
There are billions of Blog user currently actively using Google Blogger Platform for managing their site. But there are also huge complain about Blogger platform. Some people are say that this is not compatible for their browser and operating systems. Some users are saying that there are many limitations on Blogger platform. This is true that there are some minor limitations on Blogger platform but I personally feel comfort by using Blogging platform.

When I open my Blogger dashboard in Mobile device then I see a message like below-

The browser we detected is unsupported and may result in unexpected behavior. Please choose from our list of supported browsers for the best experience.

This means blogger may not compatible in our current Browsers. But Google has provided complete list of Browsers to get best experience from Blogger. The list has given below-

In this chart we can see Google Chrome is giving better user experience in All operating system.  Safari 4+ and Internet Explorer 9 and 10 both version having poor compatibility. For best results, you should turn off Compatibility View in Internet Explorer 9. Comparatively Firefox support on most of the operating system except Mac OSX 10.3.9 and its former versions.

Though who are thinking that Blogger platform is not compatible for their browser and operating systems they should have this clear idea about Google Blogger platform compatibility. It will be wise decision to use Google chrome if you are a owner of Blogger's Blog site.

There are many developers those who develop widget for Blogger user. But they should test their widget in Google chrome first to get the best view and compatibility. But if you test your widget in incompatible browsers like  Safari 4+ and Internet Explorer while developing  then you will see malfunction.  But same widget with same coding working fine in Google Chrome. I always prefer Blogger default template to test the widget and use Google chrome and Firefox to see the compatibility.

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