be -

You will write quality content on your blog.

You will optimize them perfectly from SEO point of view.

You will start commenting on other blogs to get more visibility.

You will share it on top social media sites.

You will start guest blogging to get even more exposure.

And then little traffic will start coming on your blog

So these are few methods almost everyone use to promote his/her blog.

But what if you have an online friend who is having an Android blog and attracting 50,000 visitors in a day?

He will just share your link on his blog (either in any blog post or on blogroll of blog), and your blog will go like sky-rocket.

In short – You will make relation on such forums and reap the real fruits of blogging.

3. You get premium stuff at free of cost.

I love it.

In many private forums people share their premium stuff with members so that they can enjoy them at free of cost and then write positive reviews about their products.

Here is one screenshot of WarriorForum.

You can see almost everyone is giving some free stuff for members.

You can interact with people who are providing free stuff and ask your queries.

4. You find JV partners

Almost all digital products today are getting launched in JV (Joint Venture) only.


Because you cannot handle everything alone.

You might be good in coding, you might be good in writing, but you cannot be good in everything.

So launching a product with an expert can give you much better revenue rather than launching alone. Such internet marketers have very good experience and they know very well how to sell products and how to attract other affiliate marketers to promote your product.

A true internet marketer always love to join private forums rather than free.

So in such forums you can share your idea with people and request them to become your JV partner. If they will love the idea then they will say you YES instantly.

5. You become more dedicated

“To become a master at any skill, it takes the total effort of your: heart, mind, and soul working together in tandem.”
― Maurice Young

This is a very crucial point.

We become more dedicated for the things which are paid rather than free.

You might have downloaded tons of free WSO, tons of eBooks, tons of softwares, then why are you not getting success? We download such thing with great excitement on our face like we are going to become millionaire in just few days.

And we treat them like magic wands.

Do such magic wands really works?

In my case they didn’t work.

I used to download too much stuff (like all other newbies), but things never worked positive for me.

Information overload is one of the prime factor behind our failure. We consume so much things online that we become unable to take right decision.

So when we pay for anything then we become more dedicated to get most from them and to achieve maximum value for money. We spend more time to learn the things and then do experiments with more confidence.

So, which are the forums which we can join?

Till now you have understood the importance of private forums.

You next questions might be – which are the best forum to join?

Here I am going to list few forums which I have joined and few which I am going to join soon.

Note: I have included free as well as paid forums in the list.

Internet marketing forums

Warrior Forum

Site Point

Quick Sprout Forum

Niche Site Dual



IM Grind

These are few forums which I have joined and learning a lot of things from experts.

Join them now and see quick results by learning from experts.

Final Words

Now you know the benefits of private forums and I am confident that you are going to join few of them very soon. I can guarantee that this money as well as time will be one of the best investment you will make to grow your business.

Over to you.

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One quote :- 

It’s very important to realize that influential people share content because it increases their influence with their audience.

So share it with open heart.

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